Wierd monitor problem [ ADI Microscan G500 ]

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I have a wierd problem with my new monitor attached to the system ( only one can be attached momentainly cause I don't have VGA& DVI now ) .

Works only on post .. I mean the image appears and while windows is " entering " the monitor is on ( & plugged ) but no image appears .. I've tried also to change rez. & also tried it in safe mode but no luck .

Any ideeas ? Cheers , Cosmin ..

I've attached also a pic with it .. to know about which model I am talking about


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Sounds like a refresh rate problem to me - I dunno how to fix it if you can't even boot into safe mode, all I can suggest, is a reformat, and see what happens !!!

I've found that ADI montiors (Specially my ADI Microscan I600) are very particular to the refresh rate you choose :(

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Updated Information

I've tried also to setup some brightness & contrast and surprise : worked but not perfect ..

The image is so dark and poor quality , as 8 bit even is set to 32

- if I increase rez. the image get's darker

- the only rez. that seems to be " near ' normal ( but isn't ) it's 800x600 ..

- I've unninstaled from pc the AOC drivers and installed the latest from ADi

Any ideeas about these ?

the contrast & brightness is set to the highest level

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