Justin Bieber to be prosecuted ?

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If the L.A. Country Sherriff's Department gets its way, they plan to push for Bieber to be prosecuted for spitting on his neighbor, according to a TMZ report on March 30.

The incident involved eyewitnesses claiming that Bieber spit on a neighbor in a "fit of anger," although Bieber denies the incident. This came about when the neighbor went to Bieber's house to complain about him allegedly driving his Ferrari at high speeds in the gated community, endangering the residents there.

Bieber allegedly flipped out, spit in the neighbor's face and then threatened to kill him. Bieber denied these allegations but there is now a chance for Bieber to be prosecuted as a landscaper working beside the house came forward and said he saw Bieber spit in the neighbor's face.

The victim was a 47-year-old father of three who lived there for 10 years and that makes sense when considering he was angry as the reckless driving. Now, the police want Bieber to be prosecuted because of his "disregard for the law," including speeding tickets, fights, reckless driving, drugs allegations and more.

According to TMZ, the Sherriff's Department wants Bieber to be prosecuted, not to put him in jail, but to force him to get held to prevent the "dangerous path" they see him headed down.


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It's not fame that's caused this, he's trying to be a gangsta cos he's hanging about with rappers, please God, send him to jail for a couple of months and wake him up.

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Wait til someone knocks on your door.

If someone knocks on your door you spit in their face and threaten to kill them? In that case you need anger management. Also they had the right to knock on his door if it's true he did high speeds in a closed community, so what just because he is famous rules don't apply to him or when he hits someone with his "ferrari" it somehow won't be his fault? This arrogant **** should be lucky the father didn't hit him upside the head for this kind of ****.

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There's no way he'll go to jail. Famous people don't go to jail, especially in los angeles, look how many times lindsay lohan has escaped going to jail. Bieber has already committed many crimes, nothing will happen to him except possibly anger management classes. Chris dorner was right about how corrupt the LAPD is, then they set fire to him to silence him.

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It's not fame that's caused this, he's trying to be a gangsta cos he's hanging about with rappers, please God, send him to jail for a couple of months and wake him up.

Quoted for ultimate truth. My little brother was EXACTLY the same. Hanging around with black lads, into black music and culture. Nothing wrong with that at all, except he then had to act the biggest **** in the world to prove himself. Seen it first hand. And yes, thankfully prison (and a fiancee who doesn't tolerate his crap) straightened him out!

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It's not fame that's caused this, he's trying to be a gangsta cos he's hanging about with rappers, please God, send him to jail for a couple of months and wake him up.

It's not even that. She's just on her period.
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You never had a ferrari either. :p

So having a Ferrari gives you the ultimate "card" to act like a ****ing moron? Yeah, thanks, in that case I don't even want one.

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he wont even see a court room he will pay the guy off and it will be dropped sadly

I don't think money would be a problem for this guy. He's been living in one of the most posh parts of LA for the last ten years which means that, unlike Bieber, he comes from old money. He can probably afford the best legal aid there is if he wants to fight it to death.

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Im sorta conflicted. While I would love nothing more than to see him in a jail, we know he never will see it for more then ten minutes, just look at Lindsay Lohan. But lets say he does get jailed, That will just add to his "Street Cred" and he might become even more douchey, and more wanna be gangsterish.

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mah. i long time thought if this thread deserves an answer from me. so, while i think that some photoshopped bieber images circulating arround the web are hot, this guy is neither meat nor fish. not hot or cold. he is a bit like obama. everyone talks about him, he is hyped overwhelmingly, but if you look close, you don't get whats the fascination with.

for the junk, i'd go with corey haim

for the style i'd go with the blackout crew

for idolism i'd go with mitt romney

bieber is like alonso on f1. always an 8.5 of 10 and close to the deal, but only close... and never succeeds...

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Honestly, I doubt he will be jailed. This is California right? They have enough issues bringing in money to the government. Why would they jail someone that brings in millions in tax dollars? Same goes for any other high profile celeb. Not saying it is right, but you have to wonder if that is part of the reason the government turns a blind eye to them.

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