Just how many people hate Windows 8?

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That's an interesting statement. Is it hacked together? Absolutely. Is it poorly designed? I'm not so sure, ask again after a few point releases.

It is poorly designed for a desktop, but they have shown signs they are going to work on that.

Yea with updates things could improve, I'm mainly describing what I see from the RTM release we have right now, they might very well make it great, I doubt it if they stick to their 'Mix touch with normal' ideas, but they might.

They need to remove their "All users are stupid" mindset and give us back control of our OS, we've all done fine using windows for the past xx years, why suddenly do we need windows to think for us ?

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Yea with updates things could improve, I'm mainly describing what I see from the RTM release we have right now, they might very well make it great, I doubt it if they stick to their 'Mix touch with normal' ideas, but they might.

They need to remove their "All users are stupid" mindset and give us back control of our OS, we've all done fine using windows for the past xx years, why suddenly do we need windows to think for us ?

I guess we should all consider allowing Windows to send feedback on how we use computers if they're going to be basic decisions this monumental on that. They clearly have designed using some skewed research data.

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I guess we should all consider allowing Windows to send feedback on how we use computers if they're going to be basic decisions this monumental on that. They clearly have designed using some skewed research data.

Maybe that's the problem, I always disable the customer improvement setting, so if all of us with a clue have been doing that, and only the n00bs have left it enabled.....

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Only noobs who don't know how to operate a PC hate Windows 8.

Windows 8 is the fastest most stable best looking operating system ever released.

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I didn't have any difficulties "getting it" once I actually started using it. I don't doubt that you found it unintuitive, any UI will always have people who find it unintuitive.

You don't have any problem with how Windows 8 handles searches ?

I find it hard to believe personally.

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Only noobs who don't know how to operate a PC hate Windows 8.

Windows 8 is the fastest most stable best looking operating system ever released.

Nice generalization... Grow up...

And on a SSD, 8 is no faster than anything else. And being that 8 is new and many drivers haven't been updated for it, it's absolutely not the most stable OS. Use facts, please...

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Only noobs who don't know how to operate a PC hate Windows 8.

Windows 8 is the fastest most stable best looking operating system ever released.


I'm guessing you thought Vista was great too

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I think this thread has informed me what I had already guessed and I find it similar to the initial response against Windows XP and the Office 2007 ribbon.

The root cause is simply that people don't like the interface talking down to them. People complained of the "Fisher Price" UI when Windows XP came out. People got used to it and eventually didn't see the talking down any more. Nowadays people talk of Windows XP as a great release - "Windows as it should be".

Same happened when they simplified the whole UI mess of Office. A lot of its detractors seemed happier with Office 2010 when the colour was changed from blue to grey!

I bet when 8.1 happens we'll see a lot more "Ahh - this is what I really wanted!". Just like Vista and 7.

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Yea with updates things could improve, I'm mainly describing what I see from the RTM release we have right now, they might very well make it great, I doubt it if they stick to their 'Mix touch with normal' ideas, but they might.

They need to remove their "All users are stupid" mindset and give us back control of our OS, we've all done fine using windows for the past xx years, why suddenly do we need windows to think for us ?

In what way does Windows 8 suggest we're stupid?

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In what way does Windows 8 suggest we're stupid?

If you haven't figured it out by now, it's obviously been designed for a very specific type of person and does its job well.

The rest of us don't need it explaining to them

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I love my Surface RT. But I tried Windows 8 on a non-touch PC in a vm, for a few weeks. I didn't like it. May be better with a touch monitor. But I didn't like it just using a mouse and keyboard.

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Only noobs who don't know how to operate a PC hate Windows 8.

Windows 8 is the fastest most stable best looking operating system ever released.

Please refrain from posting anymore in this thread, the adults are trying to have a reasonable conflab :p

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Please refrain from posting anymore in this thread, the adults are trying to have a reasonable conflab :p

Yea adults, old farts who dont know anything about Windows or technology, its a fact Windows 8 is very well optimized and superior to Windows 7 in every possible way. You old fart knockers just like to cling to old things and bitch about some modern metro ui thingy that you dont even need to use or look at if you don't want to!

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It's a marvel of modern technology!

So is some of the Rainmeter skins :D

I think this thread has informed me what I had already guessed and I find it similar to the initial response against Windows XP and the Office 2007 ribbon.

The root cause is simply that people don't like the interface talking down to them. People complained of the "Fisher Price" UI when Windows XP came out. People got used to it and eventually didn't see the talking down any more.

Just on this point, I think XP was and still is the most skinned and modified UI EVER!

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Yea adults, old farts who dont know anything about Windows or technology, its a fact Windows 8 is very well optimized and superior to Windows 7 in every possible way. You old fart knockers just like to cling to old things and bitch about some modern metro ui thingy that you dont even need to use or look at if you don't want to!

Please stop. I do not deny the advantages in Windows 8 (which is why I am still using it), but it is not better than Windows 7 in EVERY possible way.

Also, it takes a lot of work in order to not see the metro ui. Something that Windows 7 does not require of its users.

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Please stop. I do not deny the advantages in Windows 8 (which is why I am still using it), but it is not better than Windows 7 in EVERY possible way.

Also, it takes a lot of work in order to not see the metro ui. Something that Windows 7 does not require of its users.

If people arn't comfortable with finding simple tweaks to customize the OS to their liking such as the simple reg tweak that boots straight to desktop they shouldn't even be using PC computers. Technology is for people with half a brain not dimwits who can't comprehend how to click a tile labeled Desktop or apply a simple tweak.

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Linux will never be more than a tinker toy. Linux lacks everything needed to become a mainstream OS.



Give me a BREAK!

Man, I have lost all respect for you.. I understand that you love windows and you work for Microsoft.. so you are naturally going to defend them.. I was just joking around with at first.. not even sure if you even seen any of my post.. but anyway..

To slam linux like that just shows how little you know..

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If people arn't comfortable with finding simple tweaks to customize the OS to their liking such as the simple reg tweak that boots straight to desktop they shouldn't even be using PC computers.....

This thread has sunken to depths of now being rather useless.

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Give me a BREAK!

Man, I have lost all respect for you.. I understand that you love windows and you work for Microsoft.. so you are naturally going to defend them.. I was just joking around with at first.. not even sure if you even seen any of my post.. but anyway..

To slam linux like that just shows how little you know..

An operating system being torn in ten million different directions by ten million different people doing ten million different things will never have a shot at becoming a mainstream supported OS.

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An operating system being torn in ten million different directions by ten million different people doing ten million different things will never have a shot at becoming a mainstream supported OS.

I was referring to the "tinker toy" part. Linux is much much more than a tinker toy.. Is it going to replace Windows? No. But is much more than just a "toy"

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If you haven't figured it out by now, it's obviously been designed for a very specific type of person and does its job well.

The rest of us don't need it explaining to them

Windows 8 is targeted to all Windows users.

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I was referring to the "tinker toy" part. Linux is much much more than a tinker toy.. Is it going to replace Windows? No. But is much more than just a "toy"

If it was a toy, it would have a much better shot at becoming a mainstream OS :p Even FreeBSD has it's place, particularly with security appliances.

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