Just how many people hate Windows 8?

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I think 'yet' is the missing word here, all OSs will slow down to some extent the more you install, but with proper maintenance you can keep them running at a decent speed, my Win 7 still runs very quickly with over a TB of programs/games installed

What do you mean by maintenance like installing third party registry cleaners?, well they help at first then you start to realize that these programs making your OS even slower and end of the day you uninstall it.

AS far as games goes they don't slow down your computers, I don't think games need lot services to run and games don't have lot of registry to write so they don't leave traces after being uninstalled.

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Ok buddy, you keep telling yourself that, the rest of us will continue to live in the real world

I love how you don't know how to respond sensibly but can't just keep you hands still. A common problem that W8 haters have apparently. It's not like I am the only one that lives in this magical dreamland where the OS starts up faster and that's all that matters day in, day out.

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What do you mean by maintenance like installing third party registry cleaners?, well they help at first then you start to realize that these programs making your OS even slower and end of the day you uninstall it.

AS far as games goes they don't slow down your computers, I don't think games need lot services to run and games don't have lot of registry to write so they don't leave traces after being uninstalled.

3rd party reg cleaners cause more problems than anything else, just general maintenance like running a decent disk defrag on a regular schedule, not installing crap, making sure things are uninstalled properly etc etc

Not difficult to keep a machine running smoothly.

I love how you don't know how to respond sensibly but can't just keep you hands still. A common problem that W8 haters have apparently. It's not like I am the only one that lives in this magical dreamland where the OS starts up faster and that's all that matters day in, day out.

Congratulations, you managed to make it to my iggy list.

Bored of you now.

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Well I haven't used windows 7 since september and I don't want to use it either, My biggest problem with windows 7 is that it gets slower with more programs you install, I unchecked all the startup options, disabled all third party services no antivirus and yes no virus either, used windows basic theme, frequently restarted(I don't usually shut down my computer for weeks) and nothing changed, I often reinstalled my windows to get better and faster feeling but that's not the case with windows 8, all I can say win8 is still running at same speed as it did the first day I installed.

Well I haven't used windows 7 since september and I don't want to use it either, My biggest problem with windows 7 is that it gets slower with more programs you install, I unchecked all the startup options, disabled all third party services no antivirus and yes no virus either, us

This will happen with any version of windows. At this stage You've only had Windows 8 installed since it RTM'ed so come back in 2 years and let us known how it's running. At this point all 5 of my computers and the 2 I gave my parents all have SSD's as their primary boot drive. With an SSD, the difference between 8 and 7, you might be shaving milliseconds off.

Oh yes, I can because the end result is the same. My PC is turned completely off. I press the power button. And with W8 I'm faster where I want to be while W7 doesn't offer this kind of fast boot. It's not like I am comparing Sleep vs Cold boot, we're talking about a new, exclusive feature that saves me a few seconds every day.

ed windows basic theme, frequently restarted(I don't usually shut down my computer for weeks) and nothing changed, I often reinstalled my windows to get better and faster feeling but that's not the case with windows 8, all I can say win8 is still running at same speed as it did the first day I installed.

I would be more impressed with the startup time of windows 8 after a shut down if it wasn't using some form of hibernation to achieve such great boot times. Some old people I know ONLY shut their computer off, they never do a restart. So because the computer never really does get a true reboot they may run into some issues after a while.

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From a completely cold boot the process for windows 8 compared to windows 7 is pretty much identical. Boot Loader -> Kernel + HAL (not used yet) -> Registry Hive into memory -> Paging -> Kernel Starts (services and drivers, ect) -> Session Manager (including csrss.exe and winlogon.exe, etc) -> Winlogon then starts Services subsystem, LSA, userinit.exe and explorer -> Other stuff.

/Roughly i think ;) Maybe tweaked it is, but noticable it is not!

Don`t get me wrong, i`m not a win 8 hater, it seems rushed and needs time to be refined, but from a totally non hibernation state i see no difference. Also while were at it has anyone seen a bug whereby your extracting many files to one folder. If you keep the folder being extracted to open the extraction rate drops dramatically as the folder is refreshed ( it moves onto the next .rar in the sequence)?

Maybe it`s just with 7zip.

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Too many people hate Windows 8. In fact, too many people hate operating systems to begin with. Windows 8 may be halfway baked, but it was a necessary step to give Microsoft a foothold in the mobile market. I predict some Linux distros may follow this "mobilification" to an extent. Microsoft needs to create a different lifecyle policy, and do as Ubuntu does with LTS type releases. Provide security updates for OSs like XP and 7 for a while (they did with XP), and shorten the support for OSs like Vista and 8. I run Windows 8 and it's OK, but I wouldn't want to run it when Windows Blue and Windows 9 come out. I give them credit for trying, but if I were them I would encourage the sales of Windows 7 and only market 8 at tablet users and power users (people willing to experiment) until Windows Blue or 9 comes out. Then I would refine Windows and listen to customers. That way they can sell new PCs without constantly trashing their reputation. Technology needs to change, but I don't think the average user should be using Windows 8 on a non-touch device.

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Too many people hate Windows 8. In fact, too many people hate operating systems to begin with.

Indeed. Why limit your hate to Windows 8 when you can share the hate with every other operating system as well? Share the hate, guys!

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1. Because its smoke and mirrors

2. No its not

My boot was fast with 7, SSD :), but I must say it feels just a bit faster in 8, and I never have a delay enumerating icons, not even those pinned to the superbar.

I think in general, it enumerates all my devices faster, but that is most likely the native USB 3.0 drivers. :::shrug::: I also use msconfig to enable all CPU cores during boot, and while the system is supposed to use them all, I swear it feels faster when you manually enable them with msconfig. That for 7 and 8.

Too many people hate Windows 8.

Mac vs PC & PS3 vs Xbox is hate. Windows 8, is frustration.

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My boot was fast with 7, SSD :), but I must say it feels just a bit faster in 8, and I never have a delay enumerating icons, not even those pinned to the superbar.

I think in general, it enumerates all my devices faster, but that is most likely the native USB 3.0 drivers. :::shrug::: I also use msconfig to enable all CPU cores during boot, and while the system is supposed to use them all, I swear it feels faster when you manually enable them with msconfig. That for 7 and 8.

Mac vs PC & PS3 vs Xbox is hate. Windows 8, is frustration.

Waiting for 1TB SSDs to be available and affordable :)

To be honest I rarely even see my machine boot, I can see it being handy for laptops and tablets if you're out and about and need some info quickly, but I just come downstairs in the morning, hit power, and go get washed and make a cuppa, by the time i'm done getting ready, its all booted and ready to use anyway, so my computer booting in 3 seconds makes as little difference to me as it would if it took 5 minutes to boot

Plus since Win 7, I don't remember the last time I had to reboot during the day, my machine is on from morning to night without a reboot unless there are some updates or something bugging me to restart

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Plus since Win 7, I don't remember the last time I had to reboot during the day, my machine is on from morning to night without a reboot unless there are some updates or something bugging me to restart

I agree with all. Except this. I had to reboot a lot because in Windows 7 ACPI is hit an miss. Appears to be rock solid in 8. I don't have to shutdown or restart unless I'm doing something in BIOS or an install requires it. The reliable ACPI does have major enterprise implications for those wanting to be as green as possible. But those are boring things, I'd rather rant about how bad the Music apps is, it's just too horrible to accept until a major overhaul :)

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I agree with all. Except this. I had to reboot a lot because in Windows 7 ACPI is hit an miss. Appears to be rock solid in 8. I don't have to shutdown or restart unless I'm doing something in BIOS or an install requires it. The reliable ACPI does have major enterprise implications for those wanting to be as green as possible. But those are boring things, I'd rather rant about how bad the Music apps is, it's just too horrible to accept until a major overhaul :)

What problems to you have with ACPI in 7 ?

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What problems to you have with ACPI in 7 ?

System no sleep, if did, no wake, sometimes externals no wake, sometimes Bluetooth no wake. Random. Just works in 8, same hardware. Well that one's gone now but it worked before I sold it and works on new system without a hitch as well.

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System no sleep, if did, no wake, sometimes externals no wake, sometimes Bluetooth no wake. Random. Just works in 8, same hardware. Well that one's gone now but it worked before I sold it and works on new system without a hitch as well.

Ah, my system is powered on > used all day > powered off, so if there is problems with ACPI in 7, they wouldn't bother me.

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Ah, my system is powered on > used all day > powered off, so if there is problems with ACPI in 7, they wouldn't bother me.

ACPI is always config dependent. There's millions of driver and peripherals, which is why Windows itself is such a marvel. But it's pretty dang solid in 8. Seriously, with the fixes being shown in Blue, I say give it a couple more revisions, at least 8.2 though they may go from 8.1 to 9, which is just conceding 8 is kind of jacked up. Fix up some stuff and release some great Modern UI apps and all will be forgiven.

Funny thing is though, Ms. Splosion man an XBLA hit from MS Studios, was just release on Steam and Games for Windows Live. WTF???? No Modern UI Xbox for Windows version? R U Kidding Me?

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Funny thing is though, Ms. Splosion man an XBLA hit from MS Studios, was just release on Steam and Games for Windows Live. WTF???? No Modern UI Xbox for Windows version? R U Kidding Me?

Well, 50% of Steam is on Windows 7, plus I think MS cut some deal with Valve a while back to get more of their games on the service. They've been floating around the Valve rumor pool for a long time.

Plus, controller support. Honestly, for all of the complaining Valve did, it really looks like MS only has interest in putting games in the Windows Store which are already on tablets elsewhere.

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Well, 50% of Steam is on Windows 7, plus I think MS cut some deal with Valve a while back to get more of their games on the service. They've been floating around the Valve rumor pool for a long time.

Plus, controller support. Honestly, for all of the complaining Valve did, it really looks like MS only has interest in putting games in the Windows Store which are already on tablets elsewhere.

Don't really have a problem with the Steam release. Their base can't be denied. It's going GFWL and not Xbox for Windows 8. It could have used a quality game(s) and other quality apps. That's half the problem. All of Microsoft IS NOT on the same page.

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Don't really have a problem with the Steam release. Their base can't be denied. It's going GFWL and not Xbox for Windows 8. It could have used a quality game(s) and other quality apps. That's half the problem. All of Microsoft IS NOT on the same page.

Ah, gotcha. Yeah, it's surprising considering GWFL barely works from Steam in Windows 8. I mean, it wasn't great in 7 either, but it usually ran.

That said, I still suspect that a lot of these upcoming Steam releases were ported and done a long, long time ago, and MS just held on to them until they had no real life on the Xbox.

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Right.... and you clearly have plenty of "facts" to offer up...

My Xonar sound card driver is still in beta for Win 8 and has occasional static problems. Good for you that everything has been updated on your side, but the facts are that they haven't been updated across the board.

Ugh, Xonar, Asus who was supposed to save everyone from the horrible drivers of Creative, only to be far worse than they ever where while Creative actually turned fairly good on their end instead. how many people didn't get screwed over buying that Xonar crap. like me. But hey, at least they had pretty lights at the back....

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Ugh, Xonar, Asus who was supposed to save everyone from the horrible drivers of Creative, only to be far worse than they ever where while Creative actually turned fairly good on their end instead. how many people didn't get screwed over buying that Xonar crap. like me. But hey, at least they had pretty lights at the back....

Haha, oh god I remember the old Audigy cards from back in the day. There were hacked drivers that enabled surround sound, whereas the actual drivers from Creative disabled surround for whatever reason. I had an HT Omega for a while, but their driver support seemed to be pretty poor and their control software was crap. The Xonar card I have now is phenomenal (at least on Windows 7). Best sound I've had on my Klipsch Ultra's. But yeah they seem to also have crappy driver support since 8 came out.

Is there any company out there that does a good job with driver updates? :/

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Nah, Xonar has had crap driver support on 7 either. due to the slow and lackluster driver release on the Xonar for 7 there was a project for a hacked driver started for that as well. So much promised so little delivered.

Creative does a good job nowadays. Today I don't use discrete anymore, my desktop computer I bought a gamer board with built in X-Fi card, so it's semi discrete. not as good as discrete but you won't notice a difference there. on my HTPC I had to switch to a graphics card with build in sound card in the HDMI.

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Creative does a good job nowadays.

Not really, you should thank Microsoft (and Intel with HD audio) that kicked every sound card maker in the nuts with Vista forcing them to drop most of their horrible machine-crashing kernel code. Creative is still releasing the same bloated POS softwares now, but at least they don't crash the machine nearly as often.

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Yeah. but Creative is still the only high quality sound card maker that has stable drivers and updates them to at least keep up with the OS. personally I don't need new drivers every month, or week, and prefer not having to update drivers all the time. But I wouldn't lump any of the HD Audio cards with Creative as far as quality goes certainly not on hardware, as for drivers... sure they may release drivers more often, but that's because they have to ;)

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