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Hello Neowinians,

I built a new rig about a month ago, and have been VERY pleased with it's performance. Here are the main specs:

- AMD A10-5800k Trinity 3.8GHz (4.2 GHz Turbo) Socket FM2 100W Quad-Core CPU

- MSI FM2-A85XA-G65 ATX AMD Mobo

- 8GB (2x4GB) G.SKILL Sniper Series DDR3 1866 (PC3-14900) RAM

- Intel 520 Series Cherryville 120GB SATA III SSD

The OS and gaming performance are very good, and the WEI index was pretty good as well:


When I was going through reviews of the AMD A10, I realized I could pair it with a second graphics card and get an 80% improvement, so I bought a top-rated video card of the chipset suggested by AMD for the AMD A10-5800k, which was this one:

It arrived last night and I got it installed, drivers installed/updated, BIOS set correctly for dual-graphics, and then ran the WEI again. Unfortunately, this is what I got:


So I am just very confused as to why my score would drop so dramatically with a secondary video card installed, especially when my performance was supposed to go up 80%. Has anyone else here run into the same issue? Is it normal for the WEI score to drop instead of go up? I was expecting so much more after installing the second card, especially with the "Gaming Graphics" score, but at this rate I wonder if I should abandon the "dual-graphics" option with this system.

Your thoughts are very welcome right now!


It may be because on such configurations the APU tends to lower frequencies of its GPU, to have a more eficient and less watt hungry PC, that only happens on the desktop not on games, to configure how cards must be used you must select "configure switchable graphics" with the catalyst control center.

Thanks for the replies, all. Maybe I should do some Gaming benchmarking with the new card and without. I guess that would paint a much different picture. Any suggestion on what program to use for the benchmarking?


msi say that the dual graphics works best with Support AMD Radeon HD 7670 / 7570 / 7470 graphics card it might not work at its finest with your 6670

there is somethings i really find odd.For once the installed driver seems older. the bandwidth is low the pci-e is seems x8 which seems wrong.

what is your experience whith bios setup(now named uefi)? can you set the pcix16?

install driver from (the opencl is not checked this seems strange the driver whas from the windows update?).

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