What's the name of your Wi-fi?

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A few 'groaners' I've had are

  • "Drop_it_like_its_hotspot"
  • NSA_Report_Station_3715 (password was "admin") - wanted to see if anyone got into it. I'm not actually awful with passwords, promise.
  • I_Gotchu_Fam (no password on this one)
  • Access_to_kitten_pics (no password on this one either)

I've had a few others over the years but these are the gems I've set up in the last couple places I've had the ability to, always a good laugh when I log into a friends wifi with a name I've given it. Names depend on password protection too (sort of) but I don't put a whole lot of thought into it for the most part.

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On 12/11/2015 at 11:49 AM, Mur said:

A few 'groaners' I've had are

  • "Drop_it_like_its_hotspot"
  • NSA_Report_Station_3715 (password was "admin") - wanted to see if anyone got into it. I'm not actually awful with passwords, promise.
  • I_Gotchu_Fam (no password on this one)
  • Access_to_kitten_pics (no password on this one either)

I've had a few others over the years but these are the gems I've set up in the last couple places I've had the ability to, always a good laugh when I log into a friends wifi with a name I've given it. Names depend on password protection too (sort of) but I don't put a whole lot of thought into it for the most part.


May I ask why the under scores?


Mine was Speed Hog.

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23 hours ago, Royalty said:


May I ask why the under scores?


Mine was Speed Hog.

Went though a "stage" with naming conventions. I still am now but it was a particular phase.

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Router: Cosmic Cube


2.4GHz: Red Skull

5GHz: Hail Hydra 



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  • 1 month later...

RCMP Van is my Wi-Fi name.    I am certain no one is every going to try to hack it, even though they know I am joking ;)

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29 minutes ago, E.worm Jimmy said:

RCMP Van is my Wi-Fi name.    I am certain no one is every going to try to hack it, even though they know I am joking ;)

pffffft like the VPD are much of a threat. I've seen how much work they don't do along Hastings ;) 

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  • 4 months later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

mine is pottytoes, always has been always will cos of this.......



my mum has the same laugh and accent, cracks me up everytime!

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I've recently changed mine to:


2.4Ghz - Whatchatalkinaboutwillis

5 Ghz - HeyHomieICanSeeYourDoodle


For a week I had them set to: WhenAreYouMovingOut


My son was moving out but stayed an extra week... 

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