Xbox: A New Generation Revealed

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So this generation will be playing catch up to the pc then? I'm seeing nothing here that impresses me in the slightest.

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Existing PC gamer's I think will have a hard time getting interested in this, I know I am, but theres alot of cool features on the Xbox One that may interest me enough.

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Couldn't you already control the XBox with Voice Commands and Kinect? I do not know as I do not own it, so I am genuinely asking.

So unless I am missing something, they have just expanded on all of that correct? With the TV stuff, etc? They basically refined what they already were doing?

So no one can answer this??

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Don't think i'll be getting any console but looked neat. And I'm all for it using the windows kernel! Maybe ports will be better from now on :D

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I was watching the gameplay video on the COD Ghosts and the forest textures looks meh. Though i'll wait until I get a 1080p trailer download. Nothing looked much better than Tomb Raider on the PC

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All Sony has to do is be true about the system and footage shown, not treat the customers like they are stupid, and they will have this in the bag. Especially if they can still offer PSN free and keep the PSN + model going.

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So no one can answer this??

They're marketing this to homes that don't play games and that are still using their set top boxes. The design of the box itself isn't intimidating in order to sell in mass volume.

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Microsoft is going after the living room, and from what was seen today, has a solid start. This isn't just about gaming anymore, and hasn't been for a while.

Somewhere, Tim Cook is crying, and Kazuo Hirai is throwing chairs.

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So the next generation is going to come down to just how important people beleive all of these other features are going to be.

if they are not important to you, go with a PS4, as Sony's focus seems to be much more game heavy.

if they are important, clearly the XBox One (horrible name, it really is) is the better console for you, as it will also play games. but exactly how much will Live be to do all the features? Will the PSN still be free? Etc. Etc.

Both consoles are going to play games obviously.

So it really comes down to how important this other stuff is.

Hopefully rest of the day brings more details than this waste of a show. The wired article includes more information in first few paragraphs than the entire show!

Box is same size as 360 but squarish.

Controller apparently uses built-in batteries instead of AAs (instant dislike!)

So no one can answer this??

I think the newer one will be better at voice with the "cloud" behind it. That's how Google NOW / SIri work. Current version is pretty limited in capability.

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Woah 60fps at 1080p? This is insane /s

The Xbox 360 mostly hits 30 FPS at 640/720, so 60 FPS at 1080p is just fine, even for next gen.

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So no one can answer this??

Yes you have voice commands now but are pretty basic. The turn on/off is new and he used plenty of commands that currently do not exist.

I don't get it. So what is it that people were expecting that did not get?

With E3 and Build coming up I have to believe anyone with a neuron in their brain would expect most of the details to come down later and today would be mostly generalities.

Also, I guess alone again, but I like the name. Xbox One.

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Microsoft is going after the living room, and from what was seen today, has a solid start. This isn't just about gaming anymore, and hasn't been for a while.

Somewhere, Tim Cook is crying, and Kazuo Hirai is throwing chairs.

Correction... Steve Ballmer is still throwing chairs :p

Xbox Juan.

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A new 500-GB hard drive was designed in-house, likewise a custom-built Blu-ray?capable optical drive. A single 40-nanometer chip contains both the CPU and GPU rather than the two dedicated 90-nm chips needed in the 360. In fact, a custom SOC (system on a chip) module made by AMD contains the CPU/GPU chip, the memory, the controller logic, the DRAM, and the audio processors, and connects directly to the heat sink via a phase-change interface material. Whew.
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I don't get it. So what is it that people were expecting that did not get?

This is exactly what I'm wondering.

I don't care about the COD or Halo crap, and the chassis design isn't anything magical, but overall, it looked really great.

Of course Xbox will be as solid as the PS4 in the games department, but it looks to offer so much more, which is why they focused on it.

E3 is where games will be focused on anyway.

Sony will really have to pull something revolutionary out of their ass to get any attention.

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Its not anymore so than current gen consoles.

That's the problem. People don't want more of the same! Gaming was doomed when it became popular.

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Not bad. when switching between gaming, tv, movies etc is this all content that's available on the XBOX? The guy in the beginning said the XBOX had capabilities of switching between inputs on the TV?

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