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ya, what did happen to that clan??? what lvl did it get 2??

ive posted a bit back, but heres my stuff again

GT - PiZzA mOnStEr

Games - Mostly just Halo 2, but the occasional PGR2 With my old buddy The Commish 16, if u want a good time and have PGR2 add him, and tell him i told ya 2 :p

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  • 2 weeks later...

GT- xA11ahxAkhbaRx (it means god is great in arabic :happy: )

mostly play halo2, brought my rank down from 25 to 21 cause i couldn't get it any higher so i got it lower now i'm getting it higher w00t.

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What happened to the Neowin clan(for Halo 2)? I never got an invite


ya, what did happen to that clan??? what lvl did it get 2??

ive posted a bit back, but heres my stuff again

GT - PiZzA mOnStEr

Games - Mostly just Halo 2, but the occasional PGR2 With my old buddy The Commish 16, if u want a good time and have PGR2 add him, and tell him i told ya 2 :p


Crip Walk you probably didn?t receive an invite because blackice912 doesn?t have much time to play Halo 2 anymore but that doesn?t mean that the clan is dead and burred.

In the mean time If you want you could add your GameTag to Neowin's Clan group page here's the Link.


Edited by D,Ranged
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Crip Walk you probably didn?t receive an invite because blackice912 doesn?t have much time to play Halo 2 anymore but that doesn?t mean that the clan is dead and burred.

In the mean time If you want you could add your GameTag to Neowin's Clan group page here's the Link.



Thanks but I already posted my gamertag and I still didn't get an in:/te. :/

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But in the mean time if you would like to join our bungie clan site here please do and i'll sort out sending you a invite.

- D,Ranged -

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hey is there any other fees other than the the money for the starter pack? if so, how much? can u use dsl for a connection provider?

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Anyone at Neowin have Xbox Live? Reply with your gamertag, and the live enabled games you own and maybe we can start up a neowin only game of Rainbow Six 3 or Crimson Skies.. Or whatever most of you prefer

My gamertag is Draegoth


Tallman Chris

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hey guys, I don't know if this against forum rules, but does anyone have a free trial that I could have? It doesn't matter if it's expired, most of them still work. Just PM me with it.

Thanks all!

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GT: PsychoKitty

I've got quite a few online games but I've only ever played halo 2 online...

I'ts not really my xbox, it's my brothers (NEOdaspoonbenda) he just gave me one of his free 2 month plan things that he got free with one of his online games that he bought. from what I can remember the online games that he's got is... Halo 2, Ghost Recon 2, Counter Strike... And, I can't remember the rest and I cant be bothered getting off the desk chair to go have a look

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  • 4 weeks later...

Gamertag: MyNameIsStealth

Games I own for live:

Ghost recon

Ghost recon: island thunder

Ghost recon 2:summit strike

Rainbow Six 3

Rainbow Six 3: black arrow

Rainbow Six 4: lockdown

Forza motorsport

Halo 2

Crimson Skies

Counter Strike

SplinterCell 2:pandora tomorrow

SplinterCell 3:chaos theory

Im going to get Americas Army:rise of a soldier, Battlefield 2, Brothers in arms 2, Half Life 2 soon. Im getting the Xbox 360 so ill get some o those games too in november

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