(mac) What iPod apps do YOU use?!

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I use 2 or 3 apps to make my iPod more than 'just' a Digital music player, and i was curious as to whether people use different methods, and or any other cool apps i could use, to extend my little toy?! :p

All Freeware :-

Firstly, I love Pod2Go - http://kainjow.com/pod2go/website/

It really is a NICE App. It collects RSS Feeds for 10's if not hundreds of different info sources, and sync's them in Notes. This includes News, Weather, Horoscopes and much more. Also Sync's iCal / Text notes - HEY! Check the URL, you'll see!

Secondly, well its not really an iPod app. It's just a way to make my iPod work more seamlessly. I posted about automating Apps per time schedule, sometime back. Found 'Cronix' which is a GUI for Cron. Makes it really easy for me to launch Pod2Go, daily @ 8am, before work, which grabs latest news weather and stuff, and then Pod2Go closes upon completion. if i didn't know better i'd assume nothing had in-fact been done, it works like a charm. http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/9478

Finally, i use Book2Pod - http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo...fo/macosx/20549

This is a neat app, to get text files on your iPod. It can take any file, and chop it up so that it'll fit over multiple 'chapters' on your iPod. it also provides a visual front end within notes, so when reading chapter one, you don't have to navigate BACK out, to find the proceeding chapter, it just gives you a link 'next' ... its very nice. I've included a shot of the app, its not one i've heard anyone talk of before, but its really handy - well i think so, i tend to use it to read email on the go. Shame it couldn't automate that process, eh?

Well, thats mine, if anyone has anything to share, that'd be cool! :) :D


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sign up for a myrealbox email account. note it is Novell's test bed for their netmail application, but if you can endure their constant tooling with it, it gives you 10 megs, pop and imap email access as well as webmail.

Novell's Free Webmail Service aka Myrealbox

  woodyp said:
sign up for a myrealbox email account. note it is Novell's test bed for their netmail application, but if you can endure their constant tooling with it, it gives you 10 megs, pop and imap email access as well as webmail.

Novell's Free Webmail Service aka Myrealbox

what does that have to do with the ipod?

  isus said:

i know a windows ipod can be formatted to be for a mac from within osx.

can a that ipod be converted back? will itunes for windows recognize it?

You mean, can you convert a MacPod to a WinPod? If so, then yes. Just run the iPod update utility.

  SFNE Freak said:
Sorry to bring this back but I have a few questions.

First of all, what command do you use to mount your iPod?

Secondly, what command do you use to start Pod2Go?

All of these questions are for Cronix. Thanks.

OK Launch Cronix:

Hit New:

Set a time for the event, and day.

Then use Browse to locate the thing you wish to be executed @ the particular time. It's pretty straight forward!

Edt: You iPod needs to be docked. If it's not Mounted, you need to really Re-Mount it manually. ;) But why would it really b docked, and not mounted?! ;)

Edited by ~~NeYo~~
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