Still lots to fix, you will experience slowdowns

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Although the forums now work, you will experience sporadic slowdowns and stuff not working properly for the next day or so while we add back in those functionalities.


You can report everything you see if you want, but as I've already answered the same question in multiple threads I've decided to make this one.


We will announce when the issues are all resolved and should be bug free, after that we'll happily respond to bug reports.


We know of:

  • Minispy and all last poster links don't take you to the last post
  • Likes hasn't been enabled yet because it is broke (also causes massive SQL loads for us)
  • IE 10 issues here and there (inline editor doesn't complete, editor toolbar is missing when doing posts)
  • Coloured names for staff and other groups aren't shown everywhere
  • Attachments don't show sometimes
  • Favorites don't work
  • Similar tagged topics don't work
  • Guest count don't show
  • Signature image generator doesn't work
  • Status updates not showing in sidebar
  • Post stars not showing in posts
  • Other stuff I forgot to mention

Additionally, the forums may return a HTTP 500 error, this means we are messing with hooks, which due to server load, knocks the forum offline for a bit.


Thanks for your patience.


ALL FIXED! we'll listen for other bugs now.

Edited by Neobond
  • Like 2

Coloured names for staff and other groups aren't shown everywhere



Still not seeing that from my end. I made sure to clear all caches.


Heh,  :p - started working some time later

Edited by SHoTTa35

I am randomly unable to access the desktop version of the forums on my phone and tablet. Tapping "Desktop Version" in Chrome simply reloads the page, still in mobile.

Clicking the link at the bottom takes me back to the main forums, still in mobile view.

I am randomly unable to access the desktop version of the forums on my phone and tablet. Tapping "Desktop Version" in Chrome simply reloads the page, still in mobile.

Clicking the link at the bottom takes me back to the main forums, still in mobile view.

Will confirm with Timan, but I'm not even sure Desktop version is supported with 3.4.5 when accessing with a mobile now.

Had problems making a new thread.

:huh:  :cry:

lol, see what I mean, I neeeeeeeed to like that post.

Also, is the quote thing meant to be fixed now? I'll screen shot this reply.


It works if you empty your cache, there's a workaround that Timan might add in when he gets around to it.

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