Xbox One: No Games DRM or "Always Online"

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I am so disappointed in this news. I was really looking forward to being able to download my games anywhere and share with 10 family members.  :(

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Listen I aint lazy, and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't make the same argument to anyone regarding TV remote controls (as in its obviously lazy to use one and its no great upheaval to get up and change the channel using the buttons on the TV/STB), so get your head out of your arse and STFU.

Actually I wont shutup. In fact I sometimes dont use the remote to turn on the tv. And I'm sorry 5 seconds of getting up will kill you.. :rolleyes:

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What about minted Pete who lives in the country? He's got a diamond encrusted log cabin, but no ISP can be bothered cabling the countryside...

He would use satellite internet or mobile tethering, or if he's 'minted' pay to get a dedicated line put in. How many 'minted' people do you know without internet access?

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Listen I aint lazy, and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't make the same argument to anyone regarding TV remote controls (as in its obviously lazy to use one and its no great upheaval to get up and change the channel using the buttons on the TV/STB), so get your head out of your arse and STFU.


I wish, my TVs don't have buttons on the unit anymore, annoys me to no end, sometimes the TV is closer than the remote! I have to walk all the

way to the remote in the kitchen to turn off the TV! :shifty:

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He would use satellite internet or mobile tethering, or if he's 'minted' pay to get a dedicated line put in. How many 'minted' people do you know without access to the internet?


Mobile tethering in that location? Spotty signal at best. Point is internet is cheap, most can afford, but people cannot "help" their location. Not many people choose a home based on internet reliability/speed, but you know, rather their budget, it's location and how it will suit their family.

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No, I cant be arsed to go to the main page of this site and look up the quote from a post on the main page. Its not that its a massive inconvenience for me to do it, but because you obviously cant be arsed so why the F**K should I?

I will say though, that confirmed is you have to have the disk in to play any disk game, and all digital games now cant be shared at all.

The entitled generation.
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Now I seriously hate Sony fanboys. They are like the lowest life form of life in this world. They just turned my hopes of next generation gaming to just regular gaming.


If blaming Sony fanboys helps you deal with the policy change because you don't want to admit that something you've been crusading for went belly up, then go for it. No one likes breaking their conditioning, but it's kind of like saying that Microsoft brought the Start button back in Windows 8.1 because a bunch of OS X users were upset to see it go.

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No, I cant be arsed to go to the main page of this site and look up the quote from a post on the main page. Its not that its a massive inconvenience for me to do it, but because you obviously cant be arsed so why the F**K should I?

I will say though, that confirmed is you have to have the disk in to play any disk game, and all digital games now cant be shared at all.

No probs, I just thought you might have had the info to hand.


I will say that those features had their benefits, no doubt, but I'm afraid they were not worth giving up my rights for.

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It's not that they can't afford it. Let's say ex. Assassin's Creed 3. What, 90%(?) play the single player only. Why would my brother, sister or friend want to buy they're own game to only play single player, instead of using my copy when I'm finished. And wouldn't they appreciate being able to loan it without needing to send the game disc with the mail? Family sharing would simplify this scenario. Instead of buying another AC3 copy, my brother could buy a new Battlefield game or something, which again I could borrow without sending the disc. It's EASIER.


I apologize that all my family and friends doesn't live in the same town.


If they can afford it why are they waiting for you to get done with it so they can leech off of you instead of getting their own game?

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If they can afford it why are they waiting for you to get done with it so they can leech off of you instead of getting their own game?


I think we call it sharing, you know, that thing everyone complains about wanting to do with a disc?

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God I hope not. The inability to sell used games was a good thing but people are too stupid to think for once. Did anyone actually consider what the final outcome would be or did they just jump on the bandwagon?


First effect: Game sales numbers would be low. This would happen due to two types of people no longer being in the market. The first is the type of person that buys a brand new game with the justification that they can sell it back and make some of the money back when they are done with the game. The second type is the one that waits for games to hit the used game market and buys them at a discount.


Sounds bad right? If you lack all common sense, I am sure it would sound bad to you. If you actually thought about it past this point though, you would realize how amazing this would be.


Second effect: After low sales numbers, all developers would be forced to lower the price of all future games in order to maximize profits to get back the lost customers. That, or they go out of business.


Third effect: Since this DRM policy was only for the Xbox One, only their prices would drop. PS4 and Nintendo prices would continue to be at the riduculus $60 price point since the people that did the work to bring us the games continue to get screwed out of money made off of their work through used game sales. This would cause people to switch to Xbox seeing lower priced games.


Final effect: To avoid hemorrhaging customers, PS and Nintendo games would have the same price drop.


Right now, I am expected to pay $60 or more for a new game when it could be much cheaper. I refuse to buy used games because I feel I have the moral obligation to pay the people who own the content for the license that allows me to play it. Gamestop does not own the content nor the right to license the game. Yes, I full realize that it is considered old fashioned to pay the people who deserve to be paid as  most people in these forums believe there is nothing morally wrong with piracy but I don't share this misguided belief. I saw this as an opportunity to see a forced price decrease market wide and because of a few vocal douches, that opportunity will now be lost.


I must be the only one who thinks it would be nice for new games to have a massive market wide price cut.

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people who think the complaints are deluded would sell their souls to the highest bidder for the so called chance at what is perceived as gaming heaven

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No probs, I just thought you might have had the info to hand.


I will say that those features had their benefits, no doubt, but I'm afraid they were not worth giving up my rights for.

Sorry, I've lost all sense of manners in this thread and your response was just what I needed. Jesus I never thought that a game console policy could generate so much anger in me.


So apologies for my unnecessary and out of order rudeness there.

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I think all the Xbox One DRM and online requirements was one big publicity/marketing stunt to bring a lot of attention to the Xbox. Just like the New Coke was supposedly a marketing stunt to make people cry about how bad it was and get the old coke back!

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I'm really beginning to wonder if MS spent a lot of time thinking through this DRM/online mumbo-jumbo before talking about it in May. It's like they only recently started thinking through all these policities without getting a good sense of what the gaming world would like. MS needs to either:


1. Grow a spine and stick with what they're trying to do.

2. Do better research before introducing such broad changes.

(this applies to both Windows 8 and Xbox One)


p.s. Xbox 180 has a certain ring to it. :rofl:

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I just cancelled my preorder and all eight games I had in there.  Whee.


But on the other hand, thousands of people decided to pre order, exactly what Microsoft wanted :)

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You will still have your digital downloads. You will still have your cloud computing. You just lose your draconian DRM.


So sincerely and truly, anyone who is still defending MS like what they were going to institute was the "future of gaming" and "now they lack creativity" truly loses any ounce of credibility you may have had, which admitedely was very, very little to begin with.


Kudos to MS for coming around on this so soon. It was only a matter of time.

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You will still have your digital downloads. You will still have your cloud computing. You just lose your draconian DRM.


So sincerely and truly, anyone who is still defending MS like what they were going to institute was the "future of gaming" and "now they lack creativity" truly loses any ounce of credibility you may have had, which admitedely was very, very little to begin with.


Kudos to MS for coming around on this so soon. It was only a matter of time.


Oh cry us a river.  Just because you didn't agree with it didn't make it bad or draconian.  If anything you lose credibility for trying to tell others they're not credible for having a different opinion than you.

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I think we call it sharing, you know, that thing everyone complains about wanting to do with a disc?


When i think of sharing a game with someone i think of lending it to them for a short time to let them see if they like it. I don't give it to them with the intention of letting them essentially keep the game and get a free ride by leeching entirely off of my purchases, my money.



God I hope not. The inability to sell used games was a good thing but people are too stupid to think for once. Did anyone actually consider what the final outcome would be or did they just jump on the bandwagon?


First effect: Game sales numbers would be low. This would happen due to two types of people no longer being in the market. The first is the type of person that buys a brand new game with the justification that they can sell it back and make some of the money back when they are done with the game. The second type is the one that waits for games to hit the used game market and buys them at a discount.


Sounds bad right? If you lack all common sense, I am sure it would sound bad to you. If you actually thought about it past this point though, you would realize how amazing this would be.


Second effect: After low sales numbers, all developers would be forced to lower the price of all future games in order to maximize profits to get back the lost customers. That, or they go out of business.


Third effect: Since this DRM policy was only for the Xbox One, only their prices would drop. PS4 and Nintendo prices would continue to be at the riduculus $60 price point since the people that did the work to bring us the games continue to get screwed out of money made off of their work through used game sales. This would cause people to switch to Xbox seeing lower priced games.


Final effect: To avoid hemorrhaging customers, PS and Nintendo games would have the same price drop.


Right now, I am expected to pay $60 or more for a new game when it could be much cheaper. I refuse to buy used games because I feel I have the moral obligation to pay the people who own the content for the license that allows me to play it. Gamestop does not own the content nor the right to license the game. Yes, I full realize that it is considered old fashioned to pay the people who deserve to be paid as  most people in these forums believe there is nothing morally wrong with piracy but I don't share this misguided belief. I saw this as an opportunity to see a forced price decrease market wide and because of a few vocal douches, that opportunity will now be lost.


I must be the only one who thinks it would be nice for new games to have a massive market wide price cut.


You're incredibly deluded if think this drm would be a magical bringer of lower prices. Just look at xbla. There are many things you can only get there, and thus cant be bought used. And guess what, most if not all of them almost never got a price drop. Despite the fact that there is no used xbla game market.

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You will still have your digital downloads. You will still have your cloud computing. You just lose your draconian DRM.


So sincerely and truly, anyone who is still defending MS like what they were going to institute was the "future of gaming" and "now they lack creativity" truly loses any ounce of credibility you may have had, which admitedely was very, very little to begin with.


Kudos to MS for coming around on this so soon. It was only a matter of time.

Well said Larry! You can still download the games and dont use disc for when you do that! Unless you bought it as a disc which makes perfect sense to me. Hopefully the xbox live for every console havent changed.

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