Xbox One: No Games DRM or "Always Online"

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You have a bizarre view on what the family sharing option was


Family sharing would be for sharing with your family that you live with or live within close proximity of. Not for letting your cheapskate brothers and sisters potentially across the country get a free ride at your expense like the person i originally quoted was suggesting.

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Your assumption that no used games would immediately translate into better prices is just as "dream worldly". But hey, keep on dreamin.

If you go back to the beginning of the conversation, you would realize I didn't assume that and specifically addressed that. Try again.

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We're shortsighted? You'll be thanking us in 10 years time when you want to revisit one of your favourite Xbox One games & don't have to worry about the authentication servers being offline.


And again, like others have said, you haven't lost the ability to share. Xbox One's DRM would have stopped you. Now you can lend your games to as many people as you like, as often as you like.


Games will still probably be installed to the HDD, so discs will not be damaged & if people are too lazy to switch a disc then they have more pressing issues in their life quite frankly.


You know it's not the same and I know you're smarter than this.


#1 - that's extremely unlikely to ever happen.

#2 - you can't share in the same way.  Now the people you share with have to come and physically take your disc from you.  Family sharing was a fantastic feature that we now lost.  It's far less flexible now.

#3 - Switching a disc isn't a huge deal but it's nice not to be able to, and a necessity when you start talking about features like being able to play one game, suspend it while you switch to a second that you got an invite for, and then immediately resume the first after you're done.  Switching discs when you got game invites in the past used to lead to games having already started before you'd have it booted up.

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If you want to get down to it, we just exchanged one batch of restrictions with another set of limitations.  Now I can't share my content if it's digital, I could before.  Now I can't access my whole library from any Xbox One just by logging in and downloading the game I feel like playing, I was going to be able to before.   Now we're back to being tied to a physical disc, now I have to swap discs back in when I want to play a different game unless all my games are digital but then I can't share/give them away to anyone either because they're digital and locked down like before.


More tradeoffs to gain something else.


Limitations lead to improvements, restrictions lead to revolt. Good choice of words btw.

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Thanks for the endorsement in the sig. I want all ps4 fans to know so thanks for the help. Going into work to rip my boss a new one too.

First. This wasn't what I wanted it was what the people who can't see a bigger picture wanted who are the lesser of mankind.

Just because we didnt agree with what MS was  doing gives you no reason to insult others.. such an adult thing to do  :rolleyes:

It is sad that they removed these features - I was really looking forward to them. I wish they could have implemented an offline mode without those features and online mode with those features to cater to both sides.

Who knows they probably will sometime later. Feedback could make this happen.

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Well at least we are no longer renting games  :rofl:  We can own them again

You never owned the games you "bought".  You owned cartridges and cds. You pay for a license when you "buy" the game. Read the terms of use that comes with games sometime. It's amazing how many people don't know that in this day and age. If you walk down the street and find a game in the trash, go home and play it, you are commiting copyright theft because you never paid for the license to play it under current laws.

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I remember when Sony was championing Blu Ray at 50GB at the start of this gen, and especially when FF13 came out, Xbox fans were saying sit down, disc switching doesn't matter. Now the tables have turned eh?  :rofl:

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I'm really struggling to understand why people are upset here. Is it just for the sake of fighting or because they have spent the past month defending a company which has the balls to own up to their mistakes & they don't.


You aren't losing rights, you're gaining them.

You aren't losing options how you use your console, they've increased.

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So thanks to the whiners, I can no longer

- share my library with my family = Yes you can. Loan the disc to them.

- play my games with the disk, protecting the disk = Don't treat it like **** and you'll be fine. The original DRM policy made the physical media useless anyway.

- switch games instantly since disk is required = Much like Kinect games, changing games will require you to get off your ass. So sorry!

- play my games on any of my consoles without remembering to bring the disk. = How many consoles do you plan to drop $500 on and refer to answer #3.

- lend games to friends = See answer #1

- rent games digitally. = I doubt this would've made it far as its doing the same thing, which is costing a sale in the eyes of publishers as renting discs.


Thank you guys. you're awesome for saving me from this freedom. /s


I'd love to have some hard figures on how many DRM apologists are also "connected" Facebook, social-type sheep :rolleyes: IMO, the previous policy would've resulted in tighter and tighter restrictions on use over time. Its all about incrementalism.




When will people like you understand that some people want the physical media only to install it(no need to download 20gb of data)? And it's not the fact that we can't handle switching the game disc(which is an old-fashion way of gaming), it's that fact that we need to have game discs nearby. I'm getting a strong feeling that you're single since you can't understand this. Having movies or games in the living room makes "the better half" whine about them until they're removed. Disc-less gaming, while being able to install from disc is the perfect solution.


And again, I'm sorry that all my family and friends don't live nearby so I could hand them the game disc. I must be stupid because I want family and friends to be able to play my games without me having to mail the disc, or even having to "accept/deny their request each time".

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Thanks for the endorsement in the sig. I want all ps4 fans to know so thanks for the help. Going into work to rip my boss a new one too.

First. This wasn't what I wanted it was what the people who can't see a bigger picture wanted who are the lesser of mankind.

Getting some serious lulz out of you tonight. Your nick is spot on. Waiting for your to rage quit at any moment. :laugh:

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Family sharing would be for sharing with your family that you live with or live within close proximity of. Not for letting your cheapskate brothers and sisters potentially across the country get a free ride at your expense like the person i originally quoted was suggesting.

I was planning on sharing with my dad and brother, both of whom live in a different country to me. Now to share with them, i'd have to use the draconian method of sending discs. These changes do not benefit me and the only ones that seem satisfied are those whom had little intention of getting one anyway

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I'm really struggling to understand why people are upset here. Is it just for the sake of fighting or because they have spent the past month defending a company which has the balls to own up to their mistakes & they don't.


You aren't losing rights, you're gaining them.

You aren't losing options how you use your console, they've increased.


I'm against DRM but there are downsides to losing the DRM:


  1. Can't share games digitally with friends/family
  2. Need to keep game discs handy since disc games won't be tied to your Xbox Live profile anymore.  (Huge downside)
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I'm really struggling to understand why people are upset here. Is it just for the sake of fighting or because they have spent the past month defending a company which has the balls to own up to their mistakes & they don't.


You aren't losing rights, you're gaining them.

You aren't losing options how you use your console, they've increased.


I feel like I've lost something. The family sharing was the most interesting thing I've seen so far from all the consoles.

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I'm really struggling to understand why people are upset here. Is it just for the sake of fighting or because they have spent the past month defending a company which has the balls to own up to their mistakes & they don't.


You aren't losing rights, you're gaining them.

You aren't losing options how you use your console, they've increased.


Please tell me what rights I'm gaining, and how my options have increased.

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I was planning on sharing with my dad and brother, both of whom live in a different country to me. Now to share with them, i'd have to use the draconian method of sending discs. These changes do not benefit me and the only ones that seem satisfied are those whom had little intention of getting one anyway


If they do the same as PS3 digital DRM, at least one of your family can quite happily download and play your digital games. My GF plays all my digital games on her PS3 as my account is locally stored on her PS3 (and yes she can play the games under her account).


My point? Sharing digital already exists and is easy to implement without BS DRM.

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Well I'm glad the drm storm has passed thanks to MS listening. Now as gamers, we can pick the console or consoles we want based on gaming content and features, not drm.


I liked the sound of digital download features like sharing my whole library with ten friends without having to send them a disc or even be there, but it was essential for MS to fix the drm issues related to disc content, especially the 24hr checks.


Now that they have fixed the drm issues, I hope they create a choice for those that want to buy digitally and have all the sharing features they mentioned. The features on the digital only side surpass even Steam, so it would be nice to see them pursue that. They can offer us a choice, so I'm released to see them do that.


I mean it really sucks when we have to avoid a console with good gaming content due to some bad policies.


Now we can all vote with our wallets to support the lack of such policies.

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I remember when Sony was championing Blu Ray at 50GB at the start of this gen, and especially when FF13 came out, Xbox fans were saying sit down, disc switching doesn't matter. Now the tables have turned eh?  :rofl:



I remember that, and yes, Sony also won with Blu-Ray. But the disc switching you are referring to is in game disc switching. Not having to have the disc in the drive to play. I agree, in game disc switching is far worse than having to have the disc I the drive to play. Blu-Ray fixes that.


But that is a good point you make.

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Please tell me what rights I'm gaining, and how my options have increased.



you get the right to continue to fund places like GameStop, and your options have increased as now if you lose your disc, you can buy another one. Yay!!!

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I'm really struggling to understand why people are upset here. Is it just for the sake of fighting or because they have spent the past month defending a company which has the balls to own up to their mistakes & they don't.


You aren't losing rights, you're gaining them.

You aren't losing options how you use your console, they've increased.

A number of rights and options have been lost because of this decision and while some may have been gained a lot of people clearly feel that they're not as important as what has been lost.

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I was planning on sharing with my dad and brother, both of whom live in a different country to me. Now to share with them, i'd have to use the draconian method of sending discs. These changes do not benefit me and the only ones that seem satisfied are those whom had little intention of getting one anyway

Cant they buy their own game?? Surely if they can afford the console they wouldnt have to rely on you for games.

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Wonder what that Amazon poll will look like now? hehehehe

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I wonder how many people are like me - they simply don't care.


In my case, I'm not going to buy a console until its well into its life-cycle - the overall experience is better then; kinks have been worked out and the devs have got to grips with the hardware. I buy a console for games like Halo 4 and The Last of Us. Beautiful graphics, good gameplay, nice story (though TLoU>Halo, Naughty Dogs really did something magical with that story there). In other words I buy games that show the console at the peak of their abilities. 


I don't see how the XB1 will be affected in the long term. Sony survived the DRM rootkit scandal. MS survived the RROD. Sure, the echo chamber of hate will continue to reverberate to at least launch but in the long term I doubt anything will really affect overall console sales - PS3 caught up to the 360 after all. 


If MS continue to have PR disasters with the XB1 then things might change. But all that will really happen is that PR handlers will give Mattrick and co a shorter leash, MS will up their marketing budget to 1.1 billion and they'll double down on TV and exclusive games. Also their long term strategy won't change - they'll just implement the more controversial features more slowly and quitely and make a better job at showing the good stuff off. 


The whole DRM fiasco is just a short term thing that will pretty soon blow over. 

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Lets see...Having to wait to download a 8-10GB game with average internet speed or sliding a disc in and ready to play. What sounds better??hmm.....

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I just hope that they "reward" those who purchase digitally with the family sharing feature. I don't even care if my downloaded games need the 24hr check. I really liked that idea of shared library. Those of you who don't understand that benefit are just blind.


Now we have to wait for the next-next generation of video games for all online consoles. *sigh*...

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