Clamp down on Real World Issues

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The forum now requires a password to login, but that is also included in the form and stored as a cookie so you don't have to enter it every time you visit from the same device/session.


The reason for this is so we can relay a notice to members to respect the beliefs of others, and not give out any personal identifiable information.


People need to chill out there and respect that other people may not hold the same beliefs, additionally other people shouldn't start crying about others being trolls to me or other staff on PM while failing to even report the problem.


That is all.

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"to respect the beliefs of others"

I do not agree with that statement in the least, so your saying racists beliefs should be respected??

I agree you have the right to believe what you want, but that does not mean I can not criticize or ridicule nonsense.

Sorry if you're 16 and still believe in Santa Clause you can not expect to not be called on this, same goes for your nonsense belief in some sky fairy.

There is no reason for name calling or threats of physical harm, etc. But sorry if I think your a moron for holding a belief that you can not prove -- then I have just as much right to state my belief that you're an idiot, as you have to hold such nonsense to be true ;)

It can be tough to moderate discussions of this nature - but to be honest, if can not tolerate someone not having the same beliefs as you, or someone calling you on yours that you can not defend in a civil manner. Maybe you shouldn't be on the internet in the first place.

"Everyone's opinions should be respected."

Then you need to respect my opinion that your beliefs are nonsense and your an idiot for having them ;)

"to respect the beliefs of others"

I do not agree with that statement in the least, so your saying racists beliefs should be respected??

I agree you have the right to believe what you want, but that does not mean I can not criticize or ridicule nonsense.

Sorry if your 16 and still believe in Santa Clause you can not expect to not be called on this, same goes for your nonsense belief in some sky fairy.

There is no reason for name calling or threats of physical harm, etc. But sorry if I think your a moron for holding a belief that you can not prove -- then I have just as much right to state my belief that your an idiot, as you have to hold such nonsense to be true ;)

It can be tough to moderate discussions of this nature - but to be honest, if can not tolerate someone not having the same beliefs as you, or someone calling you on yours that you can not defend in a civil manner. Maybe you shouldn't be on the internet in the first place.

Racism is already covered in our community rules, so that's really a non issue, and as such should be reported.

Measures like this just degrade common sense/society in the same way as putting warning signs up everywhere does, you should not have to be told these things.

And yet 95% of the reports we get are dealing with this exact issue in that exact forum. >.<


If we can get people to at least understand that person X they are dealing with may be from a different country, a different culture, a totally different perspective, and at least have a basic respect for them a as human being, that's a start. They are not just a username, they are a person just like you. You may not agree with them or think the way they do, but it doesn't automatically make them an idiot. It just means their path in life is different. (Obviously this doesn't extend to things like blatant racism or etc, but some of the biggest fights start over things that just boil down to basic differences in how people are raised and the rules of their society.)

Measures like this just degrade common sense/society in the same way as putting warning signs up everywhere does, you should not have to be told these things.

If everyone used common sense and decency we wouldn't need (so many) moderators. 

Sounds good. ;)


There is way too much use of the words 'troll' and 'trolling'.


Everyone's opinions should be respected.


Agreed, but when someone expresses their opinion, more often than not they are called a troll when it is clear they are not trolling.  Some people really need to look up, and understand, the meaning of the word "Internet Troll"



There is lots that people post I don't agree with.  If I know all it is going to do is cause problems or anything to that nature, I will not reply to that person or make a post referencing said comment.  Why reply if you know its going to cause problems?  Can you not forge an argument that doesnt insult the other?

You don't have to respect their beliefs, but calling someone an idiot or a moron is disrespecting them as a person.

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Of course you werent aware of this  :rolleyes:


Other then that good work! People should respect other people's beliefs

The reason for this is so we can relay a notice to members to respect the beliefs of others

RIP Real World Issues, May aswell go ahead and close the entire section because someone got their feeley weelys hurt.

People should be respected, beliefs should not be protected in the same way.


If someone gets their panties in a bunch because their conspiracy was debunked that's their problem, Trying to censor the people who debunked it is despicable.

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The forum now requires a password to login, but that is also included in the form and stored as a cookie so you don't have to enter it every time you visit from the same device/session.


The reason for this is so we can relay a notice to members to respect the beliefs of others, and not give out any personal identifiable information.


People need to chill out there and respect that other people may not hold the same beliefs, additionally other people shouldn't start crying about others being trolls to me or other staff on PM while failing to even report the problem.


That is all.


I've reported trolling by members on other parts of the forum and nothing has happened yet as soon as there is a heated debate the whole thing is shut down because someones feelings are hurt. If the rules were consistently enforced and trolls were actually punished when they step out of line there wouldn't be the problem.

RIP Real World Issues, May aswell go ahead and close the entire section because someone got their feeley weelys hurt.

People should be respected, beliefs should not be protected in the same way.


If someone gets their panties in a bunch because their conspiracy was debunked that's their problem, Trying to censor the people who debunked it is despicable.

No no its okay no need to cry about it kiddo. The world goes on! :woot:

I've reported trolling by members on other parts of the forum and nothing has happened yet as soon as there is a heated debate the whole thing is shut down because someones feelings are hurt. If the rules were consistently enforced and trolls were actually punished when they step out of line there wouldn't be the problem.

It happens...I have seen people banned for trolling. But like I said before, some call opinions trolling and need to learn the true definition. Not saying you don't know, but I have been called and seen others called for saying they dont like a specific device/product.

You don't have a respect problem, you have a loony problem.


You're never going to have a high quality of discussion going on when you give free reign to Islamic extremists, Christian fundies, and Amerocentric conspiracy theorists.


Similar sort of problem in the gamer section, people can just come along and post whatever bunk they feel like, pass it off as if they have experience or knowledge in the field when in reality they actually know as much about the topic as a roadkill pidgeon. And to top it all off, when rebuked and backed into a corner, cop out the entire discussion with some "well it's my opinion" nonsense.


You have to draw the crazy-line somewhere, why not draw it higher and enjoy a higher quality of discussion overall?

If someone gets their panties in a bunch because their conspiracy was debunked that's their problem, Trying to censor the people who debunked it is despicable.

it is how they express it or express their disagreement. Calling someone names because you do not agree with their beliefs/opinions...well, I guess everyone in the world is an idiot then because I doubt there is 1 person that everyone fully agrees with.

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Nothing but good change can come from this so it's okay by me. Perhaps it will force people to take a second to think while they log in.


On another note, I think it would be wise advice that members not tote their personal baggage across the forums *cough* freak, tpreston *cough* .

Maybe I'm missing something here, but how is a password going to stop allowing people in if they know the password already? :huh:


Wouldn't just banning someone from a particular forum work easier? Or am I missing something?


Also, I do believe people should have thick skin, but a thread at no point in time should be centered around someone having to defend themselves for what they believe. That is the difference.

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