Enabling Secure Boot reduces performance?

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Since getting windows 8 I tried enabling secure boot, and I've noticed a drop in performance after doing so. Is this normal?


With Secure boot enabled:




And Disabled:



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Scores are so close I wouldn't even call it a drop, Run the test 5-10 times without secure boot, then average the numbers. Then run it again enabled then average the numbers, that will give you a more true reading.

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I'm not seeing anything significant here? I'd expect some differences between runs just because of other things possibly going on in the system, but this is way well within the margin of error here

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Would Secure Boot affect a benchmark such as this?  If so, how/why? (Being serious here, I can't imagine it doing so)

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Did you reboot so you had a fresh boot before then run with secure boot enabled? Because obviously you had to reboot to turn it off. Those scores are so similar it could just be a little more free memory on one test.

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Well I did a cold boot and the score changed quite a bit!





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As others have mentioned. The difference in the numbers isn't big enough to say it affects performance.

Plus secure boot wouldn't be in affect once the computer is booted.

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