Can Autopatcher be customized for Win98/ME patches

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I run a computer store and it would be VERY handy to have something like this for Win98/ME. Would it be possible for me to strip out all the XP patches and stick in 98/ME patches?

Cheers in advance!


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I run a computer store and it would be VERY handy to have something like this for Win98/ME. Would it be possible for me to strip out all the XP patches and stick in 98/ME patches?

Cheers in advance!


neopwi First, Welcome! :) Second... yes, it would be possible, but you'd have to figure out how to make the patches run silently on a 98/ME install. Also, I'd have to see if we could disable the OS Check. As it is now, if it detects an OS other than XP, it won't run. I don't plan on making one for 9x based machines, so I can't tell you if it would really work all that well (I don't believe 98 supports QChain, so I don't know if you could actually apply all those updates, silently, and without rebooting).
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Its possible, but you wont get anywhere near the potential of the program... AutoPatcher (from exe side which i can say for sure) uses a lot of NT kernel goodies... which may need to be changed to support win9x/me... but theoretically speaking, there is nothing stopping you from customizing it to be used on win9x/me


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Hmmm ok interesting. I'll start hacking about with some batchfiles first, when I get the time, to prove the concept.

Cheers for your responses and top work Flish! :D

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Does Microsoft still support Win98 on Windowsupdate?

@FlishFun: Did you notice the neopwi text on the beginning your post? It appears when you quote someone here. Is it a bug?

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@FlishFun: Did you notice the neopwi text on the beginning your post? It appears when you quote someone here. Is it a bug?
Yeah, I noticed. Only happens when I quote without previewin'. I tried to edit my posts to remove it, but I must have missed a few. Oh well. lol
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Are you planning for an AP for 98?
No. Won't be one. If anyone wants to attempt it, then go for it... but 9x-based Operating Systems are a WHOLE different beast from NT based ones. As I said before, the update process isn't the same.
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Although, correct me if I'm wrong... there's no way to install them all silently and at the same time... is there? I'm pretty sure 9x based systems can't.

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It looks like you can. I'll let you know once I've worked my way through the list of Critical Updates that I downloaded.

The one thing I can't get installing silently with no reboot is DX9b.

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It looks like you can. I'll let you know once I've worked my way through the list of Critical Updates that I downloaded.

The one thing I can't get installing silently with no reboot is DX9b.

Well let me know, cause I'm sorta curious... I assumed it couldn't be done.
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I've basically got it all working. Still no DX9 and I've just noticed I've not included the .NET Framework. It's rough, but it seems to work. Gonna do a clean '98 install now and try it from there.

If anyone has any idea how to make DX9b install silently with no reboot in Win98, let me know!! :D

Here's the .bat.

@echo off
echo Installing Internet Explorer 6...
start /wait .\IE6\ie6setup /q:a /r:n
echo Installing Media Player 9...
start /wait .\MP9\mpsetup /q
echo Installing KB819639...
start /wait .\updates\WindowsMedia9-KB819639-x86-ENU.exe /Q:A /R:N
echo Installing Q824145...
start /wait .\updates\q824145.exe /Q:A /R:N
echo Installing Q330994...
start /wait .\updates\q330994.exe /Q:A /R:N
echo Installing Q329414...
start /wait .\updates\q329414_mdacall_x86.exe /C:"dahotfix.exe /q /n" /q:a
echo Installing Q313829...
start /wait .\updates\q313829.exe /Q:A /R:N
echo Installing msjavwu...
start /wait .\updates\msjavwu.exe /Q:A /R:N
echo Installing js56men...
start /wait .\updates\js56men.exe /Q:A /R:N
echo Installing 823559USA8.EXE...
start /wait .\updates\823559USA8.EXE /Q:A /R:N
echo Installing 811630USA8.EXE...
start /wait .\updates\811630USA8.EXE /Q:A /R:N
echo Installing 329115_W98.EXE...
start /wait .\updates\329115_W98.EXE /Q:A /R:N
echo Installing 323255_W98.EXE...
start /wait .\updates\323255_W98.EXE /Q:A /R:N
echo Installing 323172_98.EXE...
start /wait .\updates\323172_98.EXE /Q:A /R:N
echo Installing 273991.EXE...
start /wait .\updates\273991.EXE /Q:A /R:N
echo Installing 259728.EXE...
start /wait .\updates\259728.EXE /Q:A /R:N
echo Installing 256015.EXE...
start /wait .\updates\256015.EXE /Q:A /R:N
echo Installing 245729US8.EXE...
start /wait .\updates\245729US8.EXE /Q:A /R:N
echo Installing 238453US8.EXE...
start /wait .\updates\238453US8.EXE /Q:A /R:N
echo Installing Q260067.EXE... (Shutdown Fix)
start /wait .\updates\Q260067.EXE /Q:A /R:N
echo Installing Euro Update...
start /wait .\updates\euro.EXE /Q:A /R:N
echo Installing 273017.EXE...
start /wait .\updates\273017.EXE /Q:A /R:N
echo Installing Root Certificate Update...
start /wait .\updates\rootsupd.exe /Q:A /R:N
echo Complete.

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I've basically got it all working. Still no DX9 and I've just noticed I've not included the .NET Framework. It's rough, but it seems to work. Gonna do a clean '98 install now and try it from there.

If anyone has any idea how to make DX9b install silently with no reboot in Win98, let me know!! :D

Nice! (Y) Keep me posted! :)

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