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dont break rules and you dont get in trouble. its pretty simple. there is a big difference between being blunt and victimizing.

end of discussion, we arent getting anywhere. if you can't see my stance right now, you wont see it. if you get bored of my themes stop using them or mod them yourself, dont come bitching to me about how you need more **** done for you. The current version of recurve is how I envisioned it when i was conceptualizing, it is finished in my eyes, and doesnt need any little mods.

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dont break rules and you dont get in trouble. its pretty simple. there is a big difference between being blunt and victimizing.

end of discussion, we arent getting anywhere. if you can't see my stance right now, you wont see it. if you get bored of my themes stop using them or mod them yourself, dont come bitching to me about how you need more **** done for you. The current version of recurve is how I envisioned it when i was conceptualizing, it is finished in my eyes, and doesnt need any little mods.

You see i like the way you put that, "come bitching" how and when did i EVER if anytime come and bytch at you???? i made a statement, and you replied i didnt say "Hey bant come here and start a fuqin argument with me", just like you said if i dont like your rules then dont reply well that goes for you too there bant if you dont like my posts then dont reply as simple as that. I was talking to the person that made the mod of the VS. another thing, i can post whatever i want as long as is not against the rules, now point to the part where i have violated the rules and then i will stop posting.

On another note, sorry but your finished product is not as good, im pretty sure that the mod made by the person on the other page is just alittle better, so i was asking if he was going to release it. Yeah i guess we are not going to get anywhere, i dont see your stance now and i haven't before, i did stop using your theme, well thats all the replies i have, too bad man its a good mod oh well i'l just wait till something better comes along :) ...

Schmoove, sorry bro i dont think the discussion had you in it, maybe next time...

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the discussion includes anybody that reads this thread, so maybe it did have schmoove in it? Youve been bitching the whole time, and you continue to bitch in your most recent post. I didnt say you broke the rules, you asked a question above about why i dont get in trouble for being so blunt. i answered.

im not theming to please you. im theming to please me. you are asking me to allow other people to screw around with my art. When i paint a picture, or draw, or write music, do you think i want people modifying MY OWN WORK and then releasing it to the public? i think of my themes as art, i work very hard on them, and don't want them 'touched up' or modded by anyone. except maybe gigatexel, because he is a kewl dood.

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lol sorry to brake it to ya, but opinions is not "bitching", your so called art is very good work as i said before, but i think that someone esle contributing to your work might make it look better. I never said you make themes to please me, as i do know that no one does, therefore i never would say such a thing, what i said again and again, is WHY doesnt anyone release a mod if they want to, but you've already answered that question. Is just so funny that you take shiet to the heart when is just something so simple, i never made a theme in my life and don't know where to start to make one, that being said, i do think that your "taste" is good enough for it to be called a finish product. But guess what Bant, you already answered my question, so if you dont feel like it, don't waste your precious, talented time, discussing it with someone who is open minded. I don't mean to make anyone angry or mad, i just like to discuss things, maybe you should take it easy, relax more, have a beer or something, have fun don't make themes to show people you think your better then them, make themes because is fun..

Oh and also, when i said the thing about schmoove, i meant he's not in any of MY posts, so i don't really see a reason for ME to reply to him, hope that clears it up... have fun, is always nice to get discussions going on Forums...

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its my theme, im happy with it the way it is. if you arent happy with it, dont use it.

the reason i dont want people releasing mods of my themes is because a theme loses its originality if everybody is releasing their own little versions of it, especially since 99% of people have absolutely no taste, and no theming ability. so what we would be left with is a bunch of crap mods of a theme that would have been perfectly fine had it been left alone.

you dont like what i create, use somebody elses, or hey, make your own ****ing themes. come up with something original.

i dont plan on any more colors.

100% agree

i love how people demand themes to let others mod there themes and release if he says NO then deal with it and move on

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i just like discussions, nothing wrong with that, just that some people get a little too excited when you say something about their work. :) , no harm done, i always knew he'd say no, just wanted have my opinion on the front , i mean after all thats what the forum is for rite to discuss...

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that was an interesting discussion all over one screenshot.

Still, Bant is right: its his work, so his word is the law. If he doesnt want me to release the thing, it aint gonna happen. Still, Bant, you gotta loosen up a bit. You're so tense and angry all the time. I mean look at the photo, i feel like youre gonna jump through the screen and bite me :p

Still, thats a good attitude for the intro you gave your theme, so Im just gonna leave now... :whistle:

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I just have to say that this theme looks good, thanks Bant.

about more colors: I only use blue themes (til now anyway) so i'm happy with the colors that is in this theme, I mean, just blue would have been enough for me :D

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lol, Bant, isn't your avatar General Zod from Superman II? Considering the "KNEEL!" I'd have to say it is :p

No doubt. Why do you think we keep calling him ZOD? :ninja: :ninja:

Hehe, someone should have a Christopher Reeves avatar to counter-act the Zodness! :rofl:

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  • 5 months later...

i know bant took this theme down but i really need this team.

i had to format my drive and lost everyting and i can't live without this theme so can someone please send it to me at meccax5@aol.com or post a link.

good looks.

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i know bant took this theme down but i really need this team.

i had to format my drive and lost everyting and i can't live without this theme so can someone please send it to me at meccax5@aol.com or post a link.

good looks.

j00 R teh thread resurrector.

off with your head.

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