Weird Symbol on Metro Apps in Windows 8.1

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Hi All


Just upgraded to 8.1 this morning, all went well, except maybe this issue that I don't understand, Most of metro apps have a Down arrow and a line under it, any idea what that is, is something wrong with my install?   or just a normal thing.







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Something hasn't refreshed yet. Usually you get this when all the metro apps aren't downloaded correctly, fully or the licenses aren't synced. Sometimes you get a little mini circle with an X in the center. Just restart the system to see if it persist.

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Oh ok thank you, will restart in a few minutes, and see if does persist....just got concerned that something didn't go in right earlier, but I guess nothing too major to worry on..


Fixed--Removed Megatube, and all the other apps took away there symbols, I remember earlier now Avast alerted that Megatube was infected, and blocked it--Think will end up removing Avast and just using Windows Defender like I did on Windows 8 with 8.1 later on today

Edited by bikeman25
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