What was your first home computer?

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As a kid I only had game consoles (ColecoVision and later an Atari 2600) but I finally got my first computer in 1996. It was old even then and nothing fancy or interesting, a Zenith 286 desktop PC with MS-DOS 5.0 which I later upgraded to PC-DOS 7 and Windows 3.0 after installing a 3.5" floppy drive. I spent a lot of time on that thing playing Sim City and Commander Keen. It finally stopped working and I sent it to the recycling center but I still have the keyboard.


The first computer I ever used though was a TRS-80 in grade school. All I can remember about it was playing a Space Invaders clone and Eliza.

I got my first computer in 1998 from a relative, he work at the community down town and they were swapping out all computers to new ones. I can't remember wich model it is but it's an Compaq (Deskpro something I think) with originally 128mb RAM wich I some years after upgraded to 256mb, single core Intel with OEM cooler (gets EXTREMELY HOT) and build in Nvidia graphics onboard. Here's some photos, maybe someone out there can confirm wich model it is :)? Because I rather NOT boot it up cause it takes HOURS to even be logged in and open anything (like Aida64)....


Edit: The case in the photos is not the original case, it's an Nzxt LeXa Blueline.

Edit2: It does for some odd reason state ?2001 printed on the board, but I got it in 1998 :s...










First computer was an Apple IIGS that my parents bought for me just before starting high school.  I taught myself how to program on that thing (AppleSoft BASIC), which got me hooked enough to go to college for Computer Science.


First PC was a Laser Pal 386SX.  It ran the GeoWorks OS and had 1 MB RAM.  Eventually I got exposed to the world of Windows 3.1, so I upgraded the RAM in that PC and loaded Win 3.1 on it. It ran horribly slow, but got me through school until I could buy something better.


Things seemed so much simpler in those days.  Or maybe ignorance truly is bliss!

The first computer at home was an Apple //e with a 1 MHz 6502 processor and 64kb of ram.  I made basic programs and played a lot of games.




The first computer that I bought was an Apple IIgs with a 2.8 MHz 65C816 processor and 265kb of ram.



It was a RadioShack Color BASIC computer.  I (or rather, my father) had the printer, 5.25 floppy drive, and the RadioShack Tape Deck "drive".  I don't ever want to use a cassette tape (it was the exact same as an audio tape) again to load software.  When my dad bought the 5.25 floppy drive, it was a HUGE deal!



  • 2 weeks later...
  On 06/11/2013 at 17:26, demon_speed said:

I got my first computer in 1998 from a relative, he work at the community down town and they were swapping out all computers to new ones. I can't remember wich model it is but it's an Compaq (Deskpro something I think) with originally 128mb RAM wich I some years after upgraded to 256mb, single core Intel with OEM cooler (gets EXTREMELY HOT) and build in Nvidia graphics onboard. Here's some photos, maybe someone out there can confirm wich model it is :)? Because I rather NOT boot it up cause it takes HOURS to even be logged in and open anything (like Aida64)....


Edit: The case in the photos is not the original case, it's an Nzxt LeXa Blueline.

Edit2: It does for some odd reason state ?2001 printed on the board, but I got it in 1998 :s...











Here is the specs:



--------[ CPU ]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Egenskaper f?r CPU:

CPU-typ Intel Celeron, 733 MHz (11 x 67)

CPU alias Coppermine-128

CPU-stegning cC0

Instruktionsupps?ttning x86, MMX, SSE

Ursprunglig klockhastighet 733 MHz

L1 kodcache 16 kB

L1 datacache 16 kB

L2 cache 128 kB (On-Die, ATC, Full-Speed)

Fysisk information f?r CPU:

Paketeringstyp 370 Pin FC-PGA

Paketeringsstorlek 4.95 cm x 4.95 cm

Transistorer 28.1 miljoner

Processorteknologi 6M, 0.18 um, CMOS

Kretskortsstorlek 90 mm2

Sp?nning i k?rna 1.70 V

I/O-sp?nning 3.3 V

Typisk effekt 9 - 22 W (beroende av klockhastighet)

Maximal effekt 14.0 - 33.0 W (beroende av klockhastighet)



--------[ CPUID ]-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Egenskaper f?r CPUID:

Tillverkare av CPUID GenuineIntel

CPUID-version 00000686h

IA m?rkes-ID 01h (Intel Celeron)

Plattforms-ID 04h / MC 10h (Socket 370)

Uppdateringsversion f?r mikrokod 8

HTT / CMP enheter 0 / 0



--------[ Moderkort ]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Egenskaper f?r moderkort:

ID f?r moderkort <DMI>

Moderkortsnamn Compaq Deskpro

Egenskaper f?r Front Side Bus:

Busstyp Intel GTL+

Bussbredd 64-bit

Realtidsklocka 67 MHz

Effektiv klocka 67 MHz

Bandbredd 533 MB/s

Egenskaper f?r minnesbuss:


Bussbredd 64-bit

Egenskaper f?r chipsetbuss:

Busstyp Intel Hub Interface

Bussbredd 8-bit



--------[ SPD ]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[ DIMM1: Infineon HYS64V16220GU-7.5 ]


Modulnamn Infineon HYS64V16220GU-7.5

Serienummer 0100C81Bh (466092033)

Modulstorlek 128 MB (2 ranks, 4 banks)

Modultyp Unbuffered

Minnestyp SDRAM

Modulhastighet PC133 (133 MHz)

Modulbredd 64 bit

Modulsp?nning LVTTL

Fels?kningsmetod Ingen

Uppdateringsfrekvens Normal (15.625 us), Self-Refresh


@ 133 MHz 3.0-3-3-6 (CL-RCD-RP-RAS)

@ 100 MHz 2.0-2-2-5 (CL-RCD-RP-RAS)


Early RAS# Precharge St?ds ej

Auto-Precharge St?ds

Precharge All St?ds

Write1/Read Burst St?ds

Buffered Address/Control Inputs St?ds ej

Registered Address/Control Inputs St?ds ej

On-Card PLL (Clock) St?ds ej

Buffered DQMB Inputs St?ds ej

Registered DQMB Inputs St?ds ej

Differential Clock Input St?ds ej

Redundant Row Address St?ds ej


F?retagsnamn Qimonda AG

Produktinformation http://www.qimonda.com/computing-dram

[ DIMM2: Hynix GMM26416233ENTG-75 ]


Modulnamn Hynix GMM26416233ENTG-75

Serienummer D19D8815h (361274833)

Modulstorlek 128 MB (2 ranks, 4 banks)

Modultyp Unbuffered

Minnestyp SDRAM

Modulhastighet PC133 (133 MHz)

Modulbredd 64 bit

Modulsp?nning LVTTL

Fels?kningsmetod Ingen

Uppdateringsfrekvens Normal (15.625 us), Self-Refresh


@ 133 MHz 3.0-3-3-6 (CL-RCD-RP-RAS)

@ 100 MHz 2.0-2-2-5 (CL-RCD-RP-RAS)



--------[ Chipset ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[ North Bridge: Intel Solano i815 ]

Egenskaper f?r North Bridge:

North Bridge Intel Solano i815

FSB-hastigheter som st?ds 66 MHz, 100 MHz, 133 MHz

Minnestyp som st?ds PC100 SDRAM, PC133 SDRAM

Maximalt minnesantal 512 MB

Version / Stepping 04 / B0

Paketeringstyp 544 Pin BGA

Paketeringsstorlek 3.5 cm x 3.5 cm

Sp?nning i k?rna 1.85 V

In-Order Queue Depth 4

Tualatin CPU St?ds


CAS Latency (CL) 2T

RAS To CAS Delay (tRCD) 2T

RAS Precharge (tRP) 2T

RAS Active Time (tRAS) 5T

Row Cycle Time (tRC) 7T


DRAM-plats #1 128 MB (SDRAM)

DRAM-plats #2 128 MB (SDRAM)

Integrerad grafikkrets:

Grafikkortstyp Intel i752

Grafikkortsstatus Aktiverad

Delad minnesstorlek 1 MB



[ South Bridge: Intel 82801AA ICH ]

Egenskaper f?r South Bridge:

South Bridge Intel 82801AA ICH

Version / Stepping 02 / B1

Paketeringstyp 241 Pin BGA

Paketeringsstorlek 2.3 cm x 2.3 cm

Sp?nning i k?rna 3.3 V

AC'97 ljudkort:

Typ av ljudkort Intel ICH

Codec-namn Analog Devices 1885

Codec-ID 41445360h

S/PDIF-utg?ng St?ds ej



--------[ BIOS ]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


BIOS-typ Compaq

BIOS version 686P0 v2.04

Compaq BIOS Ownership Tag Ok?nd

Compaq BIOS UUID Ok?nd

System BIOS datum 06/12/01

Video BIOS datum 04/30/01

  • Like 1
  On 19/11/2013 at 18:12, demon_speed said:

It does for some odd reason state ?2001 printed on the board, but I got it in 1998 :s...


Here is the specs:

Egenskaper f?r CPU:

CPU-typ Intel Celeron, 733 MHz (11 x 67)




System BIOS datum 06/12/01

Video BIOS datum 04/30/01

You cant have had a Celeron 733 MHz in 1998, it didn't exist back then! Maybe you upgraded to the specification you quoted at a later date?

Pretty awesome its still in working order though :)

HeathKit H8 computer (1977 or 1978, I forget), Intel 8080 processor, initially with 12K memory and dual 100K floppies.


By the time it was at end of life, I had upgraded the processor to a Zilog Z80, 64KB ram, and three dual-side floppies, one 200K and the other two were 80-track 400K.


Initially used a Teletype 43 for the console, but later got a Hazeltine 1500 CRT terminal and used the TTY43 only as a printer.


Did most of my programming in assembler.


  On 24/10/2013 at 01:45, Lone Wanderer Chicken said:

Mine was a custom built PC that had a AMD K-6 processor, and I believe it originally had a Intel i486 DX2 processor in it. I was a little back then (90s) and my mother actually built it. She was in very into and experienced in computers like building them, software etc.  I remember playing games on it like Putt Putt and Freddi Fish.



Signed in just to reply and say this: I can't believe someone else on this planet actually had a TriGem computer! When my dad bought me one (I believe it was a Pentium 133mhz) back in the day and I thought it was some off brand computer that no one had ever heard of.

First used was either a Mac (original 128k) in 1984, unless you count an Atari 8-bit even though all I did on that was play games.

Then it was a 10MHz PC XT Turbo, followed by a 20MHz 386.


All of those were family computers. My first personal computer was a 33MHz 486DX ///LASER (Micro Center) with DOS 5 and Windows 3.1.


I don't have the 486DX anymore, but I do have the 386 in working condition, upgraded a bit.

Leading Edge Model D

We had the 640k RAM model with Dual 5.25" floppy drives and a COLOR screen

Technically Mom's but I spent the most time with it and it eventually lived in my Room for a few years




And Yes, I remember the magazine article with Bill Gates claiming that 640k RAM was more than enough, wish I still had it as proof

First our family owned was some Packard Bell effort. 120MHz Pentium, 8MB ram, 1GB HD, 1MB Cirrus Logic onboard gfx chip. Win 95


First I owned myself had an athlon XP, 256MB ram, Geforce MX440 64MB. Think it had a 40 or 60GB hard disk and Windows 2000. Remember needing it to replace our 2nd family owned PC which struggled a bit in the original counter-strike lol.

My first was the ColecoVision ADAM standalone not the one that linked to the ColecoVision game system, with dual cassette Tape drives and my most favorite game Buck Rodgers.


Then the Epson Apex computer with dual 5 1/4 floppy drives at 1.2 Ghz (yes Gigahertz) and 64k ram with a turbo button that would almost double the speed to 2.4 Ghz and Microsoft basic version 3.2 No hard drive bought at MAKRO the Costco of the day at a warehouse discounted price of $2500.00. I also later bought the game Dragon's Lair for $120 and it came on Forty 5 1/4 Floppy disks. 


Did I just date myself?

  On 19/11/2013 at 22:35, InsaneNutter said:

You cant have had a Celeron 733 MHz in 1998, it didn't exist back then! Maybe you upgraded to the specification you quoted at a later date?

Pretty awesome its still in working order though :)


Yes, I must be confused with Windows 98SE I had on it and the year 2001 :s..

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