What was your first home computer?

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  On 20/11/2013 at 22:01, domboy said:

When I was a kid, I think the very first one was a TRS-80 "Color Computer", replaced by a Tandy 1000A as the first PC compatible machine. I loved that Tandy 1000...

The CoCo's were fun... had one running OS/9, a Unix-like OS.. was pretty neat considering the hardware.

My first PC was a Tandy From RadioShack in the late 80's or early 90's, Second PC, 386SX for years til Windows 95 came out,  Then upgrade to a Packard Bell Desktop 75mhz,  then a P3 700 HP machine til 2000, then an AMD Machine, think Athlon back then, til 2003, then another AMD based processor (can't remember exactly if it was another Athlon or not at that point) then last year newest System AMD A6-3620 Quad Core System

Compaq 5253,

AMD-K62 350 Mhz,

64Mb RAM

6gb Hard Drive

Ati Radeon LT Pro (4mb, integrated)



Worked for more than 6 years and I blew its parallel port on a experiment.


The memories... I even played playstation and mario64 on it.

An IBM Aptiva S series with 200megherz processor, 16 meg of ram (later upgraded to 64), 33.6 modem, ATI Rage 128 2meg video card and 4x cd drive. 15in monitor and a wireless mouse.


 The modem was later upgraded to a 56k model  after a lightning storm fried the 33.6 modem and I remember how awsome it was moving to 56k it was so much faster.

Mine was a Amstrad PC1640,  CPU = XT 8086),  running cp/m and msdos 2 and 3

was also using GEM gui ontop of cp/m, had 640k of ram, no harddrive.  

i remember changing one of the 5 1/4 drives to a 3.5...  was fun, CGA monitor



memories ....

My first PC :


-Commodore 64 with a Dataset (yep, tape!), upgraded to a 1541 floppy.


Moved to :


- Atari 520STE, at the time, much better than anything from the PC side, better games with better Gfx/sound.


But then Atari when nowhere fast and everybody was going to PC... So moved to :


- Tandy 1000TL/2, blazing 286/8Mhz with 768megs of ram and a BIG Conner 20Mb HDD.


Then, moved on to school and got a loan to buy a better PC, upgraded to my first 386/33Mhz !!!


Wow... I'm old...

The first one I actually bought was in 1995. AST Advantage.

Had a 133mhz processor, 28k modem, probably not much for ram and hard drive space.

Was quite expensive, around 3 grand.

At least by then computers were starting to be affordable.

In the early 90s my dad had computers and they had barely any power at all ranging in prices from 10 grand, 8 grand, etc. etc.

First two computers were hand-me-downs. First one is some unknown Zenith DOS machine from 1988. Had a 6 MHz processor that went up to 12 MHz with a turbo boost button.

Second one was an IBM Aptiva 2168-A50. It's this tower pictured in the Wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_Aptiva

Came with Windows 95, 150 MHz Pentium CPU, 32 MB of RAM, and a 1.6 GB hard drive. Got it in 1999, and replaced it with an XP machine in 2003. The bundled software collection in that machine is impressive - leagues beyond the crapware bundled on today's computers. Full games, encyclopedias, kids edutainment titles, catalogs...

To think 18 years later we're typing away on small tablets with specs way beyond these towers is astounding.

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  • 3 weeks later...

PC w/ 486DX2 running at 66MHz. I think that sometime after I got it I managed to find extra RAM and upgrade it all the way to 16 MB. Mind you the computer was already very old when I got it, but that probably made me play with it even more (for instance, figuring out how to put Windows 95 on it).


I sill have the processor in one of the drawers, I'll take a look and see if I can find it.




Here it is:




There's something yellow-ish in one of the corners, not sure if it's the drawer it was in :|



  On 24/10/2013 at 02:20, Maverick2k2 said:

Texas Instruments TI-99/4A, I had everything with this, Game Controllers, speech synthesizer, every game and app cartridge, Peripheral Expansion Box,  32K ram card, RS2600px-TI99-IMG_1680.jpg3250px-TI99expansion.jpg2 Card, Disc control card, 2x 360k 5 1/4 Floppy drives, 512k Ram disc, gram cracker and pretty much every game and app ever released for it

This was mine as well.

  • 5 months later...
  On 06/11/2013 at 17:41, DTrump said:

First computer was an Apple IIGS that my parents bought for me just before starting high school.  I taught myself how to program on that thing (AppleSoft BASIC), which got me hooked enough to go to college for Computer Science.


First PC was a Laser Pal 386SX.  It ran the GeoWorks OS and had 1 MB RAM.  Eventually I got exposed to the world of Windows 3.1, so I upgraded the RAM in that PC and loaded Win 3.1 on it. It ran horribly slow, but got me through school until I could buy something better.


Things seemed so much simpler in those days.  Or maybe ignorance truly is bliss!


I had that exact computer!  I also used Geos (OS in the picture below) and DOS 4.01 before upgrading the RAM and loading DOS 6.22 and Windows 3.1 on it.  I tried to cram Windows 95 on it at one point just to see if I could do it but could never get it to install.  Was really a crappy computer but I have so many fond memories with it.  It's the computer that really got me started.



The IBM PS/1 included with the Microsoft Windows 3.1 operating system.

I no longer have the computer as it sustained damage after a house fire. However, I managed to salvage the hard drive, which to my surprise still works.

First IBM PC clone i ever used was a Schneider (can't remember the model), with a 5.25" floppy; it had installed some scientific and educational software that i proceed to add Space Invaders and play it until i pass the game. Yep, that nerdy and i wasn't even 10.


Then i had a Timex, a Sinclair 48K...

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