Atomic Wanderer Chicken Posted November 5, 2013 Share Posted November 5, 2013 The post count view causes a form of a competition between members to get highest posts counts, which is pointless, because you don't win a prize doing it at the end. So, good riddance to the post count view Ice_Blue and Daniel F. 2 Share Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pam14160 Posted November 5, 2013 Share Posted November 5, 2013 If someone here is criticizing or bullying you, there is already a system in place. Members can use the Report button to notify a mod. . . .like I didn't already know that. . . :shifty: fusi0n 1 Share Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AJerman Posted November 5, 2013 Share Posted November 5, 2013 I think it would have at least eased the transition a little if the best answer feature had been enabled for a little longer before this took place. Look at this from a member's point of view. Regardless of whether it's always true or not, post counts in combination with join date do offer a way to attempt to determine credibility. Now everyone lost their credibility. Sure, they can build it back up if they so choose to be active in a select few sections, but after some of us have been here for 10 years or more, we're suddenly thrown to the level of every other member that joined just yesterday. Sure, there's the stars, but like nearly everyone else, I have no clue what the stars equate to. I just know a lot of stars must be a lot of posts. And as far as hovering on the name, no one would have a clue that was there until they read this thread or just stumbled upon it. 99% of the people coming here will be familiar with post counts not best answers since that's how 99% of all other forums work. It's just kind of tough luck to everyone who has been here from the start, so surely you can see why some people would be upset or not like the change. Continuing to demean those who may not like the idea as much certainly doesn't help either. I agree though, I could get a little more behind it if I could hide my "0 best answers" because I don't typically post in those sections and still am not going to. I try to be a helpful member of the community and at least add useful dialog to conversations, but I don't do forum tech support. If I so happen to help someone out, then great, I don't need credit for it, I just helped a fellow member of my community. I have no interest in advertising my number of best answers be it large or small. trag3dy 1 Share Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Fahim S. MVC Posted November 5, 2013 MVC Share Posted November 5, 2013 Another thing to consider is post count can be used in the programming forum to understand if someone has just registered to get help with their homework or is a regular here that needs help. I am not suggesting that replacing it with the best answer count is a bad idea, but just wanted to offer that perspective. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LimeMaster Posted November 5, 2013 Share Posted November 5, 2013 And its only a few certain members that are complaining and backing each other dont see the other 299,999+ members moaning, infact other than the little click, most others are saying they welcome the change of focus and are tired of post count ###### and bullies. ...People said Neowin was going down hill, not as godd as it used to be yada, yada, yada... ...This is the start of us pulling the content upto a level where we want it to be and refocus on what makes Neowin great not just pandering to the vocal few... Can you at least consider the solution I posted above? Pretty please with icing on top! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trag3dy Posted November 5, 2013 Share Posted November 5, 2013 And its only a few certain members that are complaining and backing each other dont see the other 299,999+ members moaning, infact other than the little click, most others are saying they welcome the change of focus and are tired of post count ###### and bullies. ...People said Neowin was going down hill, not as godd as it used to be yada, yada, yada... ...This is the start of us pulling the content upto a level where we want it to be and refocus on what makes Neowin great not just pandering to the vocal few... So because not every member of the forum posted here saying they don't like the change that means anyone who hasn't does like it? And honestly. Post count ######? Bullies? You guys are the ones who encouraged post count spam by making the spam friendly picture threads to reach server wide post milestones so that's more than a little hypocritical. And bullies? I don't see that, but then I'm not a mod so I don't see the complaints and can't comment one way or the other on that. Ice_Blue, Lord Method Man and Crisp 3 Share Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Andre S. Veteran Posted November 5, 2013 Veteran Share Posted November 5, 2013 Another thing to consider is post count can be used in the programming forum to understand if someone has just registered to get help with their homework or is a regular here that needs help. I am not suggesting that replacing it with the best answer count is a bad idea, but just wanted to offer that perspective. You get two stars for 10 posts or so, so the star rating is still a good indicator of that. You also have the title "One Post Wonder" for those with only one post. Pretty insane we actually had 3 different ways of conveying the same information. :blink: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stoffel Posted November 5, 2013 Share Posted November 5, 2013 This is what really irritates me. We are not whining, we are speaking our opinion. Really sad.. You would think the head admin of the site wouldn't call subscribers whiners for speak out against a change that affects them. Yeah, that's a pretty ****ty slap in the face to those of us who have been here since the beginning and supported you by giving you our money multiple times. That's probably about the most disrespectful post I've ever seen from an Admin. How about you give us a reason why removing post counts is useful. It keeps getting asked why they are useful and a number of reasons have been given, but there has yet to be a reason why removing it is better. As a new visitor to this site, I would very likely discount someone who has 0 best answers. This does the opposite of what was the intention. Not to mention those of us who spend many hours helping people in section that don't have a "best answer" feature,or the people who spend hours helping someone debug something just to have someone come in and drop one line and get all the credit. There are a number of reasons why systems like this don't work well. Calling the people who help pay your bills whiners when they offer valid opposition and concerns is incredibly disrespectful. I know you well enough to know you're better than that, Steven, and I'll just assume and hope it was a slip only out of frustration. Guys, are you serious? You are acting like it is the end of the world because they changed something on the left hand side of our posts without asking you I have no issue with the fact you don't like the change, but you act like your best friend stabbed you in the back. Relax Daniel F. and Steven P. 2 Share Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Method Man Posted November 5, 2013 Share Posted November 5, 2013 The post count view causes a form of a competition between members to get highest posts counts, which is pointless, because you don't win a prize doing it at the end. So, good riddance to the post count view And how does replacing that with a different metric in which to form competition between members to get highest Answer counts make it any better? If anything this may result in an increase of bad and/or irrelevant advice being given out by people who otherwise have no business attempting to solve someone else's problem but do so anyway trying to get their new number to increase. trag3dy 1 Share Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Atomic Wanderer Chicken Posted November 5, 2013 Share Posted November 5, 2013 I think it would have at least eased the transition a little if the best answer feature had been enabled for a little longer before this took place. Look at this from a member's point of view. Regardless of whether it's always true or not, post counts in combination with join date do offer a way to attempt to determine credibility. Now everyone lost their credibility. Sure, they can build it back up if they so choose to be active in a select few sections, but after some of us have been here for 10 years or more, we're suddenly thrown to the level of every other member that joined just yesterday. Sure, there's the stars, but like nearly everyone else, I have no clue what the stars equate to. I just know a lot of stars must be a lot of posts. And as far as hovering on the name, no one would have a clue that was there until they read this thread or just stumbled upon it. 99% of the people coming here will be familiar with post counts not best answers since that's how 99% of all other forums work. It's just kind of tough luck to everyone who has been here from the start, so surely you can see why some people would be upset or not like the change. Posts counts mean nothing, you could have a 1000 posts within a couple of months that are all nothing important. The Best Answers view shows your helpfulness on the site and so people can determine how "credible" you are. The stars systems can also determine your "credibility" because it shows that people liked your post which they found witty or intelligent. Steven P. 1 Share Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steven P. Administrators Posted November 5, 2013 Author Administrators Share Posted November 5, 2013 A few updates Mark Solved removed for the topic starter Label changed and linked to explain what it is Additionally, for the tenth time, post counts are easily accessed by hovering over the posters name. Brandon H and zman982 2 Share Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zidane Posted November 5, 2013 Share Posted November 5, 2013 To whoever changed that to "Tech Supported", that is a step in the right direction. It makes it clear what that means now. Steven P. and Brandon H 2 Share Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steven P. Administrators Posted November 5, 2013 Author Administrators Share Posted November 5, 2013 To whoever changed that to "Tech Supported", that is a step in the right direction. It makes it clear what that means now. Thanks, it does make more sense that way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trag3dy Posted November 5, 2013 Share Posted November 5, 2013 Posts counts mean nothing, you could have a 1000 posts within a couple of months that are all nothing important. The Best Answers view shows your helpfulness on the site and so people can determine how "credible" you are. The stars systems can also determine your "credibility" because it shows that people liked your post which they found witty or intelligent. Stars having nothing to do with your liked posts. They are related to post count only. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
astropheed Veteran Posted November 5, 2013 Veteran Share Posted November 5, 2013 Well, sounds like this is the final decision. I'm sorry to say that I feel the mentality of the Administrators on this is arrogant at best. Your site, your rules. I have no issue with the post count being removed, I have issue with what replaced it. If I'm the whiny vocal minority than I'm sorry, I was just trying to put together alternatives that I think would be more widely accepted whilst maintaining the philosophy behind this whole thing; a Score system (Asik's idea, really). Whatever the case, this is the last you'll hear from me about this unless I'm directly addressed. Crisp and +Raze 2 Share Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AJerman Posted November 5, 2013 Share Posted November 5, 2013 Posts counts mean nothing, you could have a 1000 posts within a couple of months that are all nothing important. The Best Answers view shows your helpfulness on the site and so people can determine how "credible" you are. The stars systems can also determine your "credibility" because it shows that people liked your post which they found witty or intelligent. Best answers can be very much just as useless as post counts. I've listed a number of reasons why that I don't want to rehash any more than necessary to make this get even more chaotic. I already made my point in a post or two. Also, as far as I know stars have nothing to do with your likes. +Raze 1 Share Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+jamesyfx Subscriber² Posted November 5, 2013 Subscriber² Share Posted November 5, 2013 I approve of this change. It makes more sense for Neowin to have more tech-specific features and not just look like a template that could be used for any type of community/news site. I'd like to see more of this kind of thing! Steven P. and Daniel F. 2 Share Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ho0kz Posted November 5, 2013 Share Posted November 5, 2013 Very nice effect to the site. Great. Good job. Daniel F. 1 Share Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LimeMaster Posted November 5, 2013 Share Posted November 5, 2013 Additionally, for the tenth time, post counts are easily accessed by hovering over the posters name. But my image doesn't show post count. All I'm asking is for the ability to disable it. It shouldn't be a problem as you already let us disable PMs, sigs etc, so why not give us the option to disable the tech supported feature? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stoffel Posted November 5, 2013 Share Posted November 5, 2013 Tech Supported seems better then Best Answers Makes it clear to people you only get these 'points' for answering tech related questions You don't have to feel bad about yourself for seeing a 0 if you don't frequent the tech side of the forum Steven P. and Daniel F. 2 Share Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daniel F. Administrators Posted November 5, 2013 Administrators Share Posted November 5, 2013 So because not every member of the forum posted here saying they don't like the change that means anyone who hasn't does like it? And honestly. Post count ######? Bullies? You guys are the ones who encouraged post count spam by making the spam friendly picture threads to reach server wide post milestones so that's more than a little hypocritical. And bullies? I don't see that, but then I'm not a mod so I don't see the complaints and can't comment one way or the other on that. Equally we should do what a few want because they are more vocal in public? There are always some who resist change because they feel it affects their status or standing on Neowin because of post count :( Neowin was never about post count or that certain members are more important or better than others because of x, y or z. The whole point of Neowin was to help each other out with Tech issues..and have a bit of a laugh now its become the wrong way around...and im determined to change that I have implemented this change..If people want to blame anyone blame me... ...I've been here 13 years and have seen staff and members come and go, I think by now I have a good overall view of the situation, you may not agree or understand the changes, but trust me I'm trying to make things better for everyone not just the few ...why not go with it and see if it helps before shooting it down in flames, you never know it might just help ;) astropheed, Bryan R. and Stoffel 3 Share Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trag3dy Posted November 5, 2013 Share Posted November 5, 2013 But my image doesn't show post count. All I'm asking is for the ability to disable it. It shouldn't be a problem as you already let us disable PMs, sigs etc, so why not give us the option to disable the tech supported feature? Are you asking to make it so no one can see it if it's disabled or that only you can't see it if it's disabled? Because disabling those things in your CP affects only you and not everyone else. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steven P. Administrators Posted November 5, 2013 Author Administrators Share Posted November 5, 2013 Thanks for the feedback on the change :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LimeMaster Posted November 5, 2013 Share Posted November 5, 2013 Are you asking to make it so no one can see it if it's disabled or that only you can't see it if it's disabled? Because disabling those things in your CP affects only you and not everyone else. So no-one can see your tech support count. Sorry for not making that clear. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Raze Subscriber² Posted November 5, 2013 Subscriber² Share Posted November 5, 2013 And its only a few certain members that are complaining and backing each other dont see the other 299,999+ members moaning, infact other than the little click, most others are saying they welcome the change of focus and are tired of post count ###### and bullies. ...People said Neowin was going down hill, not as godd as it used to be yada, yada, yada... ...This is the start of us pulling the content upto a level where we want it to be and refocus on what makes Neowin great not just pandering to the vocal few... These people are part of the Neowin community, people in communities back each other up. And I'm sure most of those 299,99 members aren't even aware of what's going on. Yet. Moaning? So if people voice their opinion that is contrary to others they are moaning? So responses are to be limited to being, "sweet, I agree with you". And no one is asking Neowin to pander to them. We're just participating in the community. Leave out the post count, at this point it makes no matter, it's the attitude of the leaders of Neowin now that is upsetting. Anyway I will support Neowin by my visiting and continued posting whether or not others appreciate it or not! A big thank you to Neowin and it's members! (Y) trag3dy 1 Share Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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