Sound Blaster Live! Value on Windows XP

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I recently reinstalled Windows, so I lost all my drivers, so far i've restored pretty much everything except my SB Live Value Card. I've spent the last 3 hours trying to get this POS card working! When I finally did get it working (using the crap drivers on windows update), I open up iTunes and behold...crappy music, skipping and stopping, just basically horrible music. I figured it had to be a problem with the drivers (not utilizing some feature of the card that has to do with audio processing), I tried the Kx drivers but they refused to work either. I have Boston Digital BA735 speakers (they expect digital output).

Has ANYONE gotten their SB Live Value card to work on XP using the latest creative drivers available on their website? If so, how in gods name did you do it? Thanks in advance!

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I didnt install any of the latest drivers, only use the drivers which originally came with the card on it's official CD, since then i've not updated them and they work perfectly alright. Only one thing a file called DEVLDR32.exe runs in taskmanager which is somehow linked with the drivers and that i dont know how to remove it.

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i did the same thing as you did reinstalled XP, well "Repaird" XP and all my divers where working except my sound card it took me hours to figure out to just let XP run its hardwear manager program, i let it do it, but i had to open all the System32 files and files from the disc, lets just say it was a pain in the arse.

for you, boot to safe mode, uninstall all, every single audio driver, even the ones for your motherboard APU, then restart and just let windows hardware manager do its thing, if it asks you to find any files look for them in "WINDOWS/system32/" "Windows/" or "Windows/system/" unless promted to get them from the CD. you'll have to do some searching in there i dont know how your drive disk is set up

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Try this:

(drivers only)

or this:

(drivers and Creative software)

These should work. I used to have a Sound Blaster Live! with WindowsXP and they worked. Shame Creative stopped supporting these cards. Apparently everyone should have Audigy's now. :rolleyes:

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I didnt install any of the latest drivers, only use the drivers which originally came with the card on it's official CD, since then i've not updated them and they work perfectly alright. Only one thing a file called DEVLDR32.exe runs in taskmanager which is somehow linked with the drivers and that i dont know how to remove it.

updating to the latest drivers from creatives website will remove devldr32 as its not used anymore

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Spyder i dont think drivers for SB Live! Value cards are updated on their site, if u do know of then let me know as well because i'm sick of removing that file from the taskmanager.

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Spyder i dont think drivers for SB Live! Value cards are updated on their site, if u do know of then let me know as well because i'm sick of removing that file from the taskmanager.

crusher.. I know for a fact that they have updated drivers on their site. have you even tried to look?

driver update:

from here:

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go spyder go spyder :p

i have a SBLive Value and SBLive 5.1 Platinum and both work flawlessly in XP pro/XPh.

using latest Creative drivers.

Have you checked the IRQ for the PCI slot you have it in. Although windows etc allows IRQ sharing i found using a PCI slot that shares IRQ with another (say PCI2 shares IRQ with AGP SLot) can cause problems with SBLIves, they just dont like sharing IRQs.


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crusher.. I know for a fact that they have updated drivers on their site.  have you even tried to look?

driver update:

from here:

yeah really dude.....there was a whole bunch of threads just recently on Neowin about new Creative drivers.....

Edited by dougkinzinger
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Spyder thanks for the direct link to the drivers, i indeed went through creative's site but unfortunately i went into their asian mirror.

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I'm using a SONY Hi-fi system so i believe downloading those drivers on that system will definitely be good for the output.

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I suppose this is valid for this thread. The same sound card a sound blaster Live 5.1 (well same type) Does any1 have a clue where to download windows 98 Drivers? I've tried downloading the drivepack I think it was for 98 Before but it always said my hard disk was out of space when trying to install them and I have er......well if I split my Hard Disk into 2 I would have at least 30GB Free for 98

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When I install the creative drivers on by SB Live! Platinum, they pretty much cripple it.

The ports on the live Drive don't work. It refuses to let me use a Dolby 5.1 speaker profile. Wont let me use the SPDIF for the speakers, will only let me use an analogue out (mumble mumble mumble digital speakers mumble mumble mumble) :angry:

My advice, don't touch the drivers with a barge pole

+ they killed Play Centre with the v4 release and IMHO the software bundle has goten worse compared to what it was for Live Ware 3.1.

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When I install the creative drivers on by SB Live! Platinum, they pretty much cripple it.

The ports on the live Drive don't work. It refuses to let me use a Dolby 5.1 speaker profile. Wont let me use the SPDIF for the speakers, will only let me use an analogue out (mumble mumble mumble digital speakers mumble mumble mumble) :angry:

My advice, don't touch the drivers with a barge pole

+ they killed Play Centre with the v4 release and IMHO the software bundle has goten worse compared to what it was for Live Ware 3.1.

Hi dood word of advice the live ware Cd that comes with the sblive platinum is NOT for windows XP.

If you want the proper Windows XP liveware it is up for download from the creative ftp site.

There is documentation at creatives site telling you NOT to use CD for XP.

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hehehe cheers Doug ;)

hate it when peeps slag off something that works for 99% of others, and due to dimness and not reading diddly they moan.


(must be working in IT support, you get all sorts of chumps thinking ...welll i thought....u know what thought did!)

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