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  CyBeRiA said:
I'm not very good at taking pictures at this point. I'm weening myself off Auto mode and doing some experimenting with different settings to get used to the camera. Being at school makes it difficult to find time to take pictures, but I have a bunch from my bedroom in my apartment (usually around sunset when I'm bored with programming).

Here's a shot of Ithaca, NY (from my apartment). I just liked how the sun poked through the clouds like a spotlight. The pictures from that window don't come out well because there's a screen that I can't move.


My recommendation to you would be to shoot in Aperture priority mode (A) if you have it. that way you can select a aperture, and just let the camera worry about the shutter. You'll have more control over your pictures depth of field (how much is in focus) and yet still be pretty much automatic. When you shoot in P mode, the camera just comes up with an aperture and shutter speed it likes, but you don't have much control over it. if you shoot in A mode, a good all around aperture to use is f5.6, f8, or f11. the lower you go (4,3.5,2.8, etc) the closer you bring the focus point, and more of the background will get blured....which is good for portraits, but not landscapes.. for landscapes, use something like f11-f22


yet another fine set of pictures :wub:

i looked at tripods tonight at walmart....i liked what i saw but didn't buy anything because i realized i forgot to get popcorn....they didn't one of the tripods they have on the's an itty bitty tripod like for what you'd use on a's so CUTE!!!! i think i'd like to go out and get pix of xmas lights...i dunno...

If you're going to get a tripod get a really decent one.. not some cheap piece of plastic.. the sturdier, the better. most pro camera stores sell really nice ones, but they range from 80- 150$... they'll take a beating and keep get the idea... they're top notch tho, and will last you a long time.









More images will come later..

In case you are wondering what was used to create these images, heres my equipment list:

Nikon D1 Pro digital SLR body

Nikon 80-200 AF-IF 2.8D series lens

Nikon 28-85 3.5-4.5G AFS lens

IBM 1 Gig microdrives

Lexar 24x 512MB CF cards

3ftx3ft Gold reflectors for the outdoor portrait stuff.

3ftx3ft White 1 stop diffuser

for the studio stuff:

Alien Bee 300 WS studio strobe

5ftx3ft softbox

6ft x 2.5ft gold/white reflector.. one side gold, other side white.

9 ft x30 ft white background, and a background stand

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