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People do not accept the lag in a service like PS Now.


I mean people who pay for them. Of course i would not.


What i mean is we all know it's gonna lag and if some people are willing to accept that to play old games then fine. If the cloud makes retail offline games lag here and there i highly doubt people will find this okay as it looks like you wont have any choice but to use it for some games like Watchdog (could be wrong). Right now the only game i know making use of the cloud is Forza 5 and i've not read any review proclaming it made the gameplay or the ai any better than Forza 4 or the gfx any better than Ryse or Killzone.


But anyway that's not the point i'm not willing to start any PS4 versus Xbox One fight was just replying to a comment. I don't even own any of the next gen consoles lol


Honestly i don't think services like PS Now are interesting. This could be somewhat cool on TVs though. Let's say Sony TVs support the PS4 controller and PS Now out of the box and you could play PS3 games on the TV using only the controller and a PS Now sub this could be cool. But that's all.

I disagree. Playstation Now will obviously be 2 way communication so as I say, undoubtedly more involved and requiring more data / time sensitivity.


Whereas X1 cloud is almost always going to be 1 way to add features to a game. I'm sure it can evolve into more than that once developers get to grips with it though. That is a very big difference of adding additional data to boost a feature rather than "remote play" on a very large scale.

I agree, the ps now service will be more demanding on the server backend then the current features developers are using in X1 games.

I'm not sure we can make a generalization about what the 'X1 cloud' can do since that just a simple way of saying server hardware/software backend. It can do lots of things, as Sony and MS are revealing.

I mean people who pay for them. Of course i would not.


What i mean is we all know it's gonna lag and if some people are willing to accept that to play old games then fine. If the cloud makes retail offline games lag here and there i highly doubt people will find this okay as it looks like you wont have any choice but to use it for some games like Watchdog (could be wrong). Right now the only game i know making use of the could is Forza 5 and i've not read any reviews proclaming it made the gameplay or the ai any better than Forza 4 or the gfx any better than Ryse or Killzone.

I'm not sure what your point is.

Forza 5 uses 'the cloud' to offload ai functions and leverage that to try a new method for improving ai overtime by incorporating real gamer driving habits.

I don't know if any reviews have said the ai is better, but I do know reviews have definitely mentioned it being different, some noticing right away that the ai was behaving more like other players and less scripted.

Why would the graphics be any different because of that feature?

Remember, 'the cloud' is not a good option for improving things like graphics thanks to the real time nature of that. Plus, its impossible for 'the cloud' to cause games to lag while they are being played offline. Offline means no internet, which means no connection to the cloud. If someone makes a game that must have an internet connection, it simply wont play at all.

Can't wait for this. If the quality is there, I'm more than willing to pay a subscription fee to get access to what amounts to a huge backwards compatibility feature.

Remove backwards compatibility

Wait a while

Have people offer to pay you subs to re-instate it


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This has me excited and cautious at the same time.


Data caps (i only get 250GB a month)

Bandwith for some in the world (i at least get 25mbps+ up and down).  Just doesn't seem like it'll be a good experience if you have anything under 12mbps IMHO.


How much space will the Cache partition take up (or does it automatically purge when done?)

This has me excited and cautious at the same time.


Data caps (i only get 250GB a month)

Bandwith for some in the world (i at least get 25mbps+ up and down).  Just doesn't seem like it'll be a good experience if you have anything under 12mbps IMHO.


How much space will the Cache partition take up (or does it automatically purge when done?)

I'm currently using a 10 down/5 up connection, so I do worry that I might get left out of a service like this.

I just want to try it out. It would be so nice to see this stuff just work.

Sounds good, but it will probably run like ass for me (3.5mb broadband). Only thing I really care about is playing games on the DS4 and with the faster OS. I'll happily keep playing my PS3, I just wish the DS4 was compatible wirelessly.


The bigger thing here is being able to use it on the Vita, with the screen being small you'll get away with streaming "pixelation" and things will still look better than any native Vita title.

Sounds good, but it will probably run like ass for me (3.5mb broadband). Only thing I really care about is playing games on the DS4 and with the faster OS. I'll happily keep playing my PS3, I just wish the DS4 was compatible wirelessly.


The bigger thing here is being able to use it on the Vita, with the screen being small you'll get away with streaming "pixelation" and things will still look better than any native Vita title.


I'm wondering if PS Now will include Vita games and the West won't recieve the Vita TV..


Hope I'm wrong though. I already have a Vita backlog from PS+ to make use of.

I'm wondering if PS Now will include Vita games and the West won't recieve the Vita TV..


Hope I'm wrong though. I already have a Vita backlog from PS+ to make use of.


Nah I'm sure they'll do Vita TV for those without internet, or like me with crap internet. Everything is needed to keep the Vita afloat :p


Just noticed all of this seems to have came from Kaz's keynote, watching it now -


I dumped that CES stream yesterday after 10 minutes, it was unbearable. At least this one has a mildly interesting and creative start.

I'm wondering if PS Now will include Vita games and the West won't recieve the Vita TV..


Hope I'm wrong though. I already have a Vita backlog from PS+ to make use of.

That's a scary thought. I'm really interested in the Vita TV for that.

Although, they did say that this service would work on tablets and other devices, so what about a pc app that could access the service?

It sounds insane, but could they go as far as offer people the option to pay a fee to be able to play ps3,ps2,and ps1 via their pc or tablet?

I was excited about the rumor that Microsoft was going to do this as well, because if it worked well, then that would be such an awesome feature. I had faith that they could pull it off,because of azure and their cloud infrastructure, but alas they ditched the idea because it just wouldn't work that well.

Back in September, at a Microsoft company meeting, cloud-based games streaming was demonstrated using a copy of Halo 4, which was seen running on a PC and a Windows Phone with attached Xbox 360 controller. Albert Penello, lead planner on Xbox One, Xbox 360 and Kinect, said the technology is simultaneously "really cool and really problematic" to pull off.

"It's really cool and really problematic, all at the same time, insofar as it's really super cool if you happen to have the world's most awesome internet connection," Penello told Polygon. "It works way better than you'd expect it to. So managing quality of service, the tolerance people will have for it being crappy. Can you imagine, in this day and age, with the bad information around, and we can't control the quality of that experience and make sure it's good, or have to tell people they can't do it?"

Penello went on to say this specific demonstration was "a grand experiment" but it's all a matter of improving the Xbox Live network before going forward with any kind of feature launch. Penello also didn't rule out the possibility of streaming Xbox One games. "I know we did a lot of work behind it, and we said this is one of the things where the network just has to get better before we can do it. When that happens, you're going to have a really interesting conversation around that, can I actually run Xbox One games that way as well."

Right now the only game i know making use of the cloud is Forza 5 and i've not read any review proclaming it made the gameplay or the ai any better than Forza 4 or the gfx any better than Ryse or Killzone.


Graphically Forza 4 and 5 aren't too different, but the AIs in Forza 5 are based on that whole "drivatar" thing and they are wayyyy different from Forza 4 for me. Way less robotic. When I started, I was up against lower level drivatars who were pretty obnoxious rammers, but as I played on and my skill went up, I got some very good competition... aggressive but fair.

I just can't see this working well, for all the talk about bandwidth that's only half the problem, the other (bigger) issue is latency, unless the servers are very close to you you'll have issues.

OnLive had the same problem, and they ignored it basically (When asked about it, they'd change the subject) It's not something you can overcome.

Edit: The only real way to "solve" it is to have the servers very close to the end user, which is expensive so I'd expect a monthly subscription then, etc.

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Does it actually allow playing of any ps3 titles?

(Looking at my Killzone 3)

Hypothetically yes, technically if you can do one game you can do them all (with varying input lag of course).

Realistically you won't have every developer and publisher on board. Most likely be 90% 1st party to start with.

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If this works as well as OnLive or better and I can just buy a game and play it "forever" then I will finally be able to play The Last of Us on my tablet.  If it's a subscription service I probably won't be getting it anytime soon, though.

If this works as well as OnLive or better and I can just buy a game and play it "forever" then I will finally be able to play The Last of Us on my tablet. If it's a subscription service I probably won't be getting it anytime soon, though.

It will be rent/stream, like Netflix. Very much doubt anyone will be getting an option to buy anything.

And playing TLoU on a tablet? :/

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