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Hi All,

A friend and I have enjoyed the new DVR functionality built into the XB1 so much that we decided to make a few montages of the clips from our games of Battlefield. I'm suprised no-one on here seems to have started a thread to show off and collect these types of things. So thought I would give it a try and hopefully others have clips they want to share. 


This is the first time either of us have done any form of video editing so they are pretty basic and the second one still needs a little tweaking that should be done hopefully by the end of today if not tomorrow.

Anyway, here is ours... please share yours!!




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These are some Battlefield 4 Moments I've saved on Xbox One







And heres a video I did ages ago back when I was an admin or a collection of CSS Zombie Servers, the Zombie Escape Server had a reputation for the players failing harder than everyone else, so over the course of an hour I documented a few fails and put a video together


Never played WoW... so have to admit, I don't really understand what the aim is in this other than trying to survive the masses of flying stuff!


This video is actually very famous in the wow community and it's become a meme, a verb, in WoW, "to leeroy" meaning to rush into battle without any preparation.


It's hilarious because, in it, the raid leader spends all this time preparing for the encounter when one group member, Leeroy Jenkins, suddenly wakes up, runs into the room, and activates the fight :D and then they wipe :D

Oh this is a good idea for a thread. I've not really played too much lately, neck issues and all, but I also have about a week vacation to waste  :shifty:


Here's two videos of WoW from my YouTube channel from a while back

Thanks for sharing, that last CS clip looks intense!!


That looks like console you're playing BF on, which one?


Those clips were on XB1, I mostly play on PS4 now because thats what all my friends bought. I own 3 copies of BF4+Premium now, PX,XB1 and PS4. ?240 down the pan. 

Those clips were on XB1, I mostly play on PS4 now because thats what all my friends bought. I own 3 copies of BF4+Premium now, PX,XB1 and PS4. ?240 down the pan. 

You clearly have far too much money and should gift me Premium for the xbox :p


This just happened to me on PS4. Spawned in just as my team mate started to get knifed. I tried to save him but clearly he was the Terminator.

Wow, I thought that had been fixed. I certainly know on the XB1 I have been saved from at least two knifings.

We finally finished editing our second video, its a little different to the first one and hopefully a step in the right direction

Be good to get feedback on this and the first one too, we know its still very amatuer but hoping to improve these with each one we do.

The ability to record any game footage you want on these consoles is something that means a lot to me.  I know some people find these extra features a waste, but man, I have enjoyed using it on both consoles.  Right now, its one of my favorite features of the next gen consoles.  


I like saving epic moments, especially when playing with my friends, but I also love being able to easily record weird events or obvious bugs/glitches that I run into. 


Throughout my years of gaming, I've thought to myself  "man, I wish I had that recorded" after a great moment or a hilarious glitch.  It has always been too difficult or too expensive to do.  In recent years, I remember when EA first added the ability to record clips and upload them from within their college football games and I really enjoyed it.  My friends and I play a ton of those games and having the option to save short clips of particular plays during a game was great.  Yeah the quality was fairly crappy and you were limited to just the list of plays during a game, but it was something. 


Now we are really close to the perfect system imo.  All that is left is for MS and Sony to drop the arbitrary limits on recording time and allow quality control options for me to be set.  Still, its great to have.  Now when something completely bizarre happens in say AC4, I can save that.  When I have an epic finish in a game of KI, I can save that.  When I make a great run through Resogun, I can save that. 

I've been playing a lot of Titanfall the last few days and decided to test out Shadowplay recording, I wish I knew YouTube was going to cut the quality in half :(
Anyhu, here's me in a round where I didn't die as much as usual! :p

I'm not sure that's YouTube doing that, If we take the raw footage from XB1 DVR and upload to youtube in its Native 720p then YouTube often then upscales it to 1080. It's only when I do a little editing for things like intro's/outro's and transitions that I remove that but it still manages 720 pretty cleanly. Even though I selected 1080 on the viewing settings the quality never seemed to get any better.

I assume the footage shows as HD when played locally? Very Bizare!

Nice footage though... Beta is over now but I'm hoping to be able to piece together enough stuff to make a small montage.

This just happened to me on Black Flag. Was trying (unsuccessfully) to take on the El Impoluto when clearly it decided the laws of physics were mere guidelines, and tried to mount the Jackdaw like a horny dog.


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I've seen other people posting that on Xbox live. It was hilarious to see this huge ship decide to just mount the player's ship :laugh:

I have found myself jumping into the uploads section and just sorting out the ones tagged 'funny' to see all the glitches people find. Both consoles seem to have a healthy amount of people sharing videos, so there is a lot to look through.

OK, not my video but one of the guys I subscribe to has taken to a new way of transitioning between clips and it blew my mind it was sooo good! He describes it much better but basically he seamlessly cuts between two different knife kills to transition between clips. It's pretty cool and something I really want to try.


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