Xbox One UK sales spike but PS4 still in control

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Individuals experiences can be just that, individual. Does your experience reflect in the NPD sales? If not you can assume situations like yours may not as widespread as joe blogg's picture of no stock on the shelves. It's funny how the pictures that surface online are 90% one in stock or the other, does no one like snapping pictures of both in stock/out of stock?  :laugh:


Not that you probably wanted an analytical answer from me, but there you go.


actually my intention when taking that picture was light hearted humor,and so was my reply to you.

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Maybe its just where you live, but here in Australia there is currently no store that has any stock of PS4's for sale. PS4's are still backlogged for a few months here at least, while XB1 units are selling better bcause of Titanfall, but funny enough, its the PC copies that have sold out while just today I saw many XB1 and XB1 Titanfall's on display. 

Anyway as mentioned earlier, long as both console sells well then im happy. 


I've never ever in my life seen a PS4 in a retail store; and it has been out here for months.


It's all down to personal experiences. They are on the shelves in all the Game stores near me. They were out of stock for 2 weeks after launch for me.


I see them in the stores here all the time. In fact, I don't think there was time where I didn't see them on the shelves.

With the mixture of posts like this and my personal experience, it seems the issues now are down to poor stock distribution rather than the image of too much demand.

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Forgive me if I have missed it as I did skim through most of this, do we actually have some up to date sales figures for either?


I haven't seen anything for the PS4 for a while now and only ever see things like sales of XB1 are up 90%+ in the UK which means nothing if you only sold 1 the previous week/month.

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Forgive me if I have missed it as I did skim through most of this, do we actually have some up to date sales figures for either?


I haven't seen anything for the PS4 for a while now and only ever see things like sales of XB1 are up 90%+ in the UK which means nothing if you only sold 1 the previous week/month.


No, we don't, not overall global numbers.  Sony hasn't posted a update since they're last 6million number, which I don't remember when it was but at least a month ago probably.  I also think it's safe to say the XB1 is at least at the 4.5million number from the 3.9million MS posted in mid January when they released their company quarterly numbers. 


People want to make this out to be some huge difference, but it's really not, I expect this gen to end much like the last one, both will end their life in the 70-80million units range, these initial large sales spikes have dropped for both to a much more realistic monthly sales rate.     Now if 5-6 years from now the PS4 has 2-3million more sales I'd hardly call that a big "win", nothing dominant like the old PS2 days when they ran away with the market. 

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