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Mine looks relatively simple compared to yours.


That's how I feel after seeing Budman's setup!


Just realized I didn't include my wireless devices. Pretty much just the normal array of phones, 2 laptops and 2 Android tablets.

yeah that is home network, left out lot of details on the esxi side - but all the basics are there.  I keep meaning to update it to include details like layer 2 and 3 and power, serial numbers, etc..  Just too lazy and I change stuff quite often.

yeah that is home network, left out lot of details on the esxi side - but all the basics are there.  I keep meaning to update it to include details like layer 2 and 3 and power, serial numbers, etc..  Just too lazy and I change stuff quite often.


I love your setup but why so much for a home network?  Is it just because you can and you love testing or do you run a small business out of your home?  Either way I am impressed.

yeah that is home network, left out lot of details on the esxi side - but all the basics are there.  I keep meaning to update it to include details like layer 2 and 3 and power, serial numbers, etc..  Just too lazy and I change stuff quite often.


Something like and GLPI not of any use?

I don't see it as anything over the top for a home network - I would think anyone that understands basic networking and visualization would run a sim sort of setup.  There is not really fancy at all, it is all low cost home priced equipment.  The most expensive thing will be the unifi AC accesspoint that is in the mail.  This is just so I can play with AC, and the software based controller, etc.


I do plan on breaking out some stuff to vlans now that actually have vlan support on my wireless AP.  And really itchy to pull the trigger on a sg300-10 so I can move my dumb switch with the current smart one and run trunking to the living room and isolate my popcorn and the dvrs from the rest of my network.  And if going to do that might as well vlan out my current cost.


So yeah some play for sure, but its really jut 2 segments lan and wlan, which is common practice if you know how and have the equipment.  Not sure why anyone would want their wireless sharing the broadcast domain for practical along with security reasons.


BTW - I left off the remote vpns and servers, I have 2 vps (west cost and east cost) along with a box in NL and shared hosting box in US..

I don't know where to get those images made, so I'll just post as text


VM Superhub running in modem mode >> Cisco E4200 >> (Wired to main pc) >> all wireless devices connected to 2.4ghtz (4 phones, 2 tablets 2 pc's)

Netgear WNHDE111 bridge connected to 5ghtz >> PS4 and Blu Ray Player wired to bridge

If your looking for free place to draw up your networks - check out


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If your looking for free place to draw up your networks - check out


Or or




Cool, thanks for the info

I've been meaning to sketch one out. I made one real quick and even added shape details




Windows Desktop 2 and Galaxy S4 are my roommate's. These are devices used on a daily basis only - there are plenty of other wireless devices that I have but don't use daily (didn't want to clutter the diagram). Any device without a line/arrow to it are connected via wireless.

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