HDD getting TOO hot

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OK, I have a 20 GB Western Digital 7200 RPM HDD (ATA-100), and it is getting too hot.

Around 40 degrees just when it boots to Windows. And the temperature only rises. This seems to have happened just after I installed my CD-RW. But it might not have anything to do with that.

My PC even started crashing, because the HDD is too hot and does not respond sometimes.

What could the problem be? And most importantly how could I fix it?


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Where is the CD-Rom located in adjacent to your Hard drive. If one is right underneath the other then the problem could be airflow where the drive doesn't have as much space for the air to ciculate the heat out.

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I would just leave it alone. How would you know that other hd's dont get hot?

I wouldn't. There is definitely something wrong. Only SCSI drives tend to get that hot. If you can't find something besides the drive that is causing the heat problem trade it in. WD has a three year warranty.

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Originally posted by Xcalibur

is there such a thing as a hard drive temp monitor?

all i have is case, cpu, and motherboard temp readings

Actually there is X, some drives that use SMART technology have a temperature attribute.

You could also get a temp probe.

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