Which sports do you like?

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Hockey is my favorite sport, probably followed by Basketball and then Baseball. I don't really like football, but I'll watch it. I like most sports, but I can't stand Golf or Tennis... Far too boring for my tastes (just my opinion).

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Long distance target shooting. Shooting between 300 and 1000 yards with a 7.62 and .303 cal bolt action rifle.

I am best at 600 yards, I can hit the center target (about the size of a soccer ball) each time. :-)

Are you serious?? I would love THAT sport... :p

But I would use the rifle to shoot at chickens from a 10m distance...hate those stupid birds!!

(I love animals... but only a fried chicken is a good chicken!!)

I play basketball, soccer, tennis, volleyball, baseball, and sometimes golf.

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