Microsoft confirms Rise of the Tomb Raider Xbox exclusivity deal "has a duration"

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Tomb Raider wasn't on the N64 either. It was on discs due to FMVs and audio, not a cartridge, a lot of games came about on the PS1 due to the optical media. Didn't the Saturn pretty much die on its arse really quickly as well?


Until the XB/PS2 came about, pretty much everything was on the PS1 bar all the great games Nintendo made themselves. There were no other horses to put your bets on, and obviously the PS1 started the household name that is TR.


Saturn died quickly but that was in about 1998. First tomb raider game launched more or less the same time on both PS1 and SS so to say the PS1 started it is a bit of a stretch. In fact it launched almost a month earlier on SS in Japan.

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Given how badly it turned out it would have probably been for the best had it not been made.


Wow are you trying to say DR3 is a bad game?  :laugh:


This isn't bad publicity. Just PC and PS4 only gamers whinging. Better jump on the xbox one bandwagon because with Phil at the helm you can guarantee Microsoft will be opening their wallet for a lot more exclusives in the coming years.

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MS should've had the balls to make it exclusive period. PS4 has Uncharted, they'd get over it. I dislike these timed exclusives on any platform. Either permanently exclusive or not, not some half arsed solution </rant>

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This isn't bad publicity. Just PC and PS4 only gamers whinging. Better jump on the xbox one bandwagon because with Phil at the helm you can guarantee Microsoft will be opening their wallet for a lot more exclusives in the coming years.

It certainly is bad publicity, hence why Microsoft has had to release qualifying statements and excuse its actions. This is about a franchise that has been on PC and PlayStation since 1996 and Microsoft, which is currently being massively outsold by Sony, paying money to deprive gamers of access to it (even if only for a limited period). The first Xbox version was in 2006, some ten years after the original PC and PlayStation releases.


If this is the only way that Microsoft can compete then Sony doesn't have much to worry about.

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It certainly is bad publicity, hence why Microsoft has had to release qualifying statements and excuse its actions. This is about a franchise that has been on PC and PlayStation since 1996 and Microsoft, which is currently being massively outsold by Sony, paying money to deprive gamers of access to it (even if only for a limited period). The first Xbox version was in 2006, some ten years after the original PC and PlayStation releases.


If this is the only way that Microsoft can compete then Sony doesn't have much to worry about.


Like when Nintendo depraved Sony and PC gamers of Resident Evil when the Gamecube came out right? This happens all the time in the industry, this just happens to be a bigger AA game.


If you think if Microsoft managed to get timed exclusives of CoD, BF etc it wouldn't give Sony much to worry about think again. Microsoft is in a position to throw money at it's problem and will continue to do so until the odds even out. I own a more then capable PC and PS4 and ONE simply because I don't want to miss out on any exclusives.


This industry is defined by games being only available on certain consoles to move them. If every console sold the same games why would we purchase more then one? And yes, of course those companies will shift their games onto other systems to make more money, it's just business. This isn't an act of pissing on your grave, like everyone who is missing out is making out.

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Given how badly it turned out it would have probably been for the best had it not been made.

1. First you complained that they paid to make sequel(DR3) of a multiplatform exclusive.

2. I point out that DR3 wouldn't exist if not for microsoft

3. So now your problem with Microsoft is that they are funding game production

seriously? :laugh:


(not to mention that DR3 received good reviews)

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Wow, get a grip people.


It's not Microsoft's job to announce when a game is coming out on PlayStation 4. If the game is exclusive to Xbox One for the 2015 holidays, they didn't deceive anyone when they said "exclusive to Xbox One for the 2015 holidays"


And as for PC gamers, shut up because you should be playing Star Citizen at 4K resolution on 3 monitors driven by GTX Titans for the 2015 holidays.


This is the best post in this thread. Period.

Almost had me choking on my tea!

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Where were you when Sony bought "Everybody's Gone to Rapture"? I didn't see any thread started to criticize sony for it. Or was it ok because "it is a new IP"?

I didn't know that even exists and I haven't seen any topic around Neowin about it. Then again, excuse me for not being able to muster any enthusiasm for something I couldn't care less about.


"Everybody's Gone to the Rapture will differ from its spiritual predecessor by allowing more interaction, such as manipulating objects and opening and closing doors."

Amazing!!oneone 12/10 IGN


And as for PC gamers, shut up because you should be playing Star Citizen at 4K resolution on 3 monitors driven by GTX Titans for the 2015 holidays.

I believe you've been deceived. There is no Star Citizen. There's only Chris Roberts' scheme to fund his addiction for snorting money with his bum.


Like when Nintendo depraved Sony and PC gamers of Resident Evil when the Gamecube came out right? This happens all the time in the industry, this just happens to be a bigger AA game.


If you think if Microsoft managed to get timed exclusives of CoD, BF etc it wouldn't give Sony much to worry about think again. Microsoft is in a position to throw money at it's problem and will continue to do so until the odds even out. I own a more then capable PC and PS4 and ONE simply because I don't want to miss out on any exclusives.

A similar crappy thing done in the past does not make this one ok.


Xbox already has its console exclusive spunkgargleweewee game and it doesn't seem to have phased Sony much. Of course MS could go after the two premier spunkgargleweewee games, but how long do you think that would last before shareholders go "off with xbox's head".

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As I said, I have zero interest in the Xbox. I care about PC gaming and Microsoft seems to be going out of its way to screw it up, despite promises to the contrary. The difference between Sony and Microsoft is that Microsoft is responsible for Windows, the main PC gaming operating system - there is a clear conflict of interest. Microsoft should be supporting PC gaming, instead it's damaging it.

MS are developing DX12, the biggest leap of difference in PC gaming since DX was announced; they're also bringing X1 platform fronting exclusives like Ryse and DR to PC and they're making it worse?


What do you even want?

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Microsoft should not be getting backlash for this. It's how the industry works. But it does go to show the support the PS4 has. I've always been an Xbox Live person and have found no reason to go next-gen and instead just PC game occasionally, but I have to say, the PS4 is starting to look tempting.


I do believe the PS4 will more or less win this generation if there is one, their exclusives look much much better. There's nothing on XOne except KI that even interests me. I also think the specs of the XOne should have been higher. I know there will be tricks and optimizations but ...


Anyway,  waiting on Abe's New & Tasty, RE HD Remake, and SW Battlefront 3 to hit PC... and DX12.

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It certainly is bad publicity, hence why Microsoft has had to release qualifying statements and excuse its actions. This is about a franchise that has been on PC and PlayStation since 1996 and Microsoft, which is currently being massively outsold by Sony, paying money to deprive gamers of access to it (even if only for a limited period). The first Xbox version was in 2006, some ten years after the original PC and PlayStation releases.


If this is the only way that Microsoft can compete then Sony doesn't have much to worry about.

What about when Sony paid for the TR sequel to be exclusive to PS1, did you forget about that?

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MS are developing DX12, the biggest leap of difference in PC gaming since DX was announced; they're also bringing X1 platform fronting exclusives like Ryse and DR to PC and they're making it worse?


What do you even want?


Pffft, I hear ya, but to get real, bring KI to PC. Then you're serious, lol. /s

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I haven't scoured every single page on this thread and I realize the XBox is some people's favorite punching bag but you do realize that Crystal Dynamics's Darrell Gallagher (Head of Studios) announced this:

As you may have seen, we?ve just announced that Rise of the Tomb Raider, coming Holiday 2015, is exclusively on Xbox.


The wording is pretty similar to Xbox's.

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MS should've had the balls to make it exclusive period. PS4 has Uncharted, they'd get over it. I dislike these timed exclusives on any platform. Either permanently exclusive or not, not some half arsed solution </rant>

Exclusives should be first party. Taking an existing multi-platform game and throwing money at the dev/publisher to not release the sequel on other platforms, or to withhold for an arbitrary amount of time is a scumbag move and screws over fans of the series on other platforms. At least in this case it turned out to be a timed exclusive so other platforms don't get totally left out, I'd be even more angry if they made it a full exclusive like it first appeared to be, as someone who bought the first one on pc and was planning to buy the second one on release.


Throwing money at a game to have them withhold releases on other platforms is not a good way to handle exclusives, it only creates bad press and angers the fans of the series that expected to have it on their platform on release, just to have it pulled out from under them at the last second. Someone that played tomb raider on pc or ps4 isn't going to buy an xbox to play rise of the tomb raider, they are just going to be annoyed and might not buy the game at all.

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why are ps fans greedy. you have uncharted, which is a game id rather play than tomb raider


Same could be said about Halo. 


TB is 3rd party publisher, where Halo / Uncharged are 1st party that publish only to there respective owners. 

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If this is the only way that Microsoft can compete then Sony doesn't have much to worry about.


I think it's quite the contrary. This is actually what makes Microsoft such a really dangerous competitor. Save for an handful of companies no other company in the world can pour money on a product like Microsoft can. The XBox brand poor financial results in the past would have made lot of companies go bankrupt by now or at the very least it would have angered the shareholders enough to have a change in leadership and vision. Nintendo would be in big trouble and maybe out of business if the xbox would be its product. Yet Microsoft keeps pouring money on it like if it was ketchup.

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I want Microsoft to stop paying to have games not be released on PC. That would be a start. I'd like Microsoft to release proper sequels to existing franchises like Age Of Empires, rather than tablet, pay-2-win and TV versions. I want Microsoft to not tie DirectX releases to Windows versions for arbitrary reasons, like it did with DX10 and Vista, and not make DX12 all about the Xbox One as it has done. I'd like Microsoft to support the XB1 controller on the PC like it did the X360 controller.

That first part pretty much can be summed up as you want MS to exit the console market. Without exclusive content, they lose against Sony. But as you said, you don't care about consoles, so that loss would be your gain.

Proper sequels to ip they own on pc would be great as well, I agree. DX12 is not all about Xbox One, it just so happens that the Xbox One runs Windows 8 and therefore can get a nice boost from a better DX release. Besides, the things that people like about DX12 on pc are things that are inspired by console development, such as what Mantle is doing. The X1 is not some foreign piece of hardware, its a pc, so work done for it works across both.

The X1 controller is supported like the 360 controller is now. I've been using it on my pc for a few months now, works well.

Console exclusive doesn't mean outright exclusive. The PC isn't competing with the XB1 or X360, so there is no excuse for screwing over PC gamers. Personally I'd be happy if Microsoft stopped making consoles and went back to focusing on its core strength, which is PC.

The pc isn't competing with consoles? That is highly debatable. People here and elsewhere would argue it does, hence why some will chastise MS when their games are out on pc and Xbox vs Sony titles that are only on the ps4. Personally, I think MS wants to see a strong pc gaming market, but they also want that piece of the living room, which means a console with a strong gaming library that attracts customers.


I'm not a console gamer and have no interest in becoming one. I have been gaming on PC for the past twenty-five years and all I see is Microsoft going out of its way to prevent games being released on PC. As a PC gamer Microsoft is hurting my gaming experience.

Since you have no interest in consoles, its real easy to just say that the only thing that will make you happy is for MS to stop making consoles. That's fair enough, but its not a fair position since you have millions of people that think otherwise.

As a pc gamer, MS has not hurt my gaming experience yet. I didn't buy the last Tomb Raider game until much later, so if this is a timed exclusive, I won't be missing much.

Not my problem.

Your right, its not, its MS' problem. They have to make you happy and everyone else happy. Since there are millions of console fans and millions of pc gamers, its a tough balancing act. They can't just screw one group at the expense of the other, they have to somehow keep both happy.



As I said, I have zero interest in the Xbox. I care about PC gaming and Microsoft seems to be going out of its way to screw it up, despite promises to the contrary. The difference between Sony and Microsoft is that Microsoft is responsible for Windows, the main PC gaming operating system - there is a clear conflict of interest. Microsoft should be supporting PC gaming, instead it's damaging it.

If supporting pc gaming means giving up Xbox, that is a tall order. There are gamers out there that would not be happy about it. But who knows, with the way MS is hated, maybe they will be forced out of the console business sooner rather than later. Although that may not result in MS putting out games on the pc.

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Like when Nintendo depraved Sony and PC gamers of Resident Evil when the Gamecube came out right? This happens all the time in the industry, this just happens to be a bigger AA game.



I don't know under which rock you are living but Nintendo has been criticized OFTEN in the past for its shady practices.

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This whole issue (and the reason why people are upset) can be boiled down to this:


Microsoft spending money on content restriction rather than content creation is bad for everyone.

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The X1 controller is supported like the 360 controller is now. I've been using it on my pc for a few months now, works well.


Wireless support yet?

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This whole issue (and the reason why people are upset) can be boiled down to this:


Microsoft spending money on content restriction rather than content creation is bad for everyone.


very well said.

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Wireless support yet?

Nope, just wired. Wireless will be a nice option since you won't have to buy an adapter like you did with the 360 controller.

This whole issue (and the reason why people are upset) can be boiled down to this:


Microsoft spending money on content restriction rather than content creation is bad for everyone.

Technically, any exclusive title is both content creation and content restriction. Still, this is a timed exclusive, so that means its a timed content restriction. That is not quite as bad as an outright exclusive.

The reason this is a bigger deal is simply because the last game was multiplatform, that is all.

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The reason this is a bigger deal is simply because the last game was multiplatform, that is all.


Of course it's the reason. I don't see much people complaining about Remedy working for Microsoft.

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