What's that message at the top of the forums? We're upgrading

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Every time the site is changed or any policy is changed we have folks that say they hate the site and they are never coming back. Sadly it is just the nature of change.



yeah, it is true.     people get used to anything over time.      as soon as functionality does not suffer, and the content is the one they like... the looks don't overly matter.

remove the gradients!  use colored squares, or rectangles, ok.  not gradients. that is not ok.

use smaller font,  more content on the front page (smaller boxes too!), so you are getting same amount of information as you were before.  



it is that simple! keep the metro language, just do it right!

(and please do not dismiss desktop users, just to please mobile crowd... there should be a separate mobile version of site)




i think this are fair suggestions, and can easily be implemented, with a few very simple tweaks!

How on earth does the new front page look like it's been designed for mobile devices in a desktop browser?

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How on earth does the new front page look like it's been designed for mobile devices in a desktop browser?


your screen shot shows every news post and the links to 3 articles on top, all taking up a substantial amount of screen.  way more then needed to see their content! 


so on a small screen it would be a bonus.   your fat fingers can click the right news story easily. and when shrunk to 5" 1080p, this fonts look amazing and easy to read.


on a large desktop, it is complete overkill.  we have a mouse.    you can fix at least 3 stories, with the text we can read, and click, in each of this design rectangles.

tons of wasted space for noting, with not even a decent design to make it look good.       yellow gradient is not a nice design!

Are you serious? If someone says the new design "sucks", you're just going to ignore it?


Yes, and so they should. Saying "it sucks" is the least constructive thing you can type. If they can't be bothered to type an actual decent response then they obviously don't dislike it as much as they think they do. 

Here's another screenshot, with the browser maximised to 1920x1200:

Is the fluid width option still available?  I like the look but hate massive bars on the sides with nothing in it.

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Is the fluid width option still available?  I like the look but hate massive bars on the sides with nothing in it.

Not at the moment, no. Whether or not it'll come back is a question only the devs will be able to answer.

Not at the moment, no. Whether or not it'll come back is a question only the devs will be able to answer.

Thanks, hopefully it does.  Was never a fan of fixed-width design.

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Sweet, just went live for me. No fluid width, but just zoomed it to fit.. good enough I guess.


Only complaint would be the "More" menu doesn't have a link to the spy page anymore. I rarely even look at the forum index itself anymore.  Forums needs a Darkside theme too. (Or am I just missing the setting somewhere?)

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Yes, got it!


Very nice chaps, i can see why some people are throwing toys out of the pram though as it is a massive change. 

I'll give it a few days to play with and get used to before passing complete judgement, but currently i'm won over.


Only issue i have is the because the header images are so large, the advert above them pushes everything down a long way. Also when you shrink down to mobile size, the ad distorts and gets partly hidden behind the header images.


Edit: If there's a dedicated thread for bugs, please link me and i'll take it over there.

It kind of anoys me that the "related stories"  section is so big inbetween the article and comments.


Also, when I click on an image, it opens in a new tab, but also on top of the page I was looking at (what is supposed to happen). Prety anoying too.

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Images at the top feel too big.


I can understand when people say that it was designed for mobile devices / tablets.


My Avatar Image in the "Round Avatar" is not showing up for me. Why is it round? .. I guess because the Neowin logo is round?


Make List View default.


Content > Pictures 


I always preferred to know which articles are newer and older. ie. List View. I am sure new comers that like tech prefer tech news in an organized fashion with an option to make it "grid view".


In a sense unorganized news feel like a tabloid/gossip/fashion magazine webpage. 

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Dislike. Just like thevirge and other sites, this new "modern" layout is terrible.


The only good thing about neowin is that it still looks like it is in chronological order. Many sites (especially big news sites) only list the trending stuff.

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I'm not sure about this. Everything is huge, and it just doesn't look or feel like Neowin anymore. It seems more like some generic tech news site now.


I also think the metro thing has been done to death, really tired of it now. Just my opinion of course.

On second thought, this may not be so bad. You can shrink the width of your browser down and since the site is mobile responsive, it will get rid of the huge pictures and make it look half way decent. (like the old site).

There's a button that'll change the layout to something similar to what used to be there, the vertical list with smaller images instead of the grid.  Top right of the articles section. Doesn't change the top bar's size though, which is a bit big, doesn't bug me personally though.

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