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About 7 hours ago, I discovered a bite on my arm.  It could have happened today or yesterday.. I cannot know.  I think panic attack set in and now my arm feels all funny... so I don't know if it's the bite or the panic.  I'm hoping it's not a desert recluse (california high desert here).. oh yea i was lifting a few boxes in the garage too, a bit heavy, so maybe that caused the soreness?

If it was about 7 hours ago, would anything strange have happened by now?  oozing?  ulcer?  blister?  it just appears as two little dots with a tiny bit of red, but no bull's eye or the like.. doesn't hurt too.  No spider to be seen, so can't take it to the doc, otherwise he'd just prescribe pain killers and antibiotics (but no anti-venom because it's an unknown bite)..  what to do -_- ahhhhh!!!!  It doesn't bother me except the fact that it is there at all. 

I love how most of my topics aren't even tech related.

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i am no expert, but in my humble opinion if you are fine after 7 hours, i don't think it is a big deal...



i understand how you feel, i was super paranoid over some unknown bite once, and made up all kind of weird symptoms.


if it was serious symptoms, you would not be posting on neowin, but running to the doctor.  until then, relax ;)






PS. if you never post again, i will know what happened. someone will avenge you!

I found the culprit!!  A little striped wolf spider living under my futon. I discovered that it likes to come out from under (at night) and sneak up to bite me.  Almost bit me again, but I caught it and put it out.  eeeeee....


Here's what it kinda looks like (google image)  no bigger than  an coin (quarters)



A  lot of the time when people get bitten by harmless insects and spiders they suffer the nocebo effect: the venom isn't toxic enough to actually do any real harm but people start to freak out and suffer all different types of symptoms like panic, dizziness, heart palpitations, nausea etc. because they believe the venom is going to make them really sick or kill them.


I think that is why so many people are terrified of spiders, they're convinced they're all dangerous and out to kill them. I like huntsman spiders in my house, they kill other pests like cockroaches, silverfish, earwigs etc.

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  On 30/08/2014 at 19:48, compl3x said:

A  lot of the time when people get bitten by harmless insects and spiders they suffer the nocebo effect: the venom isn't toxic enough to actually do any real harm but people start to freak out and suffer all different types of symptoms like panic, dizziness, heart palpitations, nausea etc. because they believe the venom is going to make them really sick or kill them.


I think that is why so many people are terrified of spiders, they're convinced they're all dangerous and out to kill them. I like huntsman spiders in my house, they kill other pests like cockroaches, silverfish, earwigs etc.


depending on your culture, you can make it a big deal or not.




i found a live scorpion in my lodge in costa rica.   i freaked out, killed it, and then scouted the whole place, finding and getting rid of the second one.


when i complained to the management, they just laughed it off, and said it is not a big deal.  even if they bite, it is only 3-4 days of high fever, so you would have to take painkillers for a while, but otherwise nothing serious.



for me, having a fever because of scorpion bite, and taking painkillers for a week IS SERIOUS.    for them, it is a laughing matter. not a big deal....    culture differences

  On 29/08/2014 at 06:11, Xahid said:

7 hours ago, you need to wait for 24 hours to see the hormones change & spider-man effect in your body ;)


LOL! I was just about to say that but you beat me to it. I always wondered if being bit by a Spider can really turn you into a Spider-Man. :D

  On 29/08/2014 at 06:11, Xahid said:

7 hours ago, you need to wait for 24 hours to see the hormones change & spider-man effect in your body ;)

and some radioactivity :laugh:


  On 30/08/2014 at 23:12, panacea said:

depending on your culture, you can make it a big deal or not.




i found a live scorpion in my lodge in costa rica.   i freaked out, killed it, and then scouted the whole place, finding and getting rid of the second one.


when i complained to the management, they just laughed it off, and said it is not a big deal.  even if they bite, it is only 3-4 days of high fever, so you would have to take painkillers for a while, but otherwise nothing serious.



for me, having a fever because of scorpion bite, and taking painkillers for a week IS SERIOUS.    for them, it is a laughing matter. not a big deal....    culture differences

It also depends, you can be allergic to scorpion sting, just like bee stings...

We have a pet Goliath Bird Eater named Goldie, whose leg span after her last molt was just over 13" (33 cm). Her fangs are about 1.75" (4.5 cm).

Quite tame, and she doesn't bite, but she will toss urticating hairs (think quills) if startled. Damned good mouser. Likes to nap on my shoulder or under the umbrella tree.

The dogs learned early to steer clear.

Not sure about Californian spiders but I've been stung by two types of Australian spiders; Funnel Web and Red Back.


Both are venomous and my symptoms were:


Red Back Spider: Area around bite felt numb and red and was slightly raised. Didn't feel ill or anything but the area was itchy and had a slight burning sensation.


Funnel Web Spider: I started to get goosebumps and hot/cold flushes, It felt like I got an almost instant onset of the flu. I felt very tired and it kinda felt like I was drunk, I remember lying down and it looked like my room was spinning, heart was racing but it made me very tired so I crashed out pretty quickly. It was like mid-day and I didn't wake up till after mid-day the next day so I was out a solid 24 hours but I felt much better when I woke up.


Both of these bites happened while working in the garden (pulling out weeds) and I did feel the bites but I thought I just pricked my finger on a plant with horns. Red back symptoms took awhile to show but the funnel-web ones only took minutes from what I remember. I got told off by my GP when I went in the next day and told him my symptoms of the bite from the funnel-web, he said I should've went to a hospital as the bite can be fatal but its mostly fatal for children and the elderly. Young adults usually recover from it fairly quickly.


Different spider bites have different effects, best to get it checked out if you get bitten again. Most spiders are harmless but there are a few that aren't.

Those two types of spiders are among the most venomous in the world. My dad was bitten by a redback years ago and thought nothing of it. In his words "I just rinsed the back of my hand with some beer and kept working"  :laugh: The next day he had to go to the doctor and get anti-venom.


The funnel web bite could have ended much worse for you. Especially because you fell asleep.



A few years ago funnel web anti-venom supplies were running low so the makers asked the public to catch them for milking:

  On 01/09/2014 at 14:03, Draconian Guppy said:

Dude... your chops always make me lol!!! YOu have like the perfect timing :laugh:



yeah,  do we have a page where all his neobond edits are collected?  there have being quite a few, i just wanted to see the scope...

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  On 31/08/2014 at 12:29, GotBored said:

Funnel Web Spider: I started to get goosebumps and hot/cold flushes, It felt like I got an almost instant onset of the flu. I felt very tired and it kinda felt like I was drunk, I remember lying down and it looked like my room was spinning, heart was racing but it made me very tired so I crashed out pretty quickly. It was like mid-day and I didn't wake up till after mid-day the next day so I was out a solid 24 hours but I felt much better when I woke up.


You do know that you could have died, right? They don't kill people anymore because of anti-venom, not because people crash out for 24 hours. You're one lucky son of a gun. Well, kind of... A lucky person doesn't get bit by Funnel Webs to begin with I suppose.


I got bit once by something in Australia. Arm turned red and inflamed. That's about the extent of my stories of Australia bugs. Although I don't garden, or go outside at night... or during the day really. Nor stick my hands into things without knowing every detail of said thing. You Australians are crazy. Seriously.

  On 02/09/2014 at 03:55, astropheed said:

I got bit once by something in Australia. Arm turned red and inflamed. That's about the extent of my stories of Australia bugs. Although I don't garden, or go outside at night... or during the day really. Nor stick my hands into things without knowing every detail of said thing. You Australians are crazy. Seriously.


The things they say about the Australian insects, plants and wildlife are hugely exaggerated.. At least 50% of the people I went to school with are still alive today..


lol, just kidding I don't know anyone who has died from a insect bite or from any of our wildlife.




Our wildlife is so friendly we let them ride on planes with us.



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