5 Million Gmail Passwords Leaked, Check Yours Now

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According to the Daily Dot, nearly 5 million usernames and passwords to Gmail accounts have been leaked on a Russian Bitcoin forum. Here's what you should know.

The list has since been taken down, and there's no evidence that Gmail itself was hacked?just that these passwords have been leaked. Most sources are saying that lots of the information is quite old, so chances are they were leaked long ago?though others are claiming 60% of the passwords are still valid (not to mention really, really horrible).


Update: Looks like the IsLeaked tool is having some trouble due to unusually high traffic?if you get an error message, try reloading the page or checking back later.

Update 2: We still aren't sure how these passwords were leaked or when?but some folks over on Reddit discovered that these may not, in fact, be Gmail passwords, but passwords leaked from other web sites over the years that were associated with Gmail addresses. And, as we know, many people used the same password for multiple accounts?which is why some of you may find that your old Gmail password was leaked (while others are seeing passwords not from Gmail).

We still don't know the full details, but the lesson remains the same: stay safe out there!





Site to check:




found a copy that had stripped out the passwords and only had email addresses, checked everyone in my address book and none of them were on it

Please share so I can search mine?



Is my email leaked?

More than 5 million passwords of Google accounts has been leaked[ru] today. Check your account in database.

Yes! There is 2 matches in database! Immediately change your password!

- See more at: https://isleaked.com/en.php#sthash.Pzv7KVf8.dpuf

Site to check:




Please share so I can search mine?



Is my email leaked?

More than 5 million passwords of Google accounts has been leaked[ru] today. Check your account in database.

Yes! There is 2 matches in database! Immediately change your password!

- See more at: https://isleaked.com/en.php#sthash.Pzv7KVf8.dpuf


Download from: https://mega.co.nz/#!ewU1wCKA!P52rdL5tMcugRxi8ALyZlGnfE_KSB4pERGIJjsPsyCQ


shared here: http://www.ghacks.net/2014/09/10/find-out-if-your-gmail-password-was-stolen/

###### russia! :angry:


my mail was in the list. only the backup old mail i don't use that often but still ....

Even know it claims mine wasn't leaked I still changed mine anyway. Didn't want to take any chances.


probably the best way dealing with this. never trust the russians! :)

Mine is on the list, but with an old password - probably 2-3 years old.

Was the password your old gmail password?

Some sites claims it's not gmail passwords, but rather sites  where the email was used. Eg if I used it on neowin, the password leaked would be the one associated with neowin? (As an example, according to lifehacker anyway)

Yup, especially those busty Russian woman who are apparently in everyone's area. :laugh:


they are all the same. would even suspect they could have released a false positive list so that everyone changes their password to a very actual one and then they hack it again.

Was the password your old gmail password?

Some sites claims it's not gmail passwords, but rather sites  where the email was used. Eg if I used it on neowin, the password leaked would be the one associated with neowin? (As an example, according to lifehacker anyway)

Well, it says it started with the 1st 2 letters of one of the passwords I used for just about everywhere.  I used to use 2 passwords for just about everything - apart from ebay, paypal and others like that.  About 3-4 weeks ago I started using LastPass with random passwords for all sites, 2 factor authentication where possible, and grid to access LastPass.

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