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Hi Guy's,


Im not really that savvy but Im learning, I have a smart switch what can do VLAN's ( Port based VLAN) & (802.1q VLAN)


The switch is called (TL-SG108E)


I currenly have at the moment connected to the switch 30m cable from router to switch, xbox, youview, blueray, AP wireless


I would like to seperate the network into two if possible?


Thank you

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Having a problem connecting to tp-link to access the manual. But that seems to be a simple layer 2 smart switch, seems you even have to run software on your windows machine to manage it, no cli or web gui that I can tell.

So unless it supports intervlan routing, layer 3 your going to need something else to route between your segments be it vlan tagged or port based or actual just physical segments.

Just because you have a switch that supports vlan tags or native port based -- you will now need something to route the traffic between your segments. What router do you have? Can it run 3rd party firmware? Many soho home routers do not have the ability to route between segments or even support vlans on the lan interfaces, etc. Many you could turn nat off and just use them as routers, where the wan in is one segment and the lan interfaces are in another.. So if you have another router laying around you could use that to route between your segments, etc.

I agree with segmentation of your network, especially if you can then firewall between the segments - but that switch doesn't seem like it will be able to do what you want on its own. Once I can get hold of the manual will know for sure.

Ok got the manual finally - yeah your going to need something else to route.


Not seeing anything in the manual that mentions inter vlan routing, or layer 3 support, etc.

edit: I applaud the wanting to learn and better setup your network.. Let me know how I can help - do you have something you could run a router/firewall distro on? Old PC? Something you could run say esxi would allow you to rock it!! Need 2 interfaces in for best setup, but since you have a vlan aware switch you could get away with 1 interface and just hairpin your connections, not a fan of that - but it can work.

Once we know what other hardware you have to work with we can work out a plan of action - or if you have some budget for getting what you need to route between your segments. Can be done on shoestring if need be.

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Hi Budman,


Thank you for your reply.


I've already checked the dd-wrt database and my router dosn't support it as its a ISP router, but I do have a spare WAN router if that helps?


Thank you for taking the time to look for the manuals etc ... :)


EDIT: sorry i didn't see the edit bit, Like I said I have a spare router/WAN/LAN and a unmanged switch?, also I do have a pc but its running ubutu on the system? :)

So what is this other router do you have? What is this box running ubuntu? Does it have 2 nics, or can you ad more nics.. How much ram, cpu, etc. So we could leverage that as esxi or other virtual software and then run your ubuntu as vm, and then a firewall/router distro as another vm and rock it out.. Pfsense, m0n0wall, ipcop, any would work..

If your just playing with ubuntu - we could maybe just use that pc as your router/firewall and get your multisegment network working.

what is the specs on this PC your just running ubuntu on?

ISP routers are normally useless because you can not put 3rd party firmware on them, and have never seen one that supports multiple lan networks (vlans)

If you want to have more than 1 lan segment, and firewall between them would be best I would take a look at pfsense

Does this pc have 2 nics? Can you add a 2nd nic, you can pick up second nic for as low as $10, gig nic maybe for $20, etc. What is the make and model of this PC, if custom what is the motherboard? If this box has enough umph we could maybe go esxi on it, then you could run both ubuntu and a firewall distro, plus other OSes you want to play with all using this 1 box.

I will take a look and let you know  :D


Yeah true there really cheap but its a VDSL modem/Router and gigabit so not bad for a ISP router  :)


That look interesting ..


What you mean nics? My PC Isn't wireless its just LAN only?


EDIT: if you could give me a link to a good cheap router what will work with my switch that would be great or maybe another solution?


I also have a spare cheap laptop netbook with WiFi/LAN?

nic - network interface, you would want 2 physical wired gig nics would be best. Once you let me know the make and model number or motherboard I can let you know what you could buy, most likely $20 range that could get you exactly what you want running something like pfsense.. You could then have multiple segments, even more than 2 with vlan on the lan side of PC with firewall rules between, etc. And then you have your wireless stuff just be an AP, etc.

From this I don't see dd-wrt support on that RT-N11

"not enough flash and ram for us-> no support"

But you could use it as accesspoint for your wireless to your wired network.

So this basic drawing


I will let you know ASAP about the specs I've got a wedding to go to tomorrow.


I love the diagram but instead of the RT-N11 I will be useing a router in bridge mode for the AP.


My PC has only got one LAN card, And know wireless.


I just want to split up the network from the wireless user's etc ...


If anyone is going to achieve this its you! :)

Well lets get you a 2nd nic, then we can setup vlans.. Its really ###### doing it with 1 nic and a hairpin or 1 arm bandit style..

Here is a pci-e intel nic for $30

Intel Gigabit CT PCI-E Network Adapter EXPI9301CTBLK

Just need to verify what slots your PC your going to use for pfsense has so we get nic with the correct interface - I would assume it has a pci-e slot open, but lets make sure its not low profile or something, etc. Lets see if we can find a dual nic.. This gives you even more options.

Then sure you can use whatever wireless router you having laying around as your AP, use multiple ones if you want.

edit: here is dual port intel


Here is dual port, I have this same card in low profile


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