Felicia Day writes post about #GamerGate, gets doxxed

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I am reading what you wrote, and this is what you wrote..


No one I would hope, Im just saying that threatening other people makes you a d-head, which is what the GamerGaters are.


No mention of the anti-gg people there. You specifically call out one side. So please tell me how I misinterpreted what you said.

I could be wrong but it seems to be the pro gaters who are making all these threats to all those women. Anyway im over it, pro or anti, threats make that person a knob jockey. Thats all I have to say on the matter. 

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Are you even reading what im writing?! 

Im saying that regardless of if you are pro or anti gamergate, to threaten other people makes that person a d-head. Plain and simple. I dont know how you can think I said anything other than that. 

Second part of your sentence implies that all GG supporters are d-heads.

No one I would hope, Im just saying that threatening other people makes you a d-head, which is what the GamerGaters are. The whole thing has gotten so far out of hand that nice, friendly people like Felicia are scared of their own shadow, which is just wrong. - Hence my comment. 

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Just to be clear, Sakeesian canceled that event because she wanted to, not because it wasn't safe. Police AND the FBI both said it was an empty threat and that they were doing their best to make the event safe.


But nono, for a professional victim like Sarkeesian that wasn't good enough. Nevermind the fact that there are women out in the world who have been shot for speaking at events about feminism before and still keep at it. If she really cared about her cause threats wouldn't stop her.


Sarkeesian is after attention and that's it.


I'll just put this here...




Part of what is disgusting is people like you referring to her as a "professional victim" which implies that she wasn't/hasn't been/isn't currently getting victimized, which she is, regardless of whatever other nonsense is going on.

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Im not talking about Anita, im talking about Felicia. She is a true gamer, but regardless, to threaten the life of another person, no matter if they feminist, or whatever, is disgusting. Especially coming from a 'gamer'.

Who says that it's gamers who are making threats? There's people like that everywhere. No one takes them seriously except professional victims looking for attention.


All these threats and 'doxxing' is just being stupid, and people that support those threats and doxxing are equally as stupid.

I don't condone doxxing or threats, but when someone makes incendiary statements like:


But for the first time maybe in my life, on that Saturday afternoon, I walked towards that pair of gamers and I didn?t smile. I didn?t say hello. In fact, I crossed the street so I wouldn?t walk by them. A small voice of doubt in my brain now suspected that those guys and I might not be comrades after all. That they might not greet me with reflected friendliness, but contempt.

What on earth do they expect? If she's stupid enough to believe that a couple of trolling comments on twitter means that all of a sudden all male gamers are woman hating psychopaths, then clearly she doesn't understand the gaming community very well.

She might be a nice person. I don't particularly care. But when she promulgates the idea that those tweets are representative of all gamers, it really angers me. Her ignorance and naivety are only fanning the flames.

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Please stop confusing the word "Gamers" with the word "People".


Gamers play video games. That's literally all "Gamers" do. When they aren't doing that they are just People again.

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Part of what is disgusting is people like you referring to her as a "professional victim" which implies that she wasn't/hasn't been/isn't currently getting victimized, which she is, regardless of whatever other nonsense is going on.

She's bathing in the publicity of it, just like Zoe Quinn did with the fabricated WizardChan abuse in order to get pity and attention. I'm not saying there aren't trolls or idiots out there, but twitter is full of this stuff, and no one takes it seriously. Even the police said so, yet she cancelled her event just to generate headlines. She's just an attention seeker. That's why it's best not to even debate her.
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Part of what is disgusting is people like you referring to her as a "professional victim" which implies that she wasn't/hasn't been/isn't currently getting victimized, which she is, regardless of whatever other nonsense is going on.


I never said she hasn't had threats made against her nor am I denying it didn't happen. Shes a professional victim because all she ever talks about is how she is continually victimized which main stream media are gobbling up hand over fist like candy.


If she doesn't want threats made against her STOP publicizing the threats. That just encourages people to make more, it gives them validation. Just think about it for a second, this is the internet and you have to have a good idea how the internet works. I'm not saying it's right that it happens but once again, this is the internet, it shouldn't be new or shocking.

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Simply, it's what happened when two de-centralized groups decided to support two different yet intersecting causes. No one really speaks for either group, so it's devolved into trolling.



Yes, they're intentionally playing the role of victim. Then if you argue with them, you're "blaming the victim"


You really can't win. Ignoring them would be the best option, but they have friends in the press that will continue to make an issue out of nothing. It's manipulative and unfair.


Oh ok... thanks guys... it's a bit more clear to me now.... just not sure about the 4chan roll but don't bother to explain... I'll just ignore all these "gate" thing...


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The most galling hypocrisy of these "anti-gamergate" people is their abject refusal to cover or even acknowledge the abuse directed towards both pro-gamergate and neutral parties.


There have been death and rape threats sent to women who support gamergate, harassment aimed at neutral middlemen trying to de-escalate the situation like boogie2988. Heck, there has even been anti-gamergate abuse directed at people that have spoken out / disagreed with gamergate but refuse to conform to the smear narrative.


Just look at the behaviour of Gawker after Biddle the Bigot was called out for advocating bullying and advertisers started to pull out: http://archive.today/n4OYz#selection-3463.274-3463.294


So let's say it now: Intel is run by craven idiots. It employs pusillanimous morons. It lacks integrity. It folded to misogynists and bigots who objected to a woman who had done nothing more than write a piece claiming a place in the world of video games. And even when confronted with its own thoughtlessness and irresponsibility, it could not properly right its wrongs.


Yup, doesn't make these people look like a bunch of vapid, childish ideological extremists at all, no sir.

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Who? What? Why?



You'd probably be better off asking none of these questions (no one involved in either camp will offer an objective analysis) and just slowly backing away.


*slowly backs away*

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It is funny how when they started being called out for their ######, almost all of them jumped on the defensive / offensive and started posting crap about individuals that belong to a movement.


Like blaming all of humanity for what happened during the WW2, yet humanity is your marketing target in the first place.


Yeah, the whole "gamers are dead" bit was really amusing. Not surprising though, they've all been colluding.


I could be wrong but it seems to be the pro gaters who are making all these threats to all those women. Anyway im over it, pro or anti, threats make that person a knob jockey. Thats all I have to say on the matter. 


You are wrong, try reading both sides of the argument before passing judgement. The media are slandering people to protect their privilege to sell lies. This site gives a good overview of what's actually being happening and shows some of the evidence of media corruption (warning: completely NSFW, might have obscene adverts) clicky



Brianna Wu is known as being completely out of her mind, she literally takes everything and makes out as if it's part of a conspiracy against her. She's a lying narcissist. Anyone with a brain knows that what you do is report threats to the FBI, keep quiet (to avoid giving the attention the person making the threat wants) and to let the authorities investigate the matter. The reason they so readily take to Twitter is simple: it's useful for propaganda, they know the threats aren't real.

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So because of a few loud idiots online, you are automatically putting all male gamers into the same bucket? How does that make you any better than those loud idiots who lump all females as "non-gamers" or actually cause this distraction?


Separating by gender and embracing stereotypes will do nothing to help rid ourselves of this "gate". People on both sides need to hunker down and work together!


Oh wait, this is the internet. Never mind, proceed with endlessly covering the loud idiots and publicizing their stupidity, which in turn only emboldens them to attack more people.


This is what I got from her ridiculous post. I thought she was a nice sensible person, but obviously I was wrong and she's as prejudiced as everyone else. 


But hey at least the media managed to paint the whole gamergate movement black by blaming all the harassment and bad gamers on them.



and no gamergate didn't start with zoe Quinn or sleeping for reviews or trashing Sarkeesian contrary to what the media wants you to think. gamergate started before this. and had nothing to do with feminism or any of this crap, but as a movement against the mainstream media claims of "the gamer is dead" among other complaints about the media and how it treats gamers. The media ignored this, and when they got threathening they started blaming everything bad that happened to female gamers on gamergate and managed to make critisicm on them go away. and the rest of the gaming media and feminist movement latched on. 


In short,


Gamergate is about the fact gamers(core gamerS) still exist, and is still a market and a demographic, and that the existence of facebook and ipad games that surpass them in numbers don't make them go away like the media claim. Nothing to do with anti feminism or attacks on female gaming personalities or sleeping with journalists for good scores.


Gamergate according to the media with is anti feminism and violence and harassment of female gamers and gaming profiles. despite the fact none of these things have been done in the name of gamergate, that's something only the media claims. 

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This is what I got from her ridiculous post. I thought she was a nice sensible person, but obviously I was wrong and she's as prejudiced as everyone else. 


But hey at least the media managed to paint the whole gamergate movement black by blaming all the harassment and bad gamers on them.



and no gamergate didn't start with zoe Quinn or sleeping for reviews or trashing Sarkeesian contrary to what the media wants you to think. gamergate started before this. and had nothing to do with feminism or any of this crap, but as a movement against the mainstream media claims of "the gamer is dead" among other complaints about the media and how it treats gamers. The media ignored this, and when they got threathening they started blaming everything bad that happened to female gamers on gamergate and managed to make critisicm on them go away. and the rest of the gaming media and feminist movement latched on. 


In short,


Gamergate is about the fact gamers(core gamerS) still exist, and is still a market and a demographic, and that the existence of facebook and ipad games that surpass them in numbers don't make them go away like the media claim. Nothing to do with anti feminism or attacks on female gaming personalities or sleeping with journalists for good scores.


Gamergate according to the media with is anti feminism and violence and harassment of female gamers and gaming profiles. despite the fact none of these things have been done in the name of gamergate, that's something only the media claims. 


The worst and funniest part is no harassment of her took place until after she stupidly said she had to cross a street because a couple of guys were wearing game related t-shirts.


I'm not saying it's right for people to post her personal info on the internet. But jesus christ, you say you had to cross the street because a couple of guys were wearing shirts with logos on them. That's fear mongering and is meant to do one thing only and that is to seek attention.


Because two random guys on a street were wearing shirts. Come on.

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Fear is a powerful motivator, so I'm not shocked it might start altering behavior.


Unfortunately, the news media has not done much to reduce fear or at least avoid fanning the flames.


Harassment on any level is ridiculous, but its only fair to point out that the mistakes of a few do not represent the whole. Its the media that has the power to set the record straight on that point and help people stay calm. That simply hasn't happened. Focus on those that do the terrible acts, but don't forget about everyone else.


This post shows that Felicia Day has been deeply affected by the events and media coverage. Its not so different from other 'fears' that grow from isolated incidents. This is also how stereotypes start. Now all males look the same to her. She has developed a bias against anyone that is male. Its hard to break that thinking once it has set in.

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This is what I got from her ridiculous post. I thought she was a nice sensible person, but obviously I was wrong and she's as prejudiced as everyone else. 


But hey at least the media managed to paint the whole gamergate movement black by blaming all the harassment and bad gamers on them.



and no gamergate didn't start with zoe Quinn or sleeping for reviews or trashing Sarkeesian contrary to what the media wants you to think. gamergate started before this. and had nothing to do with feminism or any of this crap, but as a movement against the mainstream media claims of "the gamer is dead" among other complaints about the media and how it treats gamers. The media ignored this, and when they got threathening they started blaming everything bad that happened to female gamers on gamergate and managed to make critisicm on them go away. and the rest of the gaming media and feminist movement latched on. 


In short,


Gamergate is about the fact gamers(core gamerS) still exist, and is still a market and a demographic, and that the existence of facebook and ipad games that surpass them in numbers don't make them go away like the media claim. Nothing to do with anti feminism or attacks on female gaming personalities or sleeping with journalists for good scores.


Gamergate according to the media with is anti feminism and violence and harassment of female gamers and gaming profiles. despite the fact none of these things have been done in the name of gamergate, that's something only the media claims. 


First, can you quote the parts you find ridiculous? She talks about her experiences, her love for gaming, she expresses her geekdom and her passion for gaming. Yes, women get harrassed, of whom she is one. Can you acknowledge that? 

Fact is she doesn't want to be scared, fear for her life, but when individuals invoke that emotion through misogynistic behavior, it happens. What do you suggest to women who do get insulted, humiliated, doxxed?

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Just to be clear, Sakeesian canceled that event because she wanted to, not because it wasn't safe. Police AND the FBI both said it was an empty threat and that they were doing their best to make the event safe.


yup the same FBI that said no threats just before 9/11

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You'd probably be better off asking none of these questions (no one involved in either camp will offer an objective analysis) and just slowly backing away.


*slowly backs away*

lol that is what I am doing... will not bother to read more of this thread hehe


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I suppose most of you guys want your women in the kitchen, eh? That's where they belong, isn't it?


It's hard to grasp that some of you are so? misogynistic, for lack of better word. There's often harassment by default, easily moving to unwelcoming and sometimes threatening comments. This is a real issue, not at all a joke. If you don't notice it, fine, get on with your life, but don't deny or make fun of something that hurt people both mentally and physically, every single day.

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I suppose most of you guys want your women in the kitchen, eh? That's where they belong, isn't it?


It's hard to grasp that some of you are so? misogynistic, for lack of better word. There's often harassment by default, easily moving to unwelcoming and sometimes threatening comments. This is a real issue, not at all a joke. If you don't notice it, fine, get on with your life, but don't deny or make fun of something that hurt people both mentally and physically, every single day.


Who are you talking to?

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First, can you quote the parts you find ridiculous? She talks about her experiences, her love for gaming, she expresses her geekdom and her passion for gaming. Yes, women get harrassed, of whom she is one. Can you acknowledge that? 

Fact is she doesn't want to be scared, fear for her life, but when individuals invoke that emotion through misogynistic behavior, it happens. What do you suggest to women who do get insulted, humiliated, doxxed?


It's ridiculous that she crossed the street because of two guys with game t-shirts. it's prejudiced and stupid. 


and she has no reason to be scared, all the scare is mostly created by the media and has nothing to do with gamers or gamergate, it's the same idiots that's been a-holes since the beginning of time, just the media decided to label them as part of gamergate to discredit gamergate from critisizing the media . 

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