The first computer I ever used

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My first computer was a Leading Edge 8086 processor, with 512kb of RAM and a 20MB hard drive! AND it came with a monochrome screen (though the video adapter can do 16 colors! you had to buy an expensive (at the time) monitor) The best that poor thing could run was DOS 5.0 and not much more - even Windows 1.0 needed a color screen. lol :)

The Texas Instruments TI99/4A

Hardware Specification:

Processor: 16-bit TMS 9900 running at 3Mhz.

Graphics: Screen resolution of 256x192 in 16 colours. Capable of displaying up to 16 sprites.

Sound: 3 channels and 5 octaves. Speech synthesis with optional add-on module.

RAM: 16K (52K max).

ROM: 26K (command modules can give up to 34K extra).

Keyboard: Full size, 40 key, typewriter style.

Expansion: Module slot for preprogrammed games and utilities.

Monitor socket.

RS232 interface.

Joystick socket.

Cassette I/O socket.

Dedicated interface for peripheral expansion box, (PEB), which gave 8 expansion slots for disk drives, extra RAM etc. Some expansion devices such as the speech synthesiser could be plugged directly into this socket.


Apple II was my first. The first computer that was MINE was a custom-built machine though. It had a 386 processor (forget the speed). Then I upgraded to a 68Mhz AMD 486. I think I had 8MB RAM and upgraded to 16MB later. I had to tweak the hell out of that thing to play Wing Commander III without the video skipping, hehe. It had a 512MB HD, I think.

  StianHF25 said:
My first computer experience was a Tiki 100 (I think it was a norwegian brand).

CPU: Zilog Z80A, 4 MHz klokkefrekvens  :D

RAM: 64 KB

Graphics RAM: 32 KB

HDD: 20 MB Winchester

hehehe.. fine saker :laugh:

my first was propably a 286 brick computer or something :ninja:

the first computer i used was an apple II. the first computer in my house was a packard bell. it ran windows 3.11 (later 95), had a 66mhz 286 processor (i think), 8mb of ram (later upgraded to 16mb), total of 1.2gb hard drive space (2 drives), and i think it had the original sound blaster :ninja: MY first computer was a toshiba notebook that ran windows 98, had a 75mhz cpu, 32mb ram, 775mb hard drive space, a video card with 1mb of ram :woot: and something like a 12 inch screen (probably like 10 inch viewable :p)

  Keldyn said:
My first was a Commodore VIC 20.

Yeah... Those were the good old days. :|

mine too, then i graduly went thru the commodore ranks, c64 a500 a1200 a4000 , then onto a poooey PC which was the the dogs danglies

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