Tweet display in Mobile fixed, other mobile related stuff

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This morning we have applied a fix where Tweets got cut off in mobile browsers, confirmed working in WP 8.1 also relating to that article, links in image captions were blue and hard to read/see, they are now white (and bold text) so it's more obvious that it's a link.


We are also looking into advertisers maliciously redirecting users away from neowin upon entering an article, hopefully a fix for that will land today too. We will basically be warning people about automatic redirects (applies only to mobile). Further reading:


Thanks to Tim/Timan and Marcel/Redmak for these updates (Y)

will we get gfycat embedded support in mobiles too in future updates?


Thanks for the fix guys. :)

Ah yeah I added this in bbcode media tag manager, why doesn't it work anymore??

Ah yeah I added this in bbcode media tag manager, why doesn't it work anymore??



Are you asking or saying it does not work?


HTC 7 browser works [usually]

Others Not always.


EDIT: Above gfycat is working with .webm though

EDIT 2: Still waiting for Forum Material Design  :cry:

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