Cartoon/anime characters as anti-virus clients?

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what anime or cartoon caracter do you think would represent an anti virus client?


I need this for a project.







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Like if one software brand reminded of this or that character

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"I come from the Net,
through systems, peoples, and cities,
to this place: Mainframe.

"My format: Guardian.
To mend and defend.
To defend my newfound friends, their hopes, and dreams.
To defend them from their enemies.

"They say the User lives outside the Net, and inputs games for pleasure. No one knows for sure... but I intend to find out. REBOOT!"

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There can be but 2 Choices for the Anti-Virus, and one choice for the Virus itself.


Techikoma/Logikoma and Motoko Kusanagi for the AV



Or for the more classic minded.. Though I prefer both her and the Logikoma look in Ghost in the Shell Arise vs the Original.


And of course the Laughing Man for the Virus itself

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McAfee Antivirus








John McAfee











Remind me of Archer's Dr Krieger











They are both bat###t crazy geniuses

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