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Hi Guys,


Just thought I would mention that its showing on that Titanfall Season pass is free.


Not sure which regions or if its both 360 and XB1 but I just "ordered" it on XB1.


I don't own the game but if it ever comes via Games With Gold I'd definitely play or if another discount comes along.



Edited by Andrew
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Theres a chance you can wait until it goes gold. Lol 12 chances in fact! It'd probably be worth it to buy it for $10 in six months from walmarts cheap bin

How much is the season pass usually?

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Cha-CHUNG! Double Season Pass confirmed! (PC and XBONE)

And I meant it exactly as I typed it - "Cha-CHUNG" is for free "purchases", while "Cha-CHING" is for purchases that cost money, even cheap purchases.

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Today is the anniversary of the release of Titanfall.  All add-on maps are free today for all versions (360, Xbox One and PC)

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Sweet, got it yesterday but figured id say thanks now! Was a mad rush to try getting them as i wasnt sure when the deal would expire.


Ended up getting it on Xbox One first (accidentally - i dont even have a XB1) then jumped on the Seasons Pass for Xbox 360 then also got the individual map packs just in case!

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Sweet, got it yesterday but figured id say thanks now! Was a mad rush to try getting them as i wasnt sure when the deal would expire.


Ended up getting it on Xbox One first (accidentally - i dont even have a XB1) then jumped on the Seasons Pass for Xbox 360 then also got the individual map packs just in case!


Yep, as soon as I saw this was free and no-announcement I thought it may have been a mistake so quickly jumped on it.


Edit: Thanks Andrew for updating it :D

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