[VS] Opus Apollo 1.2

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Thanks for the comments!

marvis: blay's post (thanks!) was taken from the first post, there is one on the way. Thanks for the bug report also, thanksfully its v.easy to fix :)

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Very nice and clean looking theme.

A couple suggestions however.

-move the "all programs" arrow up a couple pixels to match alienment of text

-too status bar,add font tahoma 7 then apply,then rechange font size back to 8 and apply,and you will now have status bar the true size of your wiget (nice and small)

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b0se, very high quality work ... as usual should I say. Thank you very much for such a great work. I have a few comments, most of them are quite subjective, but if you don't mind to have a look:

- Taskbar: the mouse over effect is not very visible. Changing the background of the mouseover and current task would be probably better.

- Tabs: no mouseover effect, is it intentional?

- Tabs: lack of contrast, the current tab is the one having a bigger size. Can you enhance the effect by giving it a more contrasting background?

- Titlebar: lack of contrast. The active title bar has almost the same color than the menu and other inactive title bars. When there are several overlapping windows, the active windows doesn't stand out quite clearly. May be a darker title bar would help.

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Thanks for not saying this was a "Professional" theme.

Check the readme. Glad I didn't disappoint. I just love constructive criticism.

To everyone else, thanks for the positive feedback, it makes it worth it when people appreciate your efforts! :)

I've fixed the All Programs arrow alignment (thanks spyglass). Excellent tip on the status bar size!

Melody: All of your comments have been taken on board, and will probably be implemented, thanks also.

*Opens up StyleBuilder*

What preferences to you have on the colours? Apollo or Coffee? Apollo here

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Just made the following updates:

Smaller status bar w/3D text

Large and E.Large start button bug fixed

All programs arrow aligned with text

Added tab mouseovers, made selected tab brighter

Inactive titlebars now slightly darker

Thanks for the input.

Now re-creating the Coffee version then will upload the updated version.

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