What would your ideal Recycle Bin look like?

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What would your ideal Recycle Bin look like? I know there has recently been a lot of hate about what the Recycle Bin looks like in Windows 10.  The current iteration looks like something from Plus for Windows 95.




There are ton of Recycle Bin icons floating around the net, has been for years.. Post one you like, or make your own.

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I dunno what it should be called or look like, but I rename mine ###### Can (if that was censored it's a duce (as in dropping a duce) not quite the same feeling) It should look like a cartoon outhouse and call it the "compost pile", just to cater to the PC (not the Personal Computer kind, the other PC kind) crowd.

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Great thread. Now we can all laugh at the ugly crap that others consider ideal, especially many self-titled design 'experts' who love to pontificate endlessly on how they can do better.

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Dot, that's actually a damn good idea. 


I'll give Dot Props on that one. It would be a great title.

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Probably about that size to...eh?


Personally I do not care...as long as it is obvious what the purpose of it is.  Actually I've never really had problems with any icons aside from the the MPC-HC one but that is really just nitpicking on my part.  Not sure how Dot's idea would work (empty vs. full) ... or is it part of the minimalist effect?


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Completely honestly, I like the new icon that was put on the front page today. I grew up on Windows 95, and I like the throwback to those times, at least with that single icon.

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I personally don't even have the thing enabled and isn't on my desktop. If I had to have one though, *shrug* that "new" one would look fine to me if it were a bit less angular.. I like the flat look but that isometric thing they got going, meh, I'll probably wind up replacing them all. Long as it works good, I can pretty it up myself, been doing that with every OS I've ever used anyway.

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I made this one. It fits more with modern design of Windows 10.


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Doesn't really matter to me what it looks like since I don't have icons enabled on my desktop.  I use Minibin, as it adds an icon in my system tray, and I empty my stuff from there.

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