[OFFICIAL] Windows 10 Insider Program

Windows Technical Preview  

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  1. 1. On a scale of 1-5, 1 being worst, 5 being best. What do you think of Windows 10 from the leaks so far?

    • 5.Great, best OS ever
    • 4. Pretty Good, needs a lot of minor tweaks
    • 3. OK, Needs a few major improvements, some minor ones
    • 2. Fine, Needs a lot of major improvements
    • 1.Poor, Needs too many improvements, all hope is lost, never going to use it
  2. 2. Based on the recent leaks by Neowin and Winfuture.de, my next OS upgrade will be?

    • Windows 10
    • Windows 8
    • Windows 7
    • Sticking with XP
    • OSX Yosemite
    • Linux
    • Sticking with OSX Mavericks
  3. 3. Should Microsoft give away Windows 10 for free?

    • Yes for Windows 8.1 Users
    • Yes for Windows 7 and above users
    • Yes for Vista and above users
    • Yes for XP and above users
    • Yes for all Windows users
    • No

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I would want the flat one too, if only they aren't lazy on it. I feel like they are making the UI totally simple and flat as an excuse for lazy design

Exactly .I am all for flat design but when done properly.


Google's material design and Apple's Yosemite are much better examples of flat done right and its such a shame because if i am not mistaken this whole flat look got introduced first by Microsoft in operating systems at least.


Start menu looks a mess in the previous screenshot not only because their flat design is dead simple but also because you can see x86 applications with their icons which have drop shadows inside a flat square. At least they seem to  be in the right direction with border less windows and some icons but lets hope they take some hints especially from Material Design.

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I'm interested, and possibly off-topic, what makes you think it is 'lazy'?

Google even has clear guidelines for their own 'flat design' too. They are using shadow and perfect chosen colors to make design more natural and alive and it looks refreshing. Flat 3D Object look nice with Material Design. Even abstract material-inspired wallpaper look nice too. Try to search it



CMIIW I don't see any clear guidelines for Microsoft's Modern UI. Right now I feel like they just randomly picking color, flatten the object, and call it Modern UI. I just love tiles on Modern UI because it looks refreshing compared to icon.

Both are using slim fonts which I love


Not-so-perfect example for that




Later they are using gradient, I hope there would be some surprises for the design guidelines


Microsoft started the trend, Google managed to get it right. Right now it looks like Google copying Microsoft, but Microsoft has to fix these things before Google steal it, making everyone to think 'Microsoft copying Google's design'

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Yeah that's what I'm talking about. I can't see how anybody would think that is a good looking UI. Why can't they concentrate on making the UI attractive? I don't see why they had to change the Windows 7 UI. The buttons were very cool to look at and click and the glass effects were very nice. For whatever reason, people seem to think that the flat, simple, single color UI is cool. I'm upgrading to 10 to have the latest and I like a lot of the features, but I think MS would make it much more popular if they spruced up the UI. Look at OS X. People were flipping out over how it looked and still emulate it to the day with the window graphics and dock. It has changed a bit over the years but it still has the same basic idea. While Apple jumped on the flat bandwagon, they still managed to keep the UI loking modern and beautiful.

Your entire post reads as, "I don't like how it looks, so Microsoft should change it so I'm happy!"


There is no such thing as "making the UI attractive," because beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What you like, someone else may not. Microsoft is never, ever going to make everyone happy and shouldn't try. What they should do is focus on making a clean, functional UI. What that actually looks like, I wouldn't know. I can tell you what I think it should look like, but it won't matter because someone else will think differently about it.


But you can always patch uxtheme.dll and run any theme you like. I think that's the best compromise.

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any of you guys are having issues with the start menu on build 9926? I mean after i updated only one of my two accounts is able to open the start menu... ill try a clean install if theres no other way to make it work. any help appreciated 

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any of you guys are having issues with the start menu on build 9926? I mean after i updated only one of my two accounts is able to open the start menu... ill try a clean install if theres no other way to make it work. any help appreciated 

Have you updated everything?

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I wouldn't mind something like this :)


The yellow icons in File Explorer are ugly as hell. Wait till you see them with a lot of directories, like your music collection. You go blind.

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Ui is far from being done, especially the start menu


(spartan build)


I can't wait to have a black UI again. (Y)

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Exactly .I am all for flat design but when done properly.

Google's material design and Apple's Yosemite are much better examples of flat done right and its such a shame because if i am not mistaken this whole flat look got introduced first by Microsoft in operating systems at least.

Start menu looks a mess in the previous screenshot not only because their flat design is dead simple but also because you can see x86 applications with their icons which have drop shadows inside a flat square. At least they seem to be in the right direction with border less windows and some icons but lets hope they take some hints especially from Material Design.

And yet Material Design is, despite having a very tight style guide, actually inconsistently implemented across Google's own products. See https://medium.com/@CreativeTim/how-google-fails-at-implementing-its-own-material-design-44bbbf9f6c52

Arguably, a design language is not meant to be overly prescriptive so as to remove artistic/creative freedom, but prescriptive enough to enforce as many principles as are necessary to bring about some level of consistency/unification. The style guidelines have to walk this fine line, which I think neither Microsoft not Google have got truly right.

I really like Material Design, it's certainly the best thing that has happened to Android since I started using it (although I kind of miss 'holo' blue).

One thing I certainly would not describe Material Design as would be 'flat'. It is unapologetically not flat.

At the same time I really like Metro and think that when applied well is just as effective, and just as attractive.

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Id like it to be just the circle icon on the taskbar, and when you click it or say 'hey Cortana' the search window auto expands with the input field. That would be awesome and what I suggested to M$ 

It already does this. I have just the circle and I can click on it and type in the bar, or speak and it will work.

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Not sure if this has been brought up by anyone yet (couldn't find it from what I looked at so far) but I have a comment/complaint about the Control Panel / (Metro) Settings screen.


Why are the two still in different locations? Shouldn't there just be "one" control panel where all the settings could be found? I know with this TP some elements are locked out but having to search through 2 different locations just to change some settings that have always been located within the Control Panel is annoying. They can certainly put settings for the apps, tiles, Cortana, etc within the Control Panel. I believe it would make navigating through the Control Panel much easier.


Just my 2 cents so far from messing with the TP. :)

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They haven't migrated all the settings yet.


If anything, the migration will be AWAY from Control Panel, and into Settings.  (A similar migration - toward Server Manager - is taking place on the server side of Windows.)


Why "Settings"?  It's neutral, and will be across all platforms - from big-screen desktops to phones.  "Control Panel" doesn't fit a LOT of the hardware that Windows 10 will run on - and it certainly doesn't fit phones.


If anything, Server Manager is the prototype for Settings.  Server Manager is categorized by default, and uses the Modern Design Language throughout - yet it goes back to Server 2008R2.  The difference is that Server Manager is text-driven - Settings (and Control Panel, for that matter) - is icon-driven.


Even in its incomplete state, Settings is also far finer-grained than even Control Panel.  This is something that Windows 8 and later definitely need, given the changes introduced merely with Windows 8's Device Manager.  (That is, in fact, my biggest issue with Control Panel - it's not fine-grained enough.)


One of the few non-subjective complaints about Windows 8 is that it wasn't adjustable enough.  In fact, it's a complaint I agree with - and, unfortunately, a lot of the blame falls on Control Panel. (If you want to complain about a dumbed-down interface, switch Control Panel to Large Icon view - the default.)

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Your entire post reads as, "I don't like how it looks, so Microsoft should change it so I'm happy!"


There is no such thing as "making the UI attractive," because beauty is in the eye of the beholder. What you like, someone else may not. Microsoft is never, ever going to make everyone happy and shouldn't try. What they should do is focus on making a clean, functional UI. What that actually looks like, I wouldn't know. I can tell you what I think it should look like, but it won't matter because someone else will think differently about it.


But you can always patch uxtheme.dll and run any theme you like. I think that's the best compromise.

Yeah you're 100% right. I justified it hard to believe that anyone thinks Windows 10 is currently attractive looking. Maybe I have a skewed perspective because I'm a graphic artist, but I think a UI should have a really spiffy looking UI. I love much of what is robe in Linux such as KDE and Gnome. As for Windows, why couldn't MS offer a couple options of theme? Maybe a flat one for people who like a minimalistic look and another for people who like a more flashy look. I guess it probably won't happen though. I just thought they were brilliant with Vista/7 and I'm not sure why they are going boring.

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Yeah you're 100% right. I justified it hard to believe that anyone thinks Windows 10 is currently attractive looking. Maybe I have a skewed perspective because I'm a graphic artist, but I think a UI should have a really spiffy looking UI. I love much of what is robe in Linux such as KDE and Gnome. As for Windows, why couldn't MS offer a couple options of theme? Maybe a flat one for people who like a minimalistic look and another for people who like a more flashy look. I guess it probably won't happen though. I just thought they were brilliant with Vista/7 and I'm not sure why they are going boring.

I agree that multiple themes should be offered. The default UI we have now, and something similar to Aero Glass.

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By far of the ugliest in the GUI is the black and white - like if you click on Settings - WTF with just black and white ?  We invented color displays for a reason.

I am not saying anything earth-shattering when I say that I dont like the way many software companies have gone in the last year or so.

Even Foxit has changed the GUI of their beloved Foxit Reader, VMWare has some of it - everyone has changed to this watered-down, bland GUI - I dont like it at all.

My 2 cents -

ON TOPIC:   Anyone have Build 9935 ?   :D

Who cares it's only a date.

Well - it is a date in the future - I think that is reason to ask or point it out ?

"Who cares its only a date ?"  -- well that kind of answer can be applied to any question -

Was it a mistake ?  Were you trying to see if it would release some unforeseen updates ?

Were you trying to get some glitch fixed ?   Its a simple question...

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that recycle bin icon is awful

I don't mind it, actually. Basically an opaque rendition of the Vista/7/8-era icon. I was expecting a square trash bin, but there are worse things they could have gone with.

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I don't mind it, actually. Basically an opaque rendition of the Vista/7/8-era icon. I was expecting a square trash bin, but there are worse things they could have gone with.

i guess you get used to it over time nonetheless...

most probably not the final icons so I won't bitch too much about it

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Couple of things i notice.


The highlight color under the app on task bar is gone.


Cortana missing icons.


Quick access Icon is different than 9926.(if screenshots are real, that means icons are still being worked on)

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