[OFFICIAL] Windows 10 Insider Program

Windows Technical Preview  

1,031 members have voted

  1. 1. On a scale of 1-5, 1 being worst, 5 being best. What do you think of Windows 10 from the leaks so far?

    • 5.Great, best OS ever
    • 4. Pretty Good, needs a lot of minor tweaks
    • 3. OK, Needs a few major improvements, some minor ones
    • 2. Fine, Needs a lot of major improvements
    • 1.Poor, Needs too many improvements, all hope is lost, never going to use it
  2. 2. Based on the recent leaks by Neowin and Winfuture.de, my next OS upgrade will be?

    • Windows 10
    • Windows 8
    • Windows 7
    • Sticking with XP
    • OSX Yosemite
    • Linux
    • Sticking with OSX Mavericks
  3. 3. Should Microsoft give away Windows 10 for free?

    • Yes for Windows 8.1 Users
    • Yes for Windows 7 and above users
    • Yes for Vista and above users
    • Yes for XP and above users
    • Yes for all Windows users
    • No

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and it worked for me , apart Windows 10 which will not let you to do it .

Do you even remember that MS lost a lot when W 8.1 wasn't purchased that much ?

Yup , it was 'cuz of Metro UI , but this time will be more of a technical reason to not buy a '' new '' OS from MS .

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I gave thousands of feedbacks too ... Do you think the would finally fix them ?


Do NOT forget that MS has lot of reports to check on. It could take a while but they have plenty of time to get them done before June. 




If you do not like bugs, then I suggest that you go back to Windows 8 or older.

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and it worked for me , apart Windows 10 which will not let you to do it .

Do you even remember that MS lost a lot when W 8.1 wasn't purchased that much ?

Yup , it was 'cuz of Metro UI , but this time will be more of a technical reason to not buy a '' new '' OS from MS .

You make zero sense.

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It depends on what kind of user you are ...

I already came back to Windows 8.1 but I have such a bad feeling about Windows 10 ...

I hope you'll show me I'm wrong with my fear . :) 

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You have a bad feeling about Windows 10 because there are bugs in it? You mean you're mad because the Windows TECHNICAL PREVIEW has bugs?

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It depends on what kind of user you are ...

I already came back to Windows 8.1 but I have such a bad feeling about Windows 10 ...

I hope you'll show me I'm wrong with my fear . :) 


Oh really?  I can prove you wrong...  million people are joining the Insider who aren't afraid to get on Windows 10 and do not mind about the bugs.   They can send the reports/suggestions to MS before the next build release or RTM build.


You are afraid.


Your posts do not make sense. 

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Well , people like me that are enough scared to not promote any OS made MS to have a huge financial breakdown .

Those '' non - sense '' posts coming from us [ early Windows users ] is rather important [ more than we could imagine ] .

Don't get me wrong , but , MS got 3 billions  of Insiders [ including me ] .

So , not all of them could offer MS the feedback that is planned .

Does anyone knows that critical bugs of an OS would affect your Hardware ?

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Ok , that's deadly true ! :omg: 


P.S : So ... milions and not bilions ... it's even worse ...

Even worse that you think theres 3 billions people testing out a software, when theres around 7 billion people on planet earth.....

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So i came across a bit of an annoying issue... explorer.exe no longer opens up.. so i cannot browse my files anymore! 


Trying to open file explorer, the process fires up, and i can see it in task manager, doesnt report any issue, or say its not responding.. just wont open up. Hope the new build comes soon and fixes it!

Damn you, your bug picture actually got me. I flinched and swiped at my iPad lol!!

Anyways, Spartan is looking really nice. I'm actually glad the new build is delayed as it seems that MS us taking extra time to make sure it is good. It might indicate that a June release may in fact be correct. I only wish they had made the GUI more slick, it would have generated a lot more buzz. Instead, they decided for some unknown reason to make it as ugly and boring as possible. I would like to know what powers that be at MS think that reverting back to Windows 3.1 style icons is an attractive feature in a 2015 operating system.

Still though, feature-wise I am very excited about 10 and Spartan as well as the new Xbox app and photos app among others.

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With how they're working this version they have a number of branches going, some are going to be more buggy than others at this point, I think after this point they'll be more and more stable when they start to lockdown on features and API/core changes. We're not at that point yet though, but the closer we get to build we will be, they should have a near final SDK for 10 ready by build to give out to developers.

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You know it ... Despite its UI & UX there's nothing actually new for us ... Another Kernel which makes even more instability than Windows 8.1 had ... a newer build number ... and here we go ,  a '' new '' Windows ?

Huh , Microsoft's kidding with us , right ?

DirectX 12 isn't huge? It provides huge performance gains to the user, and allows for current hardware to get a graphics boost as developers can utilize low level APIs.

There is a new notification center, which allows for better tracking of your messages.

File Explorer has the new quick access space, which shows you the files that matter most to you.

They have developed a flighting system so the whole operating system can be upgraded on the fly.

Virtual desktops were added which is a whole new productivity boost when multitasking.

Snap can now use 4 corners, and there is snap suggest which allows for quicker snapping.

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Loved Spartan Video, looking forward toward using it personally..

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Loved Spartan Video, looking forward toward using it personally..


Same, looks very efficient - I'd love to know what the memory usage and CPU utilisation is like particularly when it comes to the impact on battery life.

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Unfortunately , DX 12 won't run without a GPU with DX 12 . [ I assume that will be very expensive ] .


This article begs to differ:




And so does this:



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Yea, an OS upgrade with just a newer kernel, UI, graphics engine, platform scaling, Cortana, a fundamental change of IE, entire new app support... being offered for free to people with current installs of Windows... what a joke!

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Unfortunately , DX 12 won't run without a GPU with DX 12 . [ I assume that will be very expensive ] .


I'm starting to wonder if you're just trolling.


in any case that's patently wrong.

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Do you , guys , even read the articles you gave me ?


He was quoted by Polygon assaying: "There will be DX 11.1 cards that take advantage of a lot of the driver and software tech that we're bringing in Windows 10, but if you want the full benefits of DX12, you're going to need a DX12 card." - so , a new GPU , a new budget needed - > expensive deal anyway .


If you were living in Romania , you would know that none of us can afford a new PC / day .


Also , NVIDIA stated : '' So grab one of our GPUs. Once DirectX 12 is available from Microsoft, everyone with DirectX 12 compatible NVIDIA GPUs will get support for it. Stay tuned. ''


Again , nothing wrong with my previous post , buying a new component everytime an OS in launched by MS will mean a waste of money .

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Does anyone know if Microsoft have fixed the HUGE Win7 bug in Windows Update for Windows 10?


The one where it says you have 100 updates, then after the reboot you have 50, then 20, then 10, then fully patched


Quick workaround I have read is that if you select certain updates (lets say 3), then after a reboot it wont say you have 97 left, it will say 20 lol


It's as if Windows Updates isn't hiding the superceeded updates

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Do you , guys , even read the articles you gave me ?


He was quoted by Polygon assaying: "There will be DX 11.1 cards that take advantage of a lot of the driver and software tech that we're bringing in Windows 10, but if you want the full benefits of DX12, you're going to need a DX12 card." - so , a new GPU , a new budget needed - > expensive deal anyway .


Did you read it? It literally says that DX11 cards can use "a lot" of the tech, but "full benefits" require a new card.


And since the new generation of consoles has been out, games are going to be targeted at those levels anyway.

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That's the problem ...

I cannot afford a new GPU to get its full benefits and I'm supposed to critic at least the IT market's big prices ...

Don't take all I say as a trolling post ... I'm just saying what does really happened to me and nothing more ... As usually , MS ignores the low - budged PC users , and they say Windows 10 is the same for everyone ... what a nasty joke .

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That's the problem ...

I cannot afford a new GPU to get its full benefits and I'm supposed to critic at least the IT market's big prices ...

Don't take all I say as a trolling post ... I'm just saying what does really happened to me and nothing more ... As usually , MS ignores the low - budged PC users , and they say Windows 10 is the same for everyone ... what a nasty joke .

But a lot of improvements will be given to older cards as well. In fact, I am testing 9926 right now on my laptop and games feel faster on my Intel HD Graphics 4400.

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