[OFFICIAL] Windows 10 Insider Program

Windows Technical Preview  

1,031 members have voted

  1. 1. On a scale of 1-5, 1 being worst, 5 being best. What do you think of Windows 10 from the leaks so far?

    • 5.Great, best OS ever
    • 4. Pretty Good, needs a lot of minor tweaks
    • 3. OK, Needs a few major improvements, some minor ones
    • 2. Fine, Needs a lot of major improvements
    • 1.Poor, Needs too many improvements, all hope is lost, never going to use it
  2. 2. Based on the recent leaks by Neowin and Winfuture.de, my next OS upgrade will be?

    • Windows 10
    • Windows 8
    • Windows 7
    • Sticking with XP
    • OSX Yosemite
    • Linux
    • Sticking with OSX Mavericks
  3. 3. Should Microsoft give away Windows 10 for free?

    • Yes for Windows 8.1 Users
    • Yes for Windows 7 and above users
    • Yes for Vista and above users
    • Yes for XP and above users
    • Yes for all Windows users
    • No

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I thought I would browse the comments from the two links to see what was wanted in the future for Edge. All I saw were complaints about name or logo looks. Hopefully some real good questions will be asked at the MS Edge Q & A. ...I had made a note of a few things that might be of interest such as....could use home button, bookmarks import/export and/or bookmarks manager,add on's manager, translator-print for now,toolbar control (type and placement), choice for what search engines to use, download tasks pane, and a secure search mode. 

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I thought I would browse the comments from the two links to see what was wanted in the future for Edge. All I saw were complaints about name or logo looks.



Hopefully some real good questions will be asked at the MS Edge Q & A. ...I had made a note of a few things that might be of interest such as....could use home button, bookmarks import/export and/or bookmarks manager,add on's manager, translator-print for now,toolbar control (type and placement), choice for what search engines to use, download tasks pane, and a secure search mode. 

I did ask about RSS feed support, I hope that is considered a real good question.

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I thought I would browse the comments from the two links to see what was wanted in the future for Edge. All I saw were complaints about name or logo looks.

Mostly because there isn't really much meat on the bone to discuss. It is more like a render engine demo.

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Mostly because there isn't really much meat on the bone to discuss. It is more like a render engine demo.

Well a similar case was observed with Windows 10 feedback. Many complaints were about petty little things such as the Recycle Bin icon. It got to the point where Neowin news article titles actually focused primarily on the icon.

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The day you realize Office 2016 has XP era icons:


I think the bigger sin is the fact that the dialog windows (as opposed to the tooltips) have not been updated.

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Not sure if anyone has touched on this yet or if anyone has got it to work another way. Anyway last night i was messing around with a lappie i`d installed Windows 10 on(updated to 10074) and i wanted to give Edge a bit of a spin on it.


\The trouble was i was using a local account and didn`t have the Edge icon in the taskbar nor was i able to run it from the executable directly located in Windows\SystemApps\Spartan_xyz123\Spartan.exe (spartan_edge.exe,etc).


So i did a bit of mooching around and somehow stumbled on a way to run it :woot:


Go to Windows\WinStore\Winstore.htm and double click it and Spartan opens (it opens at the store but just type in the address bar to go to wherever). You can also pin to taskbar.


Not sure if there is another way to open Edge on 10 local account, i`m all ears if there is...

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Not sure if anyone has touched on this yet or if anyone has got it to work another way. Anyway last night i was messing around with a lappie i`d installed Windows 10 on(updated to 10074) and i wanted to give Edge a bit of a spin on it.


\The trouble was i was using a local account and didn`t have the Edge icon in the taskbar nor was i able to run it from the executable directly located in Windows\SystemApps\Spartan_xyz123\Spartan.exe (spartan_edge.exe,etc).


So i did a bit of mooching around and somehow stumbled on a way to run it :woot:


Go to Windows\WinStore\Winstore.htm and double click it and Spartan opens (it opens at the store but just type in the address bar to go to wherever). You can also pin to taskbar.


Not sure if there is another way to open Edge on 10 local account, i`m all ears if there is...

I also have mine on a local account for build 10074. Left click start menu, click "all Apps" and scroll down for "Project Spartan", then right click to pin to taskbar or run it from the start menu. I have mine in desktop mode, hope that helps...(I tried to run a desktop shortcut from that location and both would not launch, yet my start menu app and task bar pin works..mmmmm) Cheers...

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In 10074 it was pinned by default on my local account (no wifi driver by default).

I installed it on my Hp Stream tablet last night - the tablet interface still has a long way to go IMO. The OS feels like a huge step forward, but the tablet interface feels like a massive step back from Windows 8.1.

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Forgot to say on 10074 (local account) the Start button doesn`t seem to be working for left clicking, only right. It just chages colour but does absolutely nothing. Iv`e tried logging in and back out and a few other things.

Edge should apparently have been pinned (as Brian states) but it wasn`t, and at the moment seems to have quite a few bugs...


Anyone any ideas, or should i go for a clean install?

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Edge is the last thing I worry about at this point.   Sure it's missing things and we know things are coming post RTM but they're doing a lot and have done a lot already on the engine and performance to make it worth it.   I expect to see lots of updates to it coming as time moves on and standards support to keep jumping with each new version.

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It seems like every time I minimize the Edge window, all pages go blank and I can't do anything until I quit and relaunch it.

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Edge is the last thing I worry about at this point.   Sure it's missing things and we know things are coming post RTM but they're doing a lot and have done a lot already on the engine and performance to make it worth it.   I expect to see lots of updates to it coming as time moves on and standards support to keep jumping with each new version.


i would love to know if they will bup *chakra* ? or the underlying engine regularly to keep it more HTML5 compliant ,


even when/if EDGE doesnot get version bumps very often.

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Yea, I wouldn't use Windows Insiders as a barometer of how consumers will react.


I'm pretty sure that MS has run many, many focus groups of people who don't go out of their way to test unreleased software.


Spartan isn't even that good of a name. I mean, it sounds kinda good and keeps the Halo connection Cortana has, but it has no bearing on being an internet browser. Among non-nerds, Edge is a better name and is more fair to people who just know the blue e icon while also promoting the new rendering engine. It can even be called IE Edge.

I wouldn't either - though I am one.

What is the commonality among the Insiders?  All (at least most) of us are either IT enthusiasts or work/worked in IT - the second-most conservative profession on the planet (behind only law).

All too many of us are conservative-to-chicken (as in KFC) in practice - I lay blame for that squarely on the overlarge influence (that remains today) of "Big, Black and Blue"; IBM.

Back-to-back recessions (and their effects on unemployment) have only cemented that attitude in IT, and especially since XP's overlong overhang.  "You won't get fired recommending IBM." has been replaced by "You won't get fired for recommending staying put." (Holy Captain Calculator, Batman!)

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There is a new Fresh Paint for Windows 10 app.


It's horrible.


UI is for mouse users, they have ruined it. Who paints with a mouse? Why is is mouse optimized? Why is there a HAMBURGER menu?

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^^^^ UP:


Damn, MS is really weird - one time they realesed OS great for touch but not so good for keyboard&mouse, now they make opposite move. 


ians, can you share a screenshot with new Fresh Paint?

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^^^^ UP:


Damn, MS is really weird - one time they realesed OS great for touch but not so good for keyboard&mouse, now they make opposite move. 


ians, can you share a screenshot with new Fresh Paint?

Screenshot of the Fresh Paint app:



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Of course, it's another one of their preview apps that still tries to find the right UX norm to go for. Funny that among all the things that were done for Windows 10 (and some for Android too) are preview, the only thing that is not a preview is the Store, which is particularly a beta. :p

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Wait, what I wanna know is, who the hell even uses MS Paint at all these days? and then more to the point, who the hell paints with their finger?

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There is a new Fresh Paint for Windows 10 app.


It's horrible.


UI is for mouse users, they have ruined it. Who paints with a mouse? Why is is mouse optimized? Why is there a HAMBURGER menu?


I don't know about Paint ... but a lot of people use the mouse in Photoshop ... or the wacom tablet (or other input tablet).


Touchscreen drawing is something far less utilized (for many reasons).  Obviously this change for Paint makes sense.

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Wait, what I wanna know is, who the hell even uses MS Paint at all these days? and then more to the point, who the hell paints with their finger?

Yeah first thing I do on any windows pc is install paint.net, superior in every way to mspaint as a simple editor.

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