[OFFICIAL] Windows 10 Insider Program

Windows Technical Preview  

1,031 members have voted

  1. 1. On a scale of 1-5, 1 being worst, 5 being best. What do you think of Windows 10 from the leaks so far?

    • 5.Great, best OS ever
    • 4. Pretty Good, needs a lot of minor tweaks
    • 3. OK, Needs a few major improvements, some minor ones
    • 2. Fine, Needs a lot of major improvements
    • 1.Poor, Needs too many improvements, all hope is lost, never going to use it
  2. 2. Based on the recent leaks by Neowin and Winfuture.de, my next OS upgrade will be?

    • Windows 10
    • Windows 8
    • Windows 7
    • Sticking with XP
    • OSX Yosemite
    • Linux
    • Sticking with OSX Mavericks
  3. 3. Should Microsoft give away Windows 10 for free?

    • Yes for Windows 8.1 Users
    • Yes for Windows 7 and above users
    • Yes for Vista and above users
    • Yes for XP and above users
    • Yes for all Windows users
    • No

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They're trying harder than ever to turn Windows into an advertising nightmare.


Candy Crush, then ads on the start menu, and ads on the lock screen.

Well your ideas weren't declined, it was just that was too broad. I think it would be better to make a suggestion for each bullet point.

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They're trying harder than ever to turn Windows into an advertising nightmare.


Candy Crush, then ads on the start menu, and ads on the lock screen.

Well your ideas weren't declined, it was just that was too broad. I think it would be better to make a suggestion for each bullet point.

Ads can be disabled. My suggestion would take too long to make a new one for each suggestion. 

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Having those suggestions, if you think of them as ads or not, is fine with me as long as you have options for everything, and we do.  Suggesting new apps to you on the lock screen or in the start menu is fine really,  I hardly see the lock screen as it is but for those few seconds I do, if I spot a new app that matches my interests I'll check it out.  Who knows, it could be something good I didn't know about before.

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I'm sorry, but I can't help but laugh at people who complain about stuff like "extra movements" or a game that may come bundled and more than likely can be uninstalled.


Right click-->Uninstall. Barely any movement involved in doing that and people freaking go nuts with soo much anger it's hilarious. How lazy can a person be that they find that tiring or say that it takes too long to do? Reminds me of the high-five scene from Hot Tub Time Machine 2. Where they'll say it, but can't be bothered to actually slap another hand.


Here's what should really drive you nuts. Think about how much energy you used to make all the complaints like that and compare it to what you would do to get rid of those complaints. Typing a paragraph or short novel about your hate of whatever feature you want gone/turned off compared to Right Click-->Uninstall. Right Click-->Disable. One takes a mere second and barely any movement. The other is constant typing on a daily basis.


Oh and to the one who did the UserVoice thing. I'd decline it based just on how you said: "Here's a couple things" then went on to list 15 items. Kind of hard to take anything like that seriously. Especially when you word each one like you're telling them to do this and that and not recommending it.


One last thing. For the love of God when new builds are released and something has changed and somebody here recommended it somewhere, don't assume Microsoft saw that and listened to you specifically. There's 4 million people using these builds and I highly doubt that they would change anything based on one persons recommendation. Come on.

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I think it is more of a concern for a slippery slope leading to more inclusion of advertisements or bundled software. Just think of the horror created by browser bar adware that is frequently packaged with necessary software. Hell, a DirectX installer tried to sneak in Bing Bar on me yesterday. Java and Flash also sneak things in. Can you avoid it with just a single click? Yea, that doesn't make it good.

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My suggestion would take too long to make a new one for each suggestion. 


That's the point of user sub though. To have specific issues per post so that users can vote on said point.

You basically put up an essay, which helps no one and MS pretty much just said 'TL:DR;' lol.


Break it up in to finer points and post them separately.


You've also given little explanation of any of the points. Preferring, instead, to just making a huge list of points.


I really think you should take the time out to convert your post in to a more user voice friendly format, as i pretty much agree with all of them. Maybe a few of us could leech some of the ideas and post them ourselves.

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I think it is more of a concern for a slippery slope leading to more inclusion of advertisements or bundled software. Just think of the horror created by browser bar adware that is frequently packaged with necessary software. Hell, a DirectX installer tried to sneak in Bing Bar on me yesterday. Java and Flash also sneak things in. Can you avoid it with just a single click? Yea, that doesn't make it good.

How is bundling CCS any different than say Solitaire or Minesweeper? The bundled crapware is not a problem with store apps.
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How is bundling CCS any different than say Solitaire or Minesweeper? The bundled crapware is not a problem with store apps.

<shrug> It wasn't my complaint, just what I think people are thinking of. Again, just thinking of what other people are thinking, the prime difference is licensed property.


Personally, I don't care very much one way or the other, though I would lean against bundled anything, including Minesweeper and Solitaire. I miss the days when you could select what parts of Windows to not install during installation. Put a page in the start of the Store app with the "recommended apps" or something, I much prefer having a clean install and getting the versions of software I want.

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I think it is more of a concern for a slippery slope leading to more inclusion of advertisements or bundled software. Just think of the horror created by browser bar adware that is frequently packaged with necessary software. Hell, a DirectX installer tried to sneak in Bing Bar on me yesterday. Java and Flash also sneak things in. Can you avoid it with just a single click? Yea, that doesn't make it good.


But it depends on the way it's done, which is why I said it's about how you view it.  The suggestions on the lock screen or in the start menu are fine IF they're tied to each users history and interests.  Like if they see you install lots of games from the store, then you should get game suggestions, if you install other types of apps you should get suggestions with connections to your interests.


It starts to be more like an ad when it's just random stuff, but suggestions coming from individual user data is different in my mind.   It also helps when it's done in a way where it's not intrusive, last thing we need is popup notifications of xx app or xx game, something it looks like Apple does on iOS, don't know if you get the same on Android though.

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Windows 10 needs a lot of work, and all they want to do is throw Candy Crush in our faces? Idiots.


Overreacting much?


Microsoft don't make Candy Crush.. so they will be diverting very few resources at it.  Most of it would be in commercial and marketing (i.e. those people that don't write code).


At worst, they are providing the Candy Crush developers with some support, but that helps Microsoft test their platform - it doesn't matter how good the platform is, if developers can't release apps on it then it is completely useless.

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Ads can be disabled. My suggestion would take too long to make a new one for each suggestion. 

Of course they can be, but the average user never changes the default settings.

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Seriously, Candy Crush? If I want that garbage I'll download it. There is 0 reason to include some dumb video game with an operating system. Why don't they worry about fixing bugs instead of what games they are going to include?

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I don't get all the fuss about the game being included. Yes, I'll also uninstall it (as I matter of fact, I've never even tried it out), but the OS is going to be offered as a free upgrade for a lot of people, and therefore it's only logical that they're trying to get some money from someone else.

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I really wish they scrap the cube animation on the live tiles. It looks tacky and is exactly opposite of the beautiful metro animations of WP. :/

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I really wish they scrap the cube animation on the live tiles. It looks tacky and is exactly opposite of the beautiful metro animations of WP. :/

Maybe we'll get the chance to configure the kind of animation we want for tiles.
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Guys whats that round icon with the dot inside in my taskbar? every so often it turns up, and then dissapears like 10 seconds later. Cant figure out what its from. Any ideas? 

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Isn't it Cortana ?

I thought that too but cortana dont show up in the notification area. 

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Ye, location services. The icon got ported from Windows Phone. On 8.1 and previous you sometimes get the old Vista-like icon for location services, and most of the times you don't get any info that those services have been called for.

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