[OFFICIAL] Windows 10 Insider Program

Windows Technical Preview  

1,031 members have voted

  1. 1. On a scale of 1-5, 1 being worst, 5 being best. What do you think of Windows 10 from the leaks so far?

    • 5.Great, best OS ever
    • 4. Pretty Good, needs a lot of minor tweaks
    • 3. OK, Needs a few major improvements, some minor ones
    • 2. Fine, Needs a lot of major improvements
    • 1.Poor, Needs too many improvements, all hope is lost, never going to use it
  2. 2. Based on the recent leaks by Neowin and Winfuture.de, my next OS upgrade will be?

    • Windows 10
    • Windows 8
    • Windows 7
    • Sticking with XP
    • OSX Yosemite
    • Linux
    • Sticking with OSX Mavericks
  3. 3. Should Microsoft give away Windows 10 for free?

    • Yes for Windows 8.1 Users
    • Yes for Windows 7 and above users
    • Yes for Vista and above users
    • Yes for XP and above users
    • Yes for all Windows users
    • No

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Good lord, is there really any need to downscale screenshots that much?

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I think the idiot that started the flat and ugly UI trend should die in a horribly painful fire. I don't know why Microsoft feel they have had to go for it so full bloodedly.

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I hope i get to see the full set soon, and if i really like them like i think i will that they stick with them as they look pretty nice to me.

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I actually like the isometric look... but then I still love the old Isometric RPG's and SimCity 2000/3000/4  :rofl:


sometimes I feel like the whole flat thing was because MS lost their graphic design company working for them and someone in MS said "hey I have MS Paint I can do it!"

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The thing is, the Vista icons were so good that whatever they put out it's going to be difficult to convince users it's a change for the better. I'm quite unconvinced. Seems like the icons will harder to recognize when they're not huge as in the screenshot. Don't know why they use such a pronounced angle.

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I find the Vista icons to be extremely ugly and, well, old. Usually one of the first things I do after a reformat is change all the default icons.


While these new ones aren't the most aesthetically pleasing things in the world they could be a lot worse.

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I find the Vista icons to be extremely ugly and, well, old. Usually one of the first things I do after a reformat is change all the default icons.


While these new ones aren't the most aesthetically pleasing things in the world they could be a lot worse.

Interesting.. I thought the vista icons looked very clean and crisp.  Nice modern shading/transparency and coloring effects.  Really a to each their own sort of deal.

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complainers will always complain. We already new the icons were gona be angled that way. Be grateful they look nicer

For one, it's not a matter of complaining. For pure desktop work, Windows 10 is going to be great. The stability seems to be there and win32/64 programs for work just fly nice. Once the AMD drivers are fixed, which I am sure they will be, this will be a great platform for desktop only. Which only leaves eye sore icons for me.  Other users who rely on touch or MS apps, well, I see a lot of issues and they will be more important to you. So, yes, icons are not a big deal and will be dealt with and it is not...complaining for the sake of complaining, if you know the context... :)

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Was just about to post the same image, I think they look awesome and very professional and hope Windows 10 ends up with them in RTM.

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Interesting.. I thought the vista icons looked very clean and crisp.  Nice modern shading/transparency and coloring effects.  Really a to each their own sort of deal.


i guess ugly wasn't the right word to use. Just after so many years of looking at them I'd rather have something different.

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Was just about to post the same image, I think they look awesome and very professional and hope Windows 10 ends up with them in RTM.


I like the color scheme, but the isometric style seems out of place to me.

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I like the color scheme, but the isometric style seems out of place to me.


it will look better once they put the isometric start menu and iso-chromes in

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