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This doesnt seem to be an accurate test of actual words per minute...


Your score of 214 has made it to our Hall of Fame !!! "

I know i type fast, during high school I usually averaged 100-110, faster yet on an ergonomic keyboard (i have big hands :yes:)

but I doubt I typed 214 wpm during my first try at that game, maybe im missing something? is the number at the end not actually wpm? *shrugs*

hmmm... I think I got the words download and frequency a bout a BAJILLION TIMES..... 137 score, first try.... and that was pretty fast at the end.... main problem was the refresh rate on the monitor.... took me a second to read the damn print as it jumped from place to place on the screen (On a crappy computer with icky cheap LCD right now.... my real computer is defragging and copying partitions to a new drive :wacko: )

Okay, it doesn't give you WPM, it give you how many words you typed before running out of lives/time. It never says how fast you can type, it is really how fast your eyes can translate to your fingers which translate to the keyboard. At 37 years old my eyes to hands to keyboard has slowed but I can still average above 60 wpm.

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