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You could try turning off signatures. There is a little X by someone else's signature, click that and click turn off all signatures.

Already done.  Your post for example takes up 487 pixels, that means on a 1080 screen you're only getting 2 posts on a screen (allowing space for browser framing).  Please don't tell me that's how it's supposed to look? 

Also .. what's the deal with the page numbering - see screenshot




Even without signatures, the side with posters info is Huge..

Ian S, your post, which is as small as it can get with all that hardware info you've put in, takes HALF of a my viewport in Chrome. It's silly big.

  • Like 2

I am seeing a few bugs.


1. Large space where sigs go after posts takes up a silly amount of space.

2. I changed to the dark theme on the main page but it wouldn't let me change it back, I had to delete cookie.

3. If a thread for example has 5 pages I can still use the page arrows to go to 6,7,8 etc even though they don't exist and then these page numbers are then visible at the bottom of the page, it seems to only go pear shaped after clicking the NEXT button.



It's possibly been asked 1000x now, but why on earth did Neowin decide to upgrade the forums during the release of Windows 10, possible the worst possible time to do so in the previous 18 months, and probably the next 18 months :s


Also, when clicking "+ Creave v" button at the top in chrome, it appears to be behind the z value of the menu bar. You can still click both "status" and "topic" but it looks like part of the menu is hidden.

Not very use to the UI so far, but I'm happy to see the forums are finally back in action. And I hope you guys consider making a Darkside option on the forums. :) 

I was the one who suggested over PM since the front page updated to the new look a long time ago. I'm currently using stylish with custom dark theme I made and looks cool.

Congratulations on the upgrade completing successfully!

Is there any way to tone-down the Fisher-price theme?  Every post takes up a huge amount of screen real estate making following conversations a lot harder than it used to be.  Using latest stable of Google Chrome at full-screen on a 1080 monitor.

I'd agree. I use stylish with custom code to do that.

.ipsLayout_container {
  max-width: 1240px;

.site-header .wrap {
  max-width: 1200px;
  padding-right: 20px;
  padding-left: 20px;


Edited by Kenny Kanashimi Chu

What's it look like? And would you mind sharing it with the rest of us? :)

Alright. Here it is. A Steam inspired theme for Neowin

Select URL on this domain and write

I have not done any customization for the forum side yet as it just announced/released today. But I did get the width fixed to front page size.


body {
  color: #96A8C0;

.ipsLayout_container {
    max-width: 1240px;

.site-header .wrap {
  max-width: 1200px;
  padding-right: 20px;
  padding-left: 20px;

.wrapper {
  /* background-size: cover; */

  background: url( '' ) center top no-repeat #1b2838;

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  background-color: #171a21;
  box-shadow: 0 0 11px 1px #111;    

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  border-radius: 0px;   
  border: 2px solid rgb(52, 42, 51);

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  background-color: #171a21; 

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.nav-user-menu> {
  border-top: 1px solid rgba( 102, 192, 244, 1 );    

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  background: #1b2838;

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  color: #fff;   

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  color: #55B3EA;    

.news-item-meta a {
  color: #A6B0B6;

.category-bar, .widget-header, .widget-title, .trending-item, .comments-header, .comments-header .comments-title, .related-news .related-news-title {
  border-bottom: 1px solid rgba( 102, 192, 244, 1 );

.news-item-content {
  color: #96A8C0;

.button.button-primary, .button.submit {
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  background-color: #1A4157;
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  background-color: #1A4157;
  border-color: #2878c8;    

.more-button {
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  background-color: #1A4157;
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.more-button:hover {
  color: #67c1f5 !important;
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  border-color: #2878c8;

.article-header .article-meta .meta-comments .comment-link {
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  background-color: #1A4157;
  border-color: #2878c8; 

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  background-color: #1A4157;
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.comment-bubble:before {
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  background-color: #1A4157;
  border: 1px solid #2878c8;      

.quote {
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.comment-meta .author, .comment-content {
  color: #67c1f5 !important;

.wrap {
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footer-banner, .footer-top {
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  border-bottom: none;

.footer-top a {
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.footer-bot {
  background-color: #000000; 

.footer-bot a {
  color: #67c1f5; 

.footer-bot p {
  color: #8f98a0; 



Alright. Here it is. A Steam inspired theme for Neowin

Select URL on this domain and write

I have not done any customization for the forum side yet as it just announced/released today. But I did get the width fixed to front page size.

i don't see a link? what do you mean write   where?



PS. Quote system is pretty bad too, i could not quote you, and instead quoted stevenp.

Alright. Here it is. A Steam inspired theme for Neowin

Select URL on this domain and write

I have not done any customization for the forum side yet as it just announced/released today. But I did get the width fixed to front page size.


body {
  color: #96A8C0;

.ipsLayout_container {
    max-width: 1240px;

.site-header .wrap {
  max-width: 1200px;
  padding-right: 20px;
  padding-left: 20px;

.wrapper {
  /* background-size: cover; */

  background: url( '' ) center top no-repeat #1b2838;

.site-header {
  background-color: #171a21;
  box-shadow: 0 0 11px 1px #111;    

.nav-user .toggle-nav-user-menu .nav-user-avatar, .comment-avatar {
  border-radius: 0px;   
  border: 2px solid rgb(52, 42, 51);

.nav-user-menu {
  background-color: #171a21; 

.nav-user-menu>li>a var {
  background-color: #55B3EA;   

.nav-user-menu>li>a:hover {
  background-color: #171a21;
  color: #fff;

.nav-user-menu> {
  border-top: 1px solid rgba( 102, 192, 244, 1 );    

.news, .article, .comments, .related-news {
  /* background: #fff url( repeat-y top center; */
  background: #1b2838;

.category-bar .category-bar-title, .comments-header .comments-title {
  color: #fff;   

.category-bar, .news-item-title a, .category-bar-title, .widget-title, .widget-title a, .trending-item-title a, .community-item-topic, .article-header .article-title a, .article-header .article-title:hover, .related-news .related-news-title, .related-item .related-item-title a {
  color: #55B3EA;    

.news-item-meta a {
  color: #A6B0B6;

.category-bar, .widget-header, .widget-title, .trending-item, .comments-header, .comments-header .comments-title, .related-news .related-news-title {
  border-bottom: 1px solid rgba( 102, 192, 244, 1 );

.news-item-content {
  color: #96A8C0;

.button.button-primary, .button.submit {
  font-weight: 700;
  color: #67c1f5 !important;
  background-color: #1A4157;
  border-color: #2878c8;

.article-tags ul>li>a, .post-tag {
  color: #67c1f5 !important;
  background-color: #1A4157;
  border-color: #2878c8;    

.more-button {
  color: #67c1f5 !important;
  background-color: #1A4157;
  border-color: #2878c8;

.more-button:hover {
  color: #67c1f5 !important;
  background-color: #1A4157;
  border-color: #2878c8;

.article-header .article-meta .meta-comments .comment-link {
  color: #67c1f5 !important;
  background-color: #1A4157;
  border-color: #2878c8; 

.nav-search .search-wrapper .search-input {
  color: #67c1f5 !important;
  background-color: #1A4157;
  border: 1px solid #2878c8;   

.select-wrap .select {
  color: #67c1f5 !important;
  background-color: #1A4157;
  border: 1px solid #2878c8;     

.comment-bubble:before {
  /* background-color: #1A4157; */
  border-color: transparent #2878c8 transparent transparent;

.comment-bubble, .quote {
  color: #67c1f5 !important;
  background-color: #1A4157;
  border: 1px solid #2878c8;      

.quote {
  border-left: 4px solid #2878c8;                  

.comment-meta .author, .comment-content {
  color: #67c1f5 !important;

.wrap {
  /* background-color: #1e5078; */

footer-banner, .footer-top {
  background: #101822;

.footer-top h3 {
  color: #fff; 
  border-bottom: none;

.footer-top a {
  color: #C6D4DF; 

.footer-bot {
  background-color: #000000; 

.footer-bot a {
  color: #67c1f5; 

.footer-bot p {
  color: #8f98a0; 


Alright, I'll try it out when I get a chance. :)



i don't see a link? what do you mean write   where?



PS. Quote system is pretty bad too, i could not quote you, and instead quoted stevenp.

Yeah, there is a box where u write code and below that you have to select "Select URL on this domain" and the textbox next to it, write ""

I pretty much have the forum ready and just needs to do the last touches. Then I will release it again...

Congrats on the upgrade.


Unfortunately whilst being a peasant still @ 1080p, it seems like Neowin Forums is the new advertisement campaign for 4K displays!

  • Like 2

On MOBILE. there is no more "switch to desktop" link anywhere where i can see, and on the long threads, there is no "go to last page link"   so you have to manually press the page number button.

the page numbers showing are only like 5 pages, so to get to page 40 you have to press it 10! times.    impossible to use.

the normal forums are already large, and look designed for mobiles more then before.... why feed the mobiles a crippled version with less functionality.

also not working is forum spy....   gives me a error page.   so i  only have mini spy with 4 recent threads to see what is new.  makes it HIGHLY impractical to see the recent forum activity! :angry:


so, unless i am on a desktop, neowin forums are extremely unfriendly to use for me now :(

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