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On MOBILE. there is no more "switch to desktop" link anywhere where i can see, and on the long threads, there is no "go to last page link"   so you have to manually press the page number button.

the page numbers showing are only like 5 pages, so to get to page 40 you have to press it 10! times.    impossible to use.

the normal forums are already large, and look designed for mobiles more then before.... why feed the mobiles a crippled version with less functionality.

also not working is forum spy....   gives me a error page.   so i  only have mini spy with 4 recent threads to see what is new.  makes it HIGHLY impractical to see the recent forum activity! :angry:


so, unless i am on a desktop, neowin forums are extremely unfriendly to use for me now :(

These parts have never been friendly :devil:

  • Like 2

What happened to search? Before, when in a forum section, I was able to search just within it. Now, it searches everywhere, doesn't find what I want and doesn't show more than 1 page of results.


EDIT: Is someone keeping track of all the issues reported or will we have to repost once the upgrade is complete?

I still have to login twice, whenever I log in using the pop up from the main page.

Ditto. And there's been a lot of spam / personal attacks because of unregistered users being able to post.

Oh, and now my username is too large to fit in one row which is annoying.

  • Like 3

Ditto. And there's been a lot of spam / personal attacks because of unregistered users being able to post.

Oh, and now my username is too large to fit in one row which is annoying.


Name change time "theyarecomin4u"



Edited by Audioboxer

Er yeah the permissions were screwed up, also for members in certain forums. This has now been fixed (checking Staff groups now).

  • Like 2

Ditto. And there's been a lot of spam / personal attacks because of unregistered users being able to post.

Oh, and now my username is too large to fit in one row which is annoying.

Who are they coming for?   :o 


Now I will never know.... :cry:

I'm not usually blatantly pessimistic, but there seems to be more problems than there aren't with this new version. Between comments, quotes, editing, and I don't see a post number to click on next to each post. Seems to be a worse space waster as well. On mobile the side menu pops up all the time for no reason.

Again, sorry to seem negative about it.

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I can't seem to login on a mobile device, when I click login the box is blank. Running Lollipop and Chrome beta.


Workaround is to go into a topic and scroll to the bottom to login.

I know we came across more problems than we anticipated but the dev team are working on it, we also have IPS on call for some other (db related) issues. 

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So it's my turn to report bugs.

  • Forum Spy/Mini Spy took sometime to load if u are on other page instead of the main forum page.
  • Sync Google+ from profile settings is broken. The ability to use my profile pic and cover from G+ is not working.
  • Quote system works 90% but still sluggish.
  • Account Settings/Edit Profile what the difference?


Things we need:

  • We need to have the nav sticks to the top when you scroll just like before.
  • Bring notification to the front page again! So useful. (or Make Chrome extension)
  • A better way of connecting to IRC. Seems not work...

Lots of bugs on my Sony Z2 with Lollipop.  I'm unable to press the 'reply' button on replies to front page news and the general layout of forums is too big and misaligned on the normal forum.   First day in a long time that I've been able to post at all - didn't know if I should report or not as I'm sure you already have a lot to keep you all busy.  Appreciate this is probably tiring work! 

Yeah it is rather annoying..... I have just checked all my other reviews and they too are either missing more or less the entire thing or bits near the end or/and the format has completely messed up, hope this gets fixed.

Yep. Just hope the server don't delete anything in the process of converting.

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