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My girlfriend has been suffering with some eye problems over the last couple of years and while using the PC is still harsh at times we managed to tone down the brightness of dialog boxes in some of the applications she uses by changing the button colour and window backgrounds using the apperance dialog box.

Last night she upgraded to Windows 10 and that option has been removed, even where it was from Windows 8.

It seems we can't change any of the existing Win32 app's colour or appearances now.  Is there any rundll or control.exe or microsoft.personalities out there that'll get this dialog back up or is it gone? I already tried editing the registry manually but it's made no difference.

Even I'm finding the OS bright white a bit hard to see at times.

Image of the dialog box in question.


Is it not in the control Panel > Appearance and Personalisation section?

I've just switched to my mobile so can;t double check but i'm sure all that stuff is still in there.


Nope, it's not there.

In windows 10 it used to have buttons along the bottom of Control Panel\Appearance and Personalization\Personalization but now, they've all been removed along with the custom button that would normally take you to the dialog box.


I find it strange that Microsoft have removed this ability, granted not many people probably use it, but for the small selection of people that do need to, it's stripped them of it without an alternative, for what seems like enforcing their app theme, their consistency in their inconsistency. Oh well. I'll roll her machine back tomorrow.

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