File Explorer missing date modified at the bottom

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Hello everyone. I would like the very bottom portion of Windows 10 File Explorer to show more info. Currently when you highlight a file it's only showing "1 Item | 1 Item Selected | size". I would at least like the date modified in there.

This is a clean install of Windows 10, not an upgrade.

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Ya it doesn't do that.. For something like it you'll want to go View --> Details Pane, it adds a sidebar on right that'll list additional details (obviously)

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No there's a way to put the date modified in the very bottom strip. I see it on someone else's machine.

Edited by mightymo77
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Why in the world would Microsoft do that?

Because most people didn't need or use it. If you need the date, most people are using detailed view to begin with.

Not saying it was useless, but that's why it likely was removed/not added as they updated Explorer.

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You can use "OldNewExplorer" (downloadable at to move the "details pane" back to the bottom of Explorer windows (among other options), as it was in Windows 7 (see attached screenshot).

There is always a risk that using it could cause problems at some point, so use it at your own risk.


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